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Everything posted by :ange:

  1. Great Photo of Riley Wags.. congrats to those who've recently purchased this awesome lens! Here are some recent ones I took in Hawaii.. great travelling lens, so light! just stuck it in my pocket when I wasn't using it!
  2. this puppy is clearly in the wrong hands!!!! send him to me please Huga!!! I love the shots of Sid and Evil Beagle... gorgeous!!! Surely Sid must know he's the luckiest dog on the planet?!
  3. I agree Kirislin, vignetting in PS was just made WAY to hard. I remember one shot (before I had LR) that I wanted to vignette but I just couldn't be bothered.. love LR, just one slide and it's perfect! The only time I really use PS is when I need to do really detailed work and you need to do little fiddly things.
  4. I have both and used each for a while.. I prefer lightroom for it's simplicity (it seems a little confusing at first). But Photoshop is just too technical for me. If I went a did a course or something on it I would probably like it. I just love lightroom because if you find a setting you love you can save it as a preset and you won't have to keep fiddling around to get the same look you did before!
  5. They are very cute babies Kirislin - my neices who are twins! Met them for the first time on Monday so I was very excited. I am tossing up between another prime lense - either getting the 85mm or perhaps even the 100mm macro. I haven't decided. Then there's the dream lense which I'm dying to get the 24-70L. Huga.. VERY exciting news about your new baby. I hope the puppy wait flies for you!! Lovely pic Tawnydal.. just gorgeous.
  6. I like a well done HDR.. I like the first image more than the other. You can achieve the HDR 'look' in photoshop by doing this and then that and then another bit of this.. but pfffft. Seems a little complex. I also agree with Huga, totally overdone and have come to cringe when I see HDR images lately.
  7. Great pics LL!! LOVE that newborn shot bellatrix.. gorgeous.. Here's a few of my recents.. sorry also overload! am heading off to the states next week and hoping to come back with another lens, just haven't decided what yet!!!
  8. a few of mine from yesterday.. I'm so happy with these shots.
  9. just pulled this from your first thread here.. I hope there has been some household changes since this post otherwise I think your family and yourself will be in for a big shock with a Weimaraner! Just wanted to point out that due to joint issues, they reccommend not running (as in running buddy) large framed dogs like Weimaraner for the first 12-18 months of their lifes as you can cause damage to their joints! Good Luck!
  10. Hi and Welcome to the wonderful breed.. congrats on your first puppy. I am owned by 2 Wei's.. I think the main point I want you to get out of my post, so I will post early is that he is a baby. He's adjusting to this huge change, away from his siblings, in a new environment with new smells and sounds. He's a bit out of sorts. Poor little guy. It's going to take a while for him to settle in. Maybe a few weeks. Buckle in, you are in for a bumpy ride! Toilet training little boys can often be harder than toilet training girls (don't ask me why). The key is persistence and patience. I once read that the general idea of how long your baby puppy can hold pee is by how many months they are - ie 3 months can really only hold for 3 hours. Not long. Regular toilet breaks overnight are a must! Where have you got your puppy crated? I tend to place their crate in my bedroom for the first period when they are transitioning into the household. This way I find them much more settled, I bond with them much quicker and in general just easier. Then move them out once they are older and settled to their place in the house. This of course doesn't work for everyone. It's what I do and it works for us. You want to make your pup learn to love his crate.. to be his place. He will learn to hate it, if you isolate him there just for time outs and when you leave the house. I wouldn't worry about your puppy doing poops on the carpet.. it's going to happen. You need to be a hawk and watch him constantly. Tie him to your waist if need be. If the nose goes down sniffing and searching, outside and give the command you use for poos. praise praise praise if he goes. If he wants to play, back inside. It's tedious I know but he will get there. A poop or pee on the carpet is going to be inevitible. sorry! Like someone else mentioned Wei's are very family orientated dogs and like to be with 'their packs' all the time. They don't call them velcro dogs for nothing. I kept both of our puppies in the laundry crated whilst I was at work for the first couple of months and they howled ad cried. I would just ignore the behaviour and only let them out once they had settled. I suggest not paying puppy attention while they are howling as they are so smart and learn that if they make alot of noise, mum will come back and get me. Give him something yummy in there, kongs are great. Are you going to crate him when you leave forever or do you plan to place him in the backyard when you leave the house? Honestly.. I wouldn't be leaving your puppy unattended in a room for very long. They go into destruction phase very quickly and you will learn this soon enough. Also, it's not a wise idea to leave your puppy tied up - like another poster said, they can panic and can strangulate themselves. If they need time out.. bring their crate into the living room where everyone is and place them in there with a treat. Again, You want to make your pup learn to love his crate.. One more thing.. pop into the Weimaraner thread and share some photos and introduce your new baby!!
  11. Are they all from the 100mm CC?? Lovely shots.. Some very beautiful pics in here.. Here's some of my favourites. I wish I had more time to take photos. Hopefully I will fnd more time in the new year.. no particular order couldn't decide between 2..
  12. they are just lovely.. well done. I agree with the others about how nerve racking a wedding shoot would be. They have turned out so well.. you should be proud!! I would be happy if my photographer took shots like that.. My SIL asked me to take some side shots at her wedding (in April) so she can have something to look at so she doesn't have to wait for the photogrpaher finishing editing. I've said of course but not to expect anything awesome or even remotely good quality.. pressure off!
  13. nice shots jr and crazy!! Jr I'm also just finishing my lightroom 30 day trial.. I feel like just now I've gotten the hang of it and understanding it a bit more. I love that presets are so quick and there are tons available. I use photoshop elements mostly.. I like lightroom for how simple it is. I think I will use both!
  14. it worked!! it worked!!! Genius = Kirislin Dunce = Ange Thanks
  15. it's all too much!!! LOL I did try that in my sig but it came up with all this scary red writing telling me it wasn't compatible. Hope this works!!
  16. Thanks for your time Kirislin.. Obviously my copy and paste skills are just pathetic!! Is the link all you put? I put the link (coped from yours) I also copied the pictures. One more go.. http://www.redbubble.com/people/weimoo
  17. hmmm.. doesn't work for me. IDK!!!!! I give up I think!
  18. http://www.redbubble.com/people/weimoo
  19. can someone please enlighten me as to how I get my redbubble banner in my sig? I have been sitting here (or wasting time) for nearly an hour trying to figure it out.. When I put this as the signature bit - <a href="http://www.redbubble.com/people/weimoo?utm_source=RB&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=horizontal_work_thumbnails"title="View my art."><img src="http://www.redbubble.com/people/weimoo/recipe:banner/weimoo_banner.jpg" alt="Buy my art"/></a> that's all it comes up with. I've put it in as a website, but I don't get the pictures coming up. HALP!
  20. Iltby.. yep they are extension tubes I'm using with them.. Trying to determine if macro is going to be the majority of things I shoot or if I'll move on soon. I'm still loving this lens.. here's some of a very obliging couple of babies that were at a party. Head shot of Max And a couple of more macros with the tubes on..
  21. Beautiful photos valley... they certainly are two of the most gorgeous dogs.
  22. Our bitch used to get regular eye boogies.. they were shocking when she was younger. Thankfully she's grown out of it. If he's pawing at his eye and is irritated he could have an infection. Otherwise I'd say it's pretty normal. Like humans dogs can also get hayfever and tis the season for it!!
  23. I think the video is what it is. Disgusting.
  24. Ruby would be Gwen Stefani.. crazy in her younger days and totally holding onto crazy still now but just in a more relaxed subtle way. Max would probably be Russell Brand, always humping something. (I know he's not a rock star but he's played one in his movies!)
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