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Everything posted by RubyStar

  1. Kyzer I can laugh because Millie eats fabric, too, and she doesn't discriminate between fabrics, either. Towels, beds and blankets are on the top of her menu
  2. Sorry to hear about all the other doggies needing some extra special attention. Hugs to all of them!!
  3. Millie is at the vet and I am awaiting a phone call update to let me know how it went. They said the surgery will probably take place before lunch. Poor girl hates the vet. Vet nurse wasn't able to walk her out the back as I waved goodbye at the door, so I had to walk her back there. Then when she wouldn't get in the kennel, I had to pick her up and put her in A warning that she eats blankets, a few kisses goodbye and I was on my way. Please let me hear some good news soon!! What/where is Rivergum?
  4. Wow guys, thanks so much for more critiquing, I honestly appreciate it!! Any volunteers to go through my entire youtube channel and pick my other agility videos to bits to help me improve? I love getting picked to bits with obedience as it helps me improve, so I welcome constructive criticism for agility, too, seeing we don't really train all that often or get much help! I will try not to turn into the dog when we approach weaves, I think that is a very valid point. I will give her more distance and keep my shoulders facing forward, shall I also keep my arm outstretched until she gets the entry? I have done practice with weaves sending her down a line of jumps, to a U shaped tunnel at the end, with weaves as soon as she exits the tunnel. As OSS said, it is like attaching a rocket backpack to the dog But she nailed it many times, so I know she is capable! Interestingly, when I did those, I ran straight past the weaves and she didn't hit her entry until I was about half way up the weaves. Admittedly, I am too scared to do that in a trial. Yep, guilty your honour, for trialling different to training!
  5. Yes, definitely displacement behaviour, which is why I am guessing she is finding weave entries overwhelming and using the sniffing as an avoidance measure. Not sure why she is stressed, she has a ball out there and I don't come down on her if she does something wrong. She might just be sensitive and even the slightest slump of my shoulders sets her off.... but she started that sniffing in that video before she had actually done anything wrong. So who knows! If only they could talk, huh
  6. Thanks OSS. I love Millie's weaves, compared to Ruby's at least Sadly, she does sniff at other points, but the weaves are the point in which she does it the most.
  7. Thanks for your thoughts, too! Interesting about me dropping my arm, as that is what I always do. Maybe I need to be more aware of my signal for weaves. Looks like I have some experimenting to do! :) Appreciate everyone's input! I am such an agility noob with no real handling system (unless "point and pray" counts? :laugh:) so to get constructive criticism is awesome, thankyou!
  8. Oh and I mentioned to the vet today at Millie's consult about Ruby's leg hotspot from being shaved. Vet gave me a small sample of neocort for it, and didn't charge me because it was their fault. I asked them not to shave Millie tomorrow, and they said they won't unless she needs an IV drip. I then opted for the extra fluids during surgery so they said they have to shave My girls are going to be the patch sisters with matching shaved patches on their arms Millie just wanted in on the action, too
  9. Please send get well vibes to my Millie Moo! My poor girl is having surgery tomorrow to have another tumour cut from her mouth. Also needing 2 teeth removed to scrape as much of the nasty cells out to reduce chances of regrowth. This is her 2nd one. All I can say is, thank goodness for pet insurance (if they pay out that is!) Between both dogs, I have needed to fork out around $1200 in the past fortnight! Holy cow!!
  10. Thanks for the weave feedback and tips I did try and let her find it herself, obviously I was still a bit too close I was at the start line pointing at the weaves and saying "go weave" to warn her up front weaves were coming - didn't work I didn't lead out as far as I normally would as I wanted her to drive ahead to find the entry. She just totally bypassed it for a sniff, so I am thinking she is perhaps finding weave entries on a course just a bit too overwhelming. I will keep at it! That was her weaker weaving side (some of you may remember me posting for advice when we were learning when she wouldn't weave past the second weave on that side but would go further on the other side). Last night at training, weaving on that side, she constantly pulled out around weave 10. Put her through on the opposite side and she zoomed through all no probs :rolleyes: I'm not the only one who has a dog who has stronger weaves on a particular side, am I?
