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  1. Baz is fed twice a day, on mix of dry and chicken mince (spoilt, wife bought him the premium pet mince by mistake looks like pure breast :rolleyes: ) Diet should be fine, he's not completely fixed on the metal objects, just a like & a chew here and there. As I said probably just being overprotective.
  2. Hi All, Probably overconcerned parent here, but just been noticing that Baz (our Staffy boy - 11weeks) has developped a bit of a fetish for metal objects and is licking them all over the backyard. Now I know that babies/young kids seem to put anything in their mouths, and assume that this is not disimilar for Staffy pups (as they definitely think they are human). Should I be concerned? It doesn't go on for long, more inquisitive I think?? Cheers Ben
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