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Everything posted by :ange:

  1. I'm going to go against the Olympus cameras here.. I have owned two one when they first came out and the second was the 'big daddy' one that's capabale of going 10m. The reason why I'm going against them is that they break REALLY REALLY EASY!!! Both of my cameras died within 4-6 months of using them. Even after treating them very carefully and how they manufacturer tells you to. Some places refuse to stock the Olympus cameras anymore because of the amount of people bringing them back. If you do buy from JB hi-fi get the extended warranty plan - I can't reccommend that enough. My big-daddy camera is currently being repaired as the on-off button has stopped working, and I think the seals have broken down - finding water in some compartments. I agree with kja and they do produce some noisy pictures, but if your just using it for average shots underwater they seem ok.. Here's one photo take with no zoom used. You start using them zoom and you will get noise.. If your friend wants good quality photos take a look at Kja's blog and you will see some amazing underwater photography!! THere is another camera available that has just been released which I am keen to try.. I think it's Panasonic Lumix or something. Not sure of the price though.. Good luck!!
  2. Which one is your local beach ST? I might have to take a drive down.. I know Ruby LOVES swimming but is terrified of dumping waves.. Really wanted to try and get Max in for a swim!
  3. Has anyone been to this dog beach and can reccommend it? I'm looking for a beach that has no waves (like Rockingham beach but not as far) so my young dog can get introduced to the water without big waves dumping on him... Was going to take him to Riverside Gardens but I thought I would try for somewhere I could also swim as well (not a fan of swimming in the river)..
  4. She's hungry I would say.. my dogs don't do it all the time. Just if something has disturbed their eating habits (or I'm sitting her on DOL instead of dishing breakfast out ) I wouldn't worry too much.. if she's still interested in food, drinking etc. If it contines and doesn't sort itself out I'd probably get her seen.
  5. My dogs vomit yellow liquid if they are hungry.. she could be hungry? It could possibly be the worming treatment that's upset her tummy..
  6. Glad it's not just me being a bad sport then.. PooCow, will probably get to meet you next year at some point with my boy. We're moving to country NSW (home) from WA but will try and get up to Sydney every month or so just to look and get in with the 'bigger' competition.. Can't wait!! Have already befriended Sugar the Wei's mama and are looking forward to meeting her as her girl and my boy are from the same breeder!!
  7. We had another show last night.. does anyone ever come away feeling disappointed and a bit grumbly with the judge. Boy I did last night - I know it's all part of the showring but it's hard not to feel like you weren't given a fair go!! I was barely allowed to stack him properly before the judge came and rough handled him, the for group line-up I barely stepped into the ring and it was awarded. Just made me go "Why did I bother?!" Oh well.. back tomorrow for another try - hopefully we'll get around the ring this time!
  8. The rest of the post meant he roached even worse when hand stacking - not just the fact I didn't want to reward for roaching - If I hand stacked him inside he will tense up and make the roach even worse. I realise he's not roaching to annoy me.. I KNOW there's a problem there, which is why we're doing Bowen PF, did you see the above stacked picture? (Not sure if you read through other posts or not) He's not A-framing in that one much and can see his topline far better.. The roach is still there. As said in previous post, I'm really strict about his exercise, he's a bit of a flying monkey and leaps and throws himself about with my older bitch when they are together. They are never unsupervised together, and I have been keeping them apart as much as possible. I have been focusing on doing exercise with him to try and strengthen his topline and rear end as much as possible. Encouraging walking and unfortunately he's still young and frightened of the water so swimming isn't really possible just yet. I will try your suggestions Ellz and see how we go.. usually he's a little firecracker on the lead and wants to go go go.
  9. I don't doubt that I am the problem with stacking him.. We're going through the A-frame horrors if I try and hand stack him. This was taken today - 2 days post Bowen Therapy, free stacked with a bit of hand placement.. on the move.. topline has improved somewhat.
  10. breeder was all for Bowen - she hadn't used it much so didn't really have an opinion on it rather than give it a go. They ae only together when supervised.. he's kept inside when I'm at work. Puppys zoomies are had to control whch he loves to leap and jump around. I will try crating him once this sets in to keep him quiet. Will see what the therapist thinks tomorrow regarding bum high and roaching.. she advised to keep him relatively quiet which I have done as much as possible for a 4 month old pup. I may have to crate him ALOT more than he likes.
  11. we do practice in front of a mirror inside and it's all fun and games but since the back started roaching I have been concentrating less on the a-framing and getting that back level as much as I can. He's going through a stage of not liking hand stacking so I've given up on doing this inside with him at all and just doing free stacking - PLUS I don't want to reward him for roaching at all. We haven't been doing much stacking at all really.. I don't want to make him hate it already!!!
  12. bum high's just a stage though right? I'm pretty strict with his exercise and he does ALOT of leaping and jumping with my older bitch - who just braces herself and takes it doesn't leap back or egg him on. Should I keep them seperated? That will be sooo hard and very frustrating for us all.