  11. So Millie's contacts on the dogwalk at training last night were interesting, to say the least. Our first night back training and first real time in a class. If I look back at her, she stops dead in her tracks, even if it means sitting in the colour. Oh dear So instead, all night I just kept running without looking back until the last second (didn't stop running to look) and every time she ran to the end of the contact. I guess I am lucky that she doesn't want to jump off the end of the dogwalk so doesn't miss her dogwalk contacts, but I fear if I keep running without putting proper rules in place it may eventually creep in. I would prefer to have a solid 2o2o in place so she can keep running to the end and stop regardless of me stopping or running, so it's back to basics again! May do the back feet thing with her while I do it with Pippa. Here is our trial from the weekend. We have huge issues with weave entries as part of a course and I have to get on top of this sniffing diversion she is starting to do. But it demonstrates her dogwalk as what I am trying to explain above :) I am really quite happy with her enthusiasm and she is a blast to run, when she isn't making her own course up!!!! I'm looking forward to more classes with her and hopefully getting better :)
  12. Just a quick idea off the top of my head. Can you try starting them off walking backwards between your legs so your legs are a guide? My dogs can walk backwards between my legs and beside me now with a guide on the other side (such as a wall) to keep them straight, but I'm yet to try without a guide as I am not actively training for it. I know they can take a few steps backwards next to me in heel position without a guide (as I am testing their understanding of heel position) but I haven't pushed for more. They can also walk backwards facing me, but can't stay straight
  13. No you wouldn't, ness. They would get to your parents and less than 24 hours later you would be missing them like crazy ;)
  14. Dogs. Cause us much grief but we still can't live without 'em. :)
  15. I get a renewal letter in the post. Call them back and request one. They can't expect you to drive all the way down there, you're not exactly local. Then you can post off your renewal (or fax/email it) with your payment. Just another thought, you can also email them to ask them. I do most of my enquiries via email with DogsWest.
  16. I'm trying to teaching Fly a rear feet on method, as opposed to a 2o2o. I basically want her body horizontal, rather that at an angle in her contact position. I'll let you know in about 2 years if it works! Anyway, here is video so far... Looking good!! Did you start teaching her to find the plank with her back feet via shaping/luring/other? And did you start on that plank or on something different? I'm tempted to start the back feet on an actual piece of wood or plank so she doesn't get confused with front feet on a book or smaller object for pivot work.
  17. Your headstone will read "i-squeak and esky trend setter" ;) I keep pinching mum's lunch box cooler bag with soft sides so this one will be most welcome
  18. Thanks RosieFT, I saw that list, too, hence me asking in case someone had a direct or sneaky email that isn't listed on the website
  19. Does anyone know if Murdoch vet has an email to contact them on? I phoned them yesterday requesting Ruby's history be sent and they said no probs they would email it to me. Still haven't received it! So they either forgot or got the email address wrong. I really hate calling and to have to call twice for the same thing sucks (yeah I know, what a sook!) So I was hoping to email them instead to follow up :)
  20. Thanks for the reply, Tassie :) I did think about shaping the back feet, but I have been shaping the front feet onto a box so I could start some pivot/back end awareness work for obedience for her. So I'm worried about confusing the poor girl by drastically changing the criteria for something that looks like the same exercise, and then losing the behaviour for both! She's up to both front paws on a phone book and duration is up to only a few seconds to date. I want that DVD!!! But I am terribly broke so trying to stop myself from buying more dog things Let me know how you find it!! If it's any good I might have to beg, borrow and steal so I can afford to buy it
  21. I find it interesting that the reasons for some people not, is because their love for their children is more. That's a no brainer, of course the love for a human child would be out of this world more, and none of us that call our dogs our kids are disputing that. My mum has 3 children and I'm sure she loves us more than her dog :laugh: but she does call her dog her baby and calls her her mum. If/when I ever have human kids, I don't think I'll stop calling myself mum to my dogs. I just see it as a term of endearment, and a bit of lighthearted amusement :)
  22. I'm looking forward to agility training tonight! I am back in classes with Moo as we really need them
  23. Hi guys, I didn't want to start a new thread just for this so I am hoping this doesn't get lost! :) I'm hoping to get some ideas on the different ways you all teach contacts? I want to start teaching Pippa (mini schnauzer) 2o2o contacts on a plank on the ground, but really don't know where to start. While I can't think of a time Millie has ever missed a contact, they certainly are not consistent in the way in which she executes them and I had no real training plan with them (obviously). I don't want to start Pippa on contacts until I have a plan, I don't want to just wing it like I have with my own dogs. From memory I think I lured them mostly, and clicked when they were in position. I'm aware of the nose target at the end of a plank, but am looking for ways others have trained it so I can decide which method I'd like to try. If you have videos to back up what you're explaining, even better! I really hope some of you can offer me some advice, thanks in advance!! :)
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