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Everything posted by RubyStar

  1. Thanks, JRG, but I'm really after a game bag :) Not urgent obviously, I haven't even trialled yet and it will probably be a future dog that will see me attempt Restricted, not my current test guinea pig Poor Ruby
  2. Anyone know of anyone in WA that sell/make game bags?
  3. You visited the retrieving trials? I went the past 2 years but didn't go this year Why were there kelpie pups at a gundog affair? :p mirawee, I'd have all dogs, pup included, harnessed on the backseat and all crates folded away safely in the back!
  4. Well done gspx3, that's quite a brag, well done! What level is she competing at?
  5. Great post! There are two separate issues here that people are mixing up. One is treating your dogs like human children which is what that other threads OP was doing, and then there's affectionately referring to your dogs as your kids but still respectfully treating them like dogs. Why is it so hard to "get" and why does it freak people out that some people fall into latter? I don't have any mental issues (that I know of :laugh:) and I certainly know the difference between treating my dogs like dogs and kids like kids, but if it makes my day brighter by calling my dogs my kids then why does that trouble others so? Any human activities I lavish on them are purely for my benefit (like giving them a birthday cake, and yes I do do that) - I'm well aware that my dogs don't think and feel like humans and have no flippin' idea what the free treat and fuss was for! :laugh: Their dog needs are met first and foremost. The rest is for my benefit/amusement and I don't believe that means I am belittling my dogs! Edit: my reply isn't directly aimed at you Teebs, its just the last one I read that says what other ones are saying that I wanted to respond to :)
  6. Hi RS - Can you please let me know the name for the Patty Ruzzo DVD you are referring too? I've bored Zazu with paddock bashing too, and don't want to make the same mistake with Kyte. Competition Basics :)
  7. Not sure mollipop but I'd be interested on where to get one, too :) Well done on your go in restricted! A place I can only ever dream of lol!!
  8. Lol yes i saw Gibbs rd thats the exit i take to get to Debs place now that she moved from Shelley :) didnt see Mason Rd though... It's right before where we turn off into Kwinana Beach Road.
  9. I don't understand what people mean when they refer to dogs being treated as children. Are we talking dogs eating at the dinner table, wearing clothes, sleeping in a cot kind of thing? It just doesn't make sense. If anybody truly treats their dogs like children then I think there must be some mental imbalance, but all the things RV listed above, and then some, are just part of being a good dog owner. Edit: I just briefly skimmed a few pages of the thread that urged the creation of this one, so I think I understand the dogs treated as children, thing. Um nope, I don't treat my dogs like children, they are treated very well just like dogs, but sue me if I still want to lovingly nickname them as my kids!
  10. I haven't read the replies to this thread, but for me, yes I call my dogs my kids, but they still get treated like dogs. They sleep in the laundry at night (or on my bedroom floor), are not allowed on beds or furniture, eat dog food outside in a dog bowl, are not allowed to beg humans for food, pee/poop outside on the lawn, get walked on a lead, are disciplined and trained, and are loved and receive hugs and affection from me. I don't see it as unhealthy to treat them like dogs but love them so much that I affectionately refer to them as my kiddies.
  11. MG, not sure what direction you come to the beach, but on my way there is Gibbs Rd and Mason Rd
  12. Thanks for a lovely morning, MG and Weasels! My girls had a ball :) No pukies or the runs with my two! Hope Mason and Chess feel better now! Bathed the dogs when I got home and now they are shiny and clean :D Love clean puppies, I'm just too lazy to bath them too often
  13. Ditto. Guess its just me and MG then! :laugh:
  14. A pocket with treats in the left pocket delivers the treat at the precise moment just as well, if not better, than a good food treat pouch. Less fumbling
  15. I can't do Saturday, either Got a lot of stuff to do around the house, and have a trip to Ikea planned I can do Monday, is anyone else free that day? Otherwise I can still go Sunday and meet whoever else still wants to go on Sunday.
  16. Geez mirawee you make it sound suss! I'm just busy busy, and like amypie, not a whole lot to say really!
  17. Another vote for pockets here. My pockets are pretty stained from containing treats, but they are pants especially for training so I don't care! I often find dried up bits of treats in the pockets. Sometimes the following winter when I get my training jacket out, I will find poo bags and manky, dried treats from last year!
  18. jrm88, there are certainly better people on here to advise, but thought I'd throw in my 2 cents worth. I have had some success with my recent 2 dogs with teaching heel by frequent rewarding in heel position (stationary position) to build up value for being there. Then take a step or two and keep the rewards coming, reward every step if need to (which is a good idea if the dog is only just learning or is totally bored by heeling - but I don't lure when walking). Then if I got in too late with rewarding before my dog looks away/got distracted, I run away in the opposite direction, every time they look away! They sure as heck notice me running away and then run after me, and as soon as they catch up and hit heel position, reward! It becomes a game and helps them understand to pay attention. You can also use a similar approach by throwing treats away from you and keep walking and then when they come back and find heel position, reward, heel a few more steps, then throw another bit. If you have access to the Patty Ruzzo DVD where she talks about heeling, I highly recommend it. It's her approach I've taken for dogs after I bored Ruby, my first obedience dog, to tears with paddock-bashing style heeling. It's worked wonders with my second Lab, and my newest project, my mum's mini schnauzer
  19. I should be able to make it :) 9-9.30am sounds good for me! :laugh: I'll hopefully drag mum along again so she can bring Pippa. My two are dog snobs (yes they are Labs!) and usually prefer to stick with each other (or fellow Labs) and take in the scenery as opposed to playing, but they are friendly :) Pippa, however, luuuuuurves to play with dogs of all sizes She's very friendly, too :)
  20. Yes, I do obedience, agility and a bit of retrieving with my Lab girls. They are kept lean as I wouldn't want a heavy dog to jump too much. My yellow Lab is show lines and while she is kept lean and is physically able to play in agility, she lacks the drive that working line Labs have around here. She's a lot of fun to work with and she loves it, and she's managed a few ribbons in agility - but those are thanks to being the only dog to keep her bars up or not go off course, not because she outruns them all :laugh: My other Lab is a rescue so I am not sure of her heritage. However, she has a heck of a lot more get up and go than my other one. She is an absolute hoot to compete with. She's got more speed on her than my other one (I just let the team down with my very novice handling skills!) Excuse the bad handling and the errors we make, but here is a look at a Lab doing agility if you're interested:
  21. I'd love to see video of Waldo, he sounds like he's doing great! :) Pippa is about 10 months I think. Born June 2011 from memory. She likes to destroy mum and dad's reticulation and dig a few holes :laugh: But that's about the extent of her destructo behaviour. I'll see about getting some video of her heeling progress at some stage.
  22. A bit of "wildlife"? Says she who sleeps in the comfort of a caravan!! :laugh: Oooh where do I book a piece of floor in this house - that has a shower and toilet?!!! Yeah would probably be a bit early I will give this weekend a miss with everything I need to do, but plan on attending more trials this year so will help out where I can :)
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