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Everything posted by RubyStar

  1. Puppy Sniffer, you got lawn to grow from just clippings and not runners?
  2. Kikuyu is forgiving and will grow back even after it dies off after no summer watering But it grows at a ferocious rate at the times of year growth is usually best and needs to be mowed weekly! And it looks ghastly without a mow. The grass blades grow excessively long and upwards so it looks like a jungle unless you manicure it religiously. Mine doesn't grow well in certain spots, but I think my soil is to blame. It has loads of metal rocks in it so is probably burning the roots. But parts of it is overtaking my garden beds. I won't lay kikuyu again, hate the stuff! The only thing going for it is how forgiving it is if it dies off. It's ugly as hell and too much maintenance involved to make it not look ugly!
  3. I didn't realise they were only around $25, so on my next Bunnings trip I will pick some up. Sounds like something good to have sitting around anyway so I will probably keep them, sorry ST!
  4. I have Kikuyu too and in summer it dies (because it really doesn't get watered!), in autumn and spring it grows like crazy and needs to be mowed every week! In winter it's quite green, the growth slows down, but still needs a mow maybe once a fortnight or so. The annoying part about this grass is the way it grows upwards so easily and makes the yard look so messy, but outwards in my crappy soil, not so much. I still have gaps that it won't close!! Laid this one (as shredded) because it was meant to grow really well, but never again.
  5. Excuse the spelling errors in my last two posts. Stupid iPhone!
  6. Oh and my grass is growing very slowly in winter as you'd imagine, however, summer time kills my grass and I can't wait any longer to fix the stupid gaping hole so I have nothing to lose my trying to grow some runners! At least they didn't cost me anything :)
  7. RosieFT, yep that does work as I've put wire down on the grass under my apricot tree and it deterred Millie from digging in it and the grads finally grew. But the tree gives that area too much shade so isn't looking too healthy again. The area I have to cover would be a tricky shape to get the wire down and I am really hoping for an easier solution with a barrier
  8. Did I say I wanted to keep certain Labbies off it? Argh!! :laugh:
  9. Hi guys, I'm wondering of anybody has any of those wire compost thingies that double as a dog barrier that they aren't currently using that I could possibly borrow for a month or two? I am patching up a massive hole in my yard that was once a tree, and planting grass over the top (runners from the existing lawn). I want to keep certain Labbies off it until the grass roots takes hold a bit! If anyone can help, I'd be very grateful, thanks!!
  10. Thanks, TSD. The vet is all booked up this week, so the earliest they could fit her in where I could get her there is Friday 20th She seems fine, the ear thing isn't new, but it would be nice to finally give her some relief! We've got a trial this weekend which I will probably still do, then her "surgery" next week gives her the weekend trial free :) She isn't being cut open obviously so recovery time isn't like a normal surgery, but being under GA, suppose she needs time to feel herself again. I will also ask if getting her ears wet (swimming) is something I should avoid for a while or not, and if so, I'll have to rethink the rest of this season. But her ears go like that regardless of moist ears from swimming, so it might not make a difference. Questions for the vet next week!!
  11. I voted NSW purely because they don't have dog number restrictions, and lifetime registration! The way it SHOULD be!!!
  12. Weaving through dogs in beginner class was traumatic for me and my boisterous Lab pup. Many tears shed at club training, let me tell you!!
  13. My trialling dogs would fail that beginners list :) Sit still while strangers approach? Pffft!!!! Oh and get tethered and stay calm? Big fat fail for Millie :p
  14. I'm hoping after her ear flush and medication she will discover this new found "joy" as she's had problem ears for so long, she's probably gotten used to the awful discomfort it is surely causing her! I'm kicking myself I didn't encourage her verbally on her first run last week. Sitting back and reflecting, I think she stressed at the challenge of going down that bank and back to me, and took it out on the bird Keep at it with Mason like I am with Ruby :) I'm glad to hear you'll be trialling Gibbs, but please do trial Mason as well!!
  15. Happy Birthday, Gibbs!!! You surely got spoilt with that stash! I'd love too, but won't charge as it's purely a hobby - so long as you don't mind waiting a few weeks for editing :laugh: Although I have done the herding ones now, so that's one lot ticked off :) With regards to the ear problem, have you ever tried Thornits? I highly recomend it :) http://www.thornitearpowder.com/ Hey CC, awesome, thanks! And of course I don't mind waiting Let me know when you are free and we'll try to work out a nice scenic place to take some snaps :D As for the ear powder, I've heard of it, but no vets have ever said it is mites, it's wax and infection from some underlying allergy yet to be determined. I think the only thing I can do for her right now is just get them flushed. Will ring up tomorrow and book. Thanks, though! I always thought it was normal for ears to get mucky every now and then, especially in floppy eared breeds like Labs who swim, but the derm vet made me realise it's not normal and she's right, Millie never gets mucky ears and her ear canals are smaller! My poor girl, I can only imagine that she's gotten used to the constant discomfort in her ears all this time, I am hoping the ear flush gives her some nice relief!!!!
  16. I found a use for my thundershirt. Cutting nails on a dog who goes berserk when you go near her feet! On went the thundershirt, and she just stood there while I trimmed a nail I doubled it with a soft muzzle so the combination of both calmed her right down. She looked funny, like she was in a straight jacket and the muzzle was slightly bent so she looked like she'd gone crazy and I was about to chuck her into a padded cell
  17. Way to go, Whiz :D I'm (not so) secretly bummed she won't be having any more litters, she's an awesome little dog :) Ruby and I will be back soon. I didn't "wag" this weekend because of last weekends hard mouth issues (though it didn't help with the motivation ) but I won't let it deter me. Keeping at it! Back to frozen bird in a sock and "hold" exercises. Her confidence has increased beyond what I hoped for this season which makes me :D I just wish she was a bit softer mouthed. But she's always been mouthy, even though she carries soft toys around and doesn't put a dent in them!
  18. Just read the fantastic news on AWRC - way to go, fetchindawgs!!!!!!! You and your dogs are on fire!
  19. Congrats TSD on another win with Em! Oooh what's the exciting news? Hurry up FD!! How did you go on the weekend, Livertreats? I had my car all packed ready to go, but had to bail at last minute because Ruby wasn't up to it. Her ears have become infected again so I felt guilty about making her swim and be out in the cold, so this week we'll be looking at getting them flushed. Sigh! I reckon she thinks I go to work just to pay for all her vet visits!!! I'm hoping she's raring to go again on Sunday :)
  20. That just proves that the older they are, the better they are! And the new ones suck :p
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