  13. dangly lead? Photo shoot at home not for BIG never mind the lead.. it's the back I'm worried about!!! taken a couple of days after Bowen Taken yesterday Please no comments about my terrible handling - I am a newbie and know I have alot of work to do.
  14. yeah all the time.. even when relaxed. I took him to a good vet and they thought it was his hips and wanted to do xrays. Wanted to look at other options before forking out hundreds on xrays on a very young pup. Have been down the very expensive road of diagnosis with my other bitch and paid thousands for a shrug of the shoulders - and ended up resolving itself. I have had the chiro tell me there was nothing wong with his back - it's his toe. The Bowen therapist has said there are ALOT of muscles out all along his back.
  15. Just wondering if anyone has any experience or thought with a 4 month old Wei puppy with a roaching topline. He's roached when relaxed, when stacked and when on the move. Obviously he's a growing puppy and will go through stages, but just wondering if anyone has experience to anything similar, how long it took them to grow out of this ugly stage.. It's got me slightly worried as it's his back. Probably slightly obsessing with it.. trying not to though!!!! I haven't got xrays done yet - have been advised by breeder not to go there yet as he's not fully developed. I Have taken him to a chiro who seemed to think there was nothing wrong with his back. I have tried Bowen Therapy with him who thought the whole problem was in his back - we've had one session and it seemed to come good for a day or so then went roachy again. We have our second session tomorrow. this is what I'm talking about..
  16. Hey everyone.. I posted a while ago just after baby Max got home. We had our first show over the weekend. We had heaps of fun met some lovely people. Max was really relaxed and super confident in the ring - he just loved it!! Here's a couple of pics from our first show - it was a double header so really good to get the practice in! You can tell what a complete newb I am.. I was so annoyed with myself when I seen the photos and his lead draped all over his back.. grr. Oh well we'll get there!!
  17. I don't remember feeling exhausted with our first puppy Wei. She seemed to be a real pleasure to train and was very easily toilet trained and seemed to sleep for looong loooong periods with the occasional puppy zoomies. She grew up to be a bit of a nutter but she is so laid back and calm in the house it's just lovely. Our newest Wei who is 12 weeks tomorrow is an absolute ratbag. He chews everything and anything he can get his mouth on. He is a nightmare to toilet train - even with watching him like a hawk. He's good overnight where Ruby wasn't but he's such a little crazy grey ball of energy that rarely sleeps, it does leave me very exhausted.
  18. Thanks guys.. I'm so pleased at how well they've been getting along together!! I'm pretty sure it was love at first sight!!
  19. Here's Ruby loving on her new brother Max - not set-up in anyway. Found them like that and I had to quiety sneak off and find the camera, put it on silent and quickly snap a photo before wither of them woke up and realised how close they were!!
  20. Laerl: This was in Orange, NSW and unfortunately there's only 2 obedience groups to go with there. I wasn't a fan of one woman who was conducting one class because she had told us that if she's sees us doing such and such she would take our dogs off us (like check chains etc). I went with the other and they were pretty much just as bad. After I think our fourth lesson the woman who had tried doing one on one time with Ruby politely came over and told me that she was just too unsettled (this was after she had pulled me over hehe) and that we wouldn't learn anything further today. Come back when she's settled down more and has grown out of puppy brain. Here I am at 22 months and I can tell you her puppy brain is no different!! I did feel very despondant and let down and that there was no help for me or my dog. I didn't give up with her and she has gotten better.
  21. That's why we got 'banned' SK.. there was just no point in being there at all. She was so unfocused with all the other dogs that it was just a complete waste of time and money for us. I perservered with her at homw without distractions and she has come good - kind of. LOL Good luck.. just rememeber - breathe, assertive, breathe.
  22. SK I really can sympathise with you :p I know the pain of walking home after an embarressing incedent almost in tears. Being kicked out of obedience class and told to come back when she's 'grown a brain' when my girl was 6 months was one such occasion. Yes they do go through their rebellious stage and whilst it feels like one giant leap backwards Kei will come good and it's like nothing ever happened! My girl Ruby goes through stages like this where her recall can be really very great then all of a sudden she decides one day to not bother coming back to my recalls and I look like a right fool standing in the middle of the park while my dog just meanders away.. With our second one just arrived I've got all this to look forward to all over again.. woooo hoooo
  23. My pup did the exact same thing the other day little piggy... He was just gobbling his food and next thing I was thinking about doggie mouth to mouth when he started flailing around with a bit of kibble that went down the wrong way. I soak his food in hot water and make it softer for him as he's teething at the moment so maybe you could try that to make it a bit easier?
  24. My girl is 21 months old and is still like this.. flooding hasn't worked for us. Her recall is about 80% ok at dog parks and she has begun to finally learn which dogs to steer clear of. People who think 'typical for a Weimaraner' she's not.. she's crazy. Any sort of social situation and it sends her into overdrive just like yours.. I went to a Weimaraner Social day on the weekend and all I heard were people saying "well she's certainly got the most energy". haha.. she's an absolute snuggle bug at home.. but put her with dogs, people and sausages and you get one hypo schizophrenic dog! good luck would love to hear how things go in the future and what you do that's worked for you!
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