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Everything posted by ChrisD

  1. Hi MEH 1 - Coz it was free 2nd time around if you submitted a video to SG's facebook page. 2 - The 1st time through saw a HUGE increase in focus on me, and improved recalls through playing the games.. it really was 5 minutes a day.. so easy, so little time for such a huge change. I'm not expecting such a huge change this time, but more fine tuning. We are still a work in progress, bunnies are still a level 10 distraction that I cant call Toby away from, but at least everything else on the distraction list has dropped a couple of levels. And the course gives you the tools to make a plan to deal with those distractions.. its finding a controlled bunny I'm having problems with :-) 3 - Yes, you could play the games on your own every day, but its nice having a group of like minded people all playing the same game that same day, makes you feel part of a great group, and you get to hear so many different answers to the 1 problem 4 - You get to "meet" other dog people, not just in Aus, but around the world, some are on other groups or email lists that I'm on and the names are familiar - hopefully I can find someone in Melbourne who wants to meet up and play some games. I'm also with MRB.. the amount of info on the site is amazing.. hours and hours of study!!
  2. I'm doing it 2nd time around.. Loving the games! It's an awesome course.
  3. In Melbourne, I know we have the "Ideal Dog of Australia" certification (IDA). You can get reduced Council fees if you've passed the course. Similar to CGC. Organised by the Kinata Club, http://www.kintala.com.au/ but I did my test with the Victorian Animal Aid training school (K9 Kompany) http://www.k9kompany.com.au/ Regards Chris
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