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Everything posted by RockyLover

  1. thanks veryone for all your advice. in hindisght i probably should have explained my self a little better. i wasnt neccessarily looking for solutions to the problem as we are taking the advice of the vet but rather i was looking for people who might have had the same problem who could share funny stories with me...to cheer me up a little. sorry for not thoroughly explaining the whole situation. i did learn some great things though...which we can use in the future for any doggies with an upset tummy. i have asked the site administrator to remove me from DOL as i have found many people can misinterpret what you write and things dont always come across the way you intended them too which has caused me to get a little upset...so i will just make the expansive phone calls now anytime i have a query instead. DOL is a great place for dog lovers to learn and share with each other and i hope in the future that new people are welcomed with open arms. thanks to the select fwe who did...u know who u are...esp garloch.
  2. hi garloch, thankyou so much for your great advice and for not 'assuming things'. i will take verything u said on board. can i ask you what the blotchey skin near the back legs indicates? the dry food is purina supercoat for puppies. also we have bought electrolytes for his water to hel;p with the dehydration. apart from projectile poo...he is in good spirits and running around going psycho still...lol
  3. yes i am definately in touch with them every day!!!! just was looking for anyone who had this problem thats it! i have already recieved advice about it but not from anyone who has had the same thing.
  4. thanks miranda for the info about the supercoat....we did actually use that so its very handy to know...thanks heaps. to anyone else who wants to give a lecture on poor bailey and quarantine and anything else...u dont know the circumstances so please dont assume anything or imply that we are irresponsible without knowing the details. i was simply asking if anyone else had this problem not looking for people to make me feel bad...especially at the moment when i already feel bad enough....
  5. thanks sool...didnt know about the squatting thing not being gender specific in pups. yeah we might have to try that i think with the crate....he just doesnt like being in there and winges alot so its difficult when i know he hates it....i thought there might be another way that i dont know about
  6. yeah its all good...he has been to the vet...been tested...all clear and he is vaccinated too. we are keeping a very close eye on him though just in case. he has had some injections just in case over the last few days and he did have runny poo before but just went to projectile lately...we were feeding a good quality puppy dry food...different ones tried and some cooked meat with some vegies and pasta but now cause of this he is just on the dry food. we have elctrolytes in his water now too to help him and we have some pink medicine...cant think of name to try and settle the tumtum.
  7. yes of course he has been wormed and flea treated and he gets to best food and everything he needs. we have been to vets about it and got some meds for him but so far still happening.... just thought other people might have same problem.
  8. i just wanted to share pictures of our gorgeous baby bailey who sadly passed away on monday from parvo. We rescued him from the pound on sunday and monday we rushed him to the vet.....and he didnt come home. was such a sad day...me and my partner cried all day. At least he didnt die in a cold conrete pen...he was all rugged up under the doona cuddled up to us.... RIP gorgeous baby bailey.
  9. hi everyone, well i also have a foster puppy (4 monthsas well) who if he has slightly runny poo at all....it becomes projectile poo....kind of like projectile vomit in a baby!!!!! i have never seen an animal with this problem and want to know if anyone else has this projectile poo problem. Its very embarrassing when people come over.......the other dogs have to rush to get away from the rear end of the pup or they will get splattered and makes toilet training inside the house A NIGHTMARE.....i have had projectile poo spanning up to 3 metres up my hallway....and the floor wasnt alone...the walls got covered too!!!!! lol
  10. hey i have a foster doggie who like to wee and walk at the same time. this is not a problem outside....but when he comes inside (lots and lots) its defintely a problem. he is not completely house trained yet and we only rescued him when he was 4months old (staffy cross) so we dont know what previosu owners did with him. So inside he wont ever go on the carpet but loves to go in the hallway. he will start at one end...start weeing like a girl then he will start walking whilst still weeing like a girl leaving wee all up the hallway for as far as he can make it go...it seems!!!! lol does anyone have any suggestions???????
  11. i had a good laugh cause our boxer never lifts his leg and he is almost 3 years....he has front feet forward and back feet back and away he goes....in fact we rescue doggies and foster them and he seems to teach all of them to pee and poop like he does....very funny to watch them watching him and then go and do it just like him.....hahahaha.
  12. hey i am having a similar problem with most of our foster doggies that we rescue....although i am unfamiliar with science diet...can u tell me more please.
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