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He is an Aussie Cattle Dog. So far its happened across the road from my home and at the beach. At beach a dog ran up to him and they were sniffing each other, the other dog growled and then it was on,5 minutes later another dog came up and they were happy as larry with each other!! Weird... Now i dont let him off the lead, outside until he has been introduced to other dog with me there Have a think about what ACDs were bred to do - strangers (dog or human) aren't generally something that they would be expected to tolerate. If you haven't worked on a bombproof recall, now's the time. Your dog is less likely to get into spats if you can get him to return to your side when other dogs approach. Dogs differ, their attitudes differ and clearly your dog is not going to tolerate challenges from others. I think a professional could help you not only to read your dog (and others) but to give you some strategies to manage this perfectly natural behaviour. In the meantime, keep him away from strange dogs. And call the behaviour what it is - aggression. Accepting that that's what you're dealing with is the first step to managing it. You're not alone. Plenty of dogs aren't welcoming to any and every strange dog that comes along. As I said mature entire males and other entire males definitely tend to be more explosive. Dog is desexed. I think i called it that in my opening post...
He is an Aussie Cattle Dog. So far its happened across the road from my home and at the beach. At beach a dog ran up to him and they were sniffing each other, the other dog growled and then it was on,5 minutes later another dog came up and they were happy as larry with each other!! Weird... Now i dont let him off the lead, outside until he has been introduced to other dog with me there
Hi all... Need some help... my dog, who is 2 and half is becoming more aggresive with other dogs. He is fine and loves playing with dogs that he knows but as soon as he sees another dog he goes into defense mode and if that dog approaches him he becomes aggressive! This is only happening recenlty, before this he would play with any dog he could find! Why could this be? anything i can do to get him through this? Cheers!
Lately my dog has been coughing alot and trying to bring something up but nothing happens... He is breathing fine, eating fine, drinking fine etc... but what could this be? Cheers
I have been told that ginger tablets can help with car sickness... has anyone tried this before and has it worked for their dog? If so, how much do you give them? No matter where we go our dog will throw up in the car...
Photos are in the ACD thread now...
Yes i must get onto posting some pics...
Hi guys, can report that the littel fella is doing well know... we were that excited when we seen his first 'normal' poo sunday morning... He is on soem anitbiotics - vet thought it may be an intestinal problem bu tnothing too major... cheers for all your concerns
Can provide a mini update on my boys situation... He wasnt interested in eating anythign this morning but has just recently eaten all his biscuits form breakfast and then some... He also hasnt had the runs since 7.30 this morning... Hopefully htese are positive signs and perhaps he just a bug or an upset tummy... fingers crossed.
Who gave you a pup with diarrhoea. Why wait until 6mths for microchipping or desexing?? Desexing should have been PRIOR to leaving the rescues care (after pups tummy complaint was completely resolved)... same with the microchip.... Did you take him to the vet? He is going to the vet this afternoon
I can not fault the rescue place as all the dogs seemed in great care and the rescuer was a lovely person. The rescuer has already paid for his desexing and microchipping, we just need to take him in onc ehe is 6 months old. He seems like a little battler so im hopeful he'll be fine.
I think the OP means the pup had runny poo for a few days before he was picked up by macdog3 and the rescue lady said it was due to eating a kangaroo leg he found on the property. Macdog3, I hope the pup is OK and this isn't the start of something nasty. Get well vibes are being sent his way. Correct and no he has not been desexed.
Ok cheers and sorry for posting the topic 3 times - not sure what happened there
Since we bought our puppy home a week ago he has had runny poos. The rescue place we got him from said he has had them for a couple of days and she thought it may be becuase he found a kangaroo leg on the farm he was on... Last night he was up every two hours with runny poos and this morning i noticed, what looked like a little bit of blood in it. I am taking him to the vet thi safternoon...should i be worried???
He is an Stumpy tailed cattle dog, we rescued him from a shelter. At max he will need to be in the laundry for a max of 6 hours... Is there any age where they should be let outside or does it not matter? I'm sure he would prefer to be in the yard exploring and running around with his toys...