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Everything posted by RubyStar

  1. I don't think RV was literally offering her donation, I think she was suggesting just pay full price for your entry as a donation to the club :p Or something to that affect! Edit: or maybe she was Some people send cash. If the entry fee is a flat $10 then that makes it easier to stash a tenner in the envelope. I've never done the cash thing myself, though.
  2. Yeah BankWest suck for cheques. They not only charge you an account keeping fee, but put their cheque withdrawals up from $1 to $1.50. I opened a free account with NAB online and get free cheques to boot! So my NAB cheque account is purely for trial fees. Money Orders are a rip
  3. Oh good, then Millie hasn't beaten Ruby to something else afterall!! :p And to think of all that trouble you guys had getting Jenna's last AD pass, and now she's an Ag Ch too!!
  4. They could just hold them in conjunction with a normal obedience trial at the Canine grounds could they not? They held the old Gundog ability tests there one year during the Lab Nationals in 2007. Dummies could be thrown into the scrub down the bottom oval. And in winter the lower oval is usually under water :D
  5. I wonder if her CDX title certificate that is currently being printed will state Ag. Ch Milliemoo CDX <--- now that that is written out, it looks pretty darn good! Her first ever title certificate said she was (AI) - yep, my Associate Registered dog was bred by artificial insemination.
  6. What can I say? My training method ROCKS You all want to be me.
  7. Good old Canine News - always reporting the truth :D Was she still also born 1/1/1900?
  8. Is anyone by any chance looking to do an online order for dog stuff soon? The Vet Shed have 10% Filtabac (for Millie's nose) but I don't really want to be paying $6.50 for shipping of a tiny tube! So if anyone is looking to do an order perhaps we can combine http://www.thevetshed.com.au/buy/flita-bac-120gm/FILTA120 I can't find this stuff at City Farmers or Better Pets
  9. Thanks for clarifying. I was just going off what I am sure I had read in this thread and didn't actually go and look at the rules Saying that though, do you think clubs would opt for birds when dummies are acceptable? Less hassle to just make competitors bring their own dummies, and we all know the less organisation involved the better to get things off the ground! Edit: I'm not fussed either way, though. Just means I have to convince Millie to pick a bird up, not look at me with a look of horror that says "but mum, it's dead!"
  10. Did they?? The retrieving club put on a demo at the training days earlier in the year (unfortunately I missed it due to another commitment). I think there are a couple of judges qualified to judge it now, but I am not sure why we haven't had one yet. My guess is the possibility of lack of entries But I don't really know. Fingers crossed we get some held next year! Oh and I am pretty sure only dummies are used in RATG, not birds.
  11. Oh Buggar the video is in my FB I cant seem to be able to relocate it so I can get it on here Maybe try setting the video settings in FB to public?
  12. There's a few results up now (but no idea if they were up before ) Do the sporting dogs get results put up normally?
  13. Okie doke. Just hope I have time next year to keep up with classes
  14. Fair enough, but I was looking forward to having a buddy in class!
  15. I thought puppy class 2 was for pups 6 months and over? So you won't be in my class with Pippa, then? Pippa has had her first schnauzer haircut and she doesn't look like Pippa anymore - she looks like a, gasp, schnauzer!!!! She's got such a tiny head because her body still has baby fluff so they didn't clip that yet.
  16. I'm usually like that too, but something in me must have changed in the past 2 years because I have been hit with the lurgy whenever I have come near someone with it, when prior to that I have rarely gotten sick! My diet hasn't changed, nor my exercise level (both have always been pretty bad ) - maybe I'm just getting.... OLD
  17. Thanks Tiggy! Feel better soon. I think every second person is sick right now. The train is a germ-fest! My team at work has all been sick, plus my family, and a lot of the dog community I know have also been sick. Are we more prone to getting sick coming out of winter?
  18. Best of luck everyone, that doesn't sound too pleasant to me! Does anyone know if the Canine News is due out this month or next?
  19. This is my plan too, but the sucky part about summer training is no cover to practice with! Damn you snakies While I have heaps I can do on ovals, Ruby still needs to gain confidence in hunting in cover and not give up so easily
  20. I think our new Canine News (equivalent to your Gazette) is due out this month. I think I too get excited when a new one arrives
  21. I was hoping to enter UD either end of the year or early next year while night trials are on (no way I think they could go that long in a UD ring in the heat/sun!) but we are nooooo way going to be ready! UD needs a LOT of tweaking So we might not make our UD debut until about this time next year. Boo!!!! In the meantime, I will just keep putting the girls in Open in the night time trials. I think I am a little over trialling during the day Night time trials are good because you can relax your nerves with a little
  22. Can't see it, murve! E+H, there is definitely no rush! He's only a little baby. Dogs have to be a minimum of 6 months to enter an obedience trial (18 months for agility), but there aren't many dogs who would be ready (physically and mentally) by 6 months (there might be a few exceptions but I'd say they are few and far between). Don't underestimate what is required even for a CCD trial on lead, it's a fair bit of time for a dog to go without praise and rewards and to pay attention in heelwork. Definitely watch some youtube clips for a better picture of where you want to be heading with your training if you can't get to a club (I think there's a link to mine in my profile). It is doable, but take baby steps and I am sure Hudson will kick butt in the obedience ring when he's ready :D He sure is a little cutie I must say ;) Been stalking your photos in the Aussie thread!
  23. Ruby and I are looking for a Novice Strategic Pairs partner for the ACWA trial on the 30th October, is anyone interested? She is a 500 height dog but I think the new rules state that she can partner with a 600 dog and they both jump 500, or she can partner with a 400 dog and they both jump 400. So if there are any 400, 500 or 600 height dogs out there willing to have a go, please let me know! She needs one more pass Thanks!
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