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Everything posted by :ange:
LOVE the pics and am incredibly jealous.. am waiting waiting waiting for Orange to have some snow but it just ain't comin'!!!! Love the one where she's catching the snowball.. and the other where it's smooshed in her mouth. Classic!!
When I first took our girl to the beach she freaked out majorly.. She wouldn't even tread on the wet sand!! Once she got used to it she would bound into the waves.. unfortunately she lost her confidence in waves when she dashed out one day and got dumped really bad.. we stuck to the quieter beaches with next to no waves for her to go out. I would take Codi on a long leash (you can get horse lunging leads or something equivalent) and what I would do - and others may disagree - was that I would let her run and then I would call her name, she had three seconds to respond to her name being called and then the 'invisible brakes' would come on - I would just tighten the lead and she would come to a dead stop, making her come back to me. After a couple of weeks doing this she quickly learnt that if she was called and didn't respond those nasty brakes would come on.. we ended up getting a pretty reliable recall this way.
Occasionaly he gets pumpkin as I've heard that will help gassy/stomach issues. Other times I will put some natural yoghurt on his biscuits. Occasionaly he will get a lamb shank meaty bone to chew, or a roo tail. These aren't every day, maybe once a week. They do make the smell worse, but even when he doesn't have bones he will still stink! Doesn't really get fruit, unless he has a bit of apple when I'm eating one. No rawhides. Training treats are generally dried liver squares (forget the brand?!)
My nearly 12 month old Weimaraner, Max has had an ongoing gas issue ever since he has come home at 9 weeks. For ages I put it down to puppy belly sorting itself out, when it went on for too long I switched his food. We've been through 4 different types/brands of dog food (Advance, Royal Canin, Eukanuba and ProPlan) and nothing has made a squat of difference.. I got the sensitive stomach ones where available. He is just fed the plain biscuits - no raw, we did go through chicken, lamb and normal mince and thought we'd struck a winner with normal mince as the gas stopped for a week but now they are back with a vengeance. Often his farts are so bad you can literally carve them with a knife they are that chunky.. Most mornings our bedroom smells like.. well I think you can imagine. There is no escaping from it!! It's driving me nuts!! The thing I find odd about his gas is that he does it all the time.. When he trots along he blows off (makes showing interesting), when he stretches he generally lets off at least a 5 second toot.. After nearly a year of it, he can still surprise himself with his own noises! He has never gotten sick or had allergies from any food he's been on but is there any way I can stop the gas? what's the best food in your experience for a gassy dog?
That's really kind shmoo! You sound like a better neighbour than me then.. like I said on my previous post I don't know where the dog is getting out so I can't really go snooping around her place trying to figure that out. She has 5 small dogs, and it's just the one that's getting out.
"old lady" as in 60 yo lady? Still pretty mobile, she looks pretty well off and able to afford to get her fence fixed. She also has her grown children around very frequently!! (sorry for the generalisation I think you must have imagined a decrepid white haired woman with a walking stick..) I don't see it as my duty to repair a neighbours fence!! Sorry!! Probably sounds harsh.. but noone comes to fix my fence when my dogs are digging out!! I don't actually know where the dog is getting out.. I just asked her to check her fencing. It just keeps appearing.
I'm having a problem with my next door neighbours dog continuously getting out.. I've already mentioned it to the old lady in passing that she might want to get her fencing checked because her little dog keeps getting out and it might get run over. She hasn't done anything because it's getting out just as much. The last week or so I'm having this issue where my male dog is barking non-stop at it every time it gets out because it comes and stands reallly close to the fence and wanders accross the road and back to our house. My dog is now trying to dig under the fence to get to it, because face it - the grass really is greener on the other side playing with that dog. Now I'm thinking I would like to write a letter to the lady asking her to please try and keep her dog contained as it's affecting my dogs behaviour while they are in the backyard as they are attempting to dig out to get to her dog plus the barking non-stop while he/she's out. I'm going to be crating them while I'm away for now until the issue is sorted out because I really don't want to come home and find two escaped dogs long gone.. (fence is being reinforced by OH this afternoon). Any suggestions as to how I should word the letter? Should I not write a letter?
Thanks! Yep totally loving it and it's certainly getting a workout.. I was so bummed it was raining this morning!!! It was the twin lens kit.. I took the first photo with the 18-55mm lens and the moving shots were with the 55-250mm (hope that's right LOL)
I just love this camera.. I've had it for 2 days now and I am just tickled pink!! This is my first DSLR. so they are no doubt very amateur! I haven't yet taken it off the auto-settings that it comes with.. but I am learning slowly what all the gobbleygook means - I can't wait till I can use it properly!! Here's a few photos I took this morning and yesterday! My favourite.. Profile of my babies.. Action Time!!! Max on "point" :D last one
All sold out in Orange bugger, my pair would have loved them.
Women Injured And Animals Killed In Overnight Fires (caboolture Qld)
:ange: replied to Boronia's topic in In The News
Welcome back Jed, so lovely to see you on the mend. -
Cute video!!! Very Cute! Love kittys tail at the end.. hehe I don't use a clicker either but I do mark the behaviour with a "Yes!", food, praise. To teach my dogs to shake I have used clicking fingers.. I think dogs making the connection with a verbal cue and actually doing the behaviour takes alot more practice, patience and consistency. My bitch was nearly 14 months before I could consistently get behavour I wanted from her without hand cues/signals (I am also not a professional dog trainer) such as dropping, heeling, shaking, staying etc. I think you've done great! Make sure you post your next one!!!
Are Wheatbix Or Porridge Safe For A Dog?
:ange: replied to goldee's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I used to give my guys a single weetbix with puppy milk as babies to get their hunger through the night. Like persephone said, it's not really necessary - but it's safe to give them either of those. -
I talk quite regulary with my breeder about my dogs her dogs etc. I wouldn't say we are best friends, but close enough to say hi every other day. I've met her a few times now and we get along quite well!
I can see them now!! Yippee!! They are gorgeous! Makes me want to go bak right now!!
Sorry Ripley still can't see them
I don't know if it's just my virus riddled computer but I can only see a whale pic and seal and the rest come up as little boxes with red crosses.. do you have a link where I can see them? I loved the South Island and I have to agree Kaikoura was one of my favourite towns to visit!! Such a pity you didn't make it to Milford Sound though, it's really beautiful down there.. Glad you had a good time. I would LOVE to go back again one day. One of the best holidays!
You can generally buy them from shows, lots of the bigger shows have a shop you can buy them from. It's kind of trial and error as to which one suits your dog best I think. You might need to go through a few different styles of leads (martingale, soft, check chain etc) to find whats best or your dog and you.. You can buy from online stores and ebay as well.. There's some really nice designs out there for leads! I have more than enough now!
we have th trampoline beds which are their outside beds.. These are the type of beds I want to pick up and take in our bedroom when it's sleep time. So I am after a futon type of bed.. just a GOOD one! LOL SBT.. are they the green and white mesh covered ones? I've seen them and ummed and ahhed about them!!
Yeah I wasn't keen on the idea of having bean bags because of the bad experiences of others.. and with a 10 month old chewy puppy I'd rather steer clear!! I've had 3 different types of snooza beds and they have all lost their shape and gone flat after a short period of time.. With my dogs being around the 30kg mark I'm really after something that is going to keep it's shape as I'm finding once they go flat the dogs seem to avoid them and use the couch/our bed more!
I'm over spending $$$ on dog beds that go either flat or lumpy after a short while so I'm looking for suggestions of what dog beds you have that has stayed pretty and plump after more than a couple of months! Do you DIY? I've heard people getting filling stuff from clarkes rubber but the closest one is about 2 hours away. What can I use to fill beds? TIA!!
Women Injured And Animals Killed In Overnight Fires (caboolture Qld)
:ange: replied to Boronia's topic in In The News
so sorry Jed. Recover well, let your body have a rest. I can only imagine how hard your fighting to get back home to your babies.. We are thinking of you.. -
picture for those interesed in the blue/grey comparison.
Blue Weimaraner Website Have a look at this website and should answer most questions you have about Blue Weimaraners.. Like Claire said, you certainly can buy/import one from the US if that's what you want - but they aren't registrable. I'd be stickng with the Grey Ghosts - the one and original
This thread has certainly taken an unexpected turn!! Will he know it's my pee though? I don't make regular habit of letting him sniff around at weewee time!!