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Everything posted by stacyk

  1. I did not know you could get sardines in spring water. I was concerned about the corn content in the vegetable oil for my girl with allergies.
  2. My vet told me to use malaseb 1:40 parts water. Works well for me!
  3. Just remember if you do decide to cut out a meal reduce it slowly over 2 weeks or so. Would not nice to be getting a big breaky every day to then get nothing the next (nor would be good for their metabolism).
  4. Thanks for everyone's feedback it is great to hear some other cases where it does not seem genetic and is not being passed to progeny.
  5. I have been doing so much research on Demodex so thought I would ask for some opinions. I have a puppy scottie who I purchased as a show pup. At 16weeks she had her C5 immunisation and had a nasty reaction (head and neck swelled up grossly then the hair fell out of her face). Vet put her on antihistamines and antibiotics a few days later she had a GA for a biopsy but it was then discovered with a positive skin scrapping that she infact had Demodex (first skin scrapping earlier was negative). All her litter mates are apparently doing fine (I checked with the breeder). Most research I have done points to a genetic low immunity causing the demodex but I wonder could this be caused by her vaccination? Would love to hear some thoughts on this.
  6. I think most pet quality roo meats are preserved with sulfur as there are not fridge facilities for roo hunters. In saying that roo meat farmed specifically for the human meat market would not contain this. I always buy human grade roo meat for my dogs just incase. Not too sure about other types of foods.
  7. Normally you would give an animal the tetanus toxoid but this needs to be done within the first 48hrs. Now at 16days it probably would not do much but I would give it to him anyway just incase! (unless he has already had this) I would roll him every hour and massage him. Also ensure he can wee and poo otherwise he will need this done for him. I assume he is eating/drinking or is he tubed as obviously a drip will no longer suffice.
  8. I have a baby schnauzer I will also be starting to show in march. Though this is my first time showing a schanuzer i have striped her top coat out. As her coat has not yet blown she still has her undercoat with a prickly top coat growing through. Apart from the head, bum & feet there is not much more you can do EDITED TO ADD: Where are you located? You are probably best to go along to a few shows so you can get a 'hands on' look at what people do. If you are in vic I can take my puppy along to Saturdays show at kcc so you can have a look.
  9. Em how is your boy today? positive thoughts!!!!
  10. Have PMd a link to thread/forum i posted of my experience. GOOD LUCK!
  11. He is in my prayers.... Good luck!
  12. If she is still eating & running around that is good, Sorry... I was under the impression from he was paralysed. EDIT cause I can't spell
  13. I am pretty sure the anti toxin can do no harm. I would rather be safe then sorry and get my vet to give it to him anyway (check your resources on this of course) Also I would not wait overnight, once an animal is paralyzed they deteriate quickly. Tetanus is also very painful.
  14. EM feel free to PM me if he has tetanus. I have had a horse a horse with tetanus so may be able to offer some advice.
  15. Has he had any wounds? Sounds like tetanus... though I have only seen it in a horse before! Does he react to light, an animal with tetanus can not handle bright light. EDIT to add: I would get his bloods done asap once an animal is paralyzed from tetanus it does not take long for the lungs to get fluid on them.
  16. I would use Malaseb if there is a smell at least it will kill off lurking bacteria. You can then use the Pyohex leave on conditioner to sooth.
  17. Not sure about the sleeping outside unless as said above it is cooler?? When it comes time to put him in his crate trying having a yummy treat for him that way he will want to hop in his crate. All my dogs run into their crates as soon as they hear me getting their treats. Makes life much easier :D
  18. Is your dog treated for mites? I would visit the vet before it gets out of hand, could be numerous things. Mites, bites, allergies... The groans and grunts in general don't sound concerning (but mention to the vet whilst you are there, they will be more experienced with the type of noises your dog is making). Some dogs talk alot (most of mine do / can be breed dependent). I have one girl that groans and talks when she wants a cuddles, when she gets a pat, when she plays & when you pick her up. All dogs are different. EDITED because I can not spell
  19. Pretty sure frontline spray covers paralysis ticks and is suitable for puppies. Prevention is better the cure so treat for mites/fleas etc as well before you go. Watch out for eyes & ears on barb wire fences. Dams - don't let her wander off by herself and cows will normally attack and kill a strange dog. Horses also will kick and stomp/trample a strange dog. Make sure she does not take off and try and chase livestock (a great game indeed). Snakes don't just hide in the bush they can even be sunning themselves on rocks or roads/paths. Just remember to relax and have fun. I live on a farm and (touch wood) have no problems at all. Its a matter of being aware not parnoid. Hope this helps. Stacy.
  20. Great news! Good thoughts for a speedy recovery. Who would of thought... a rope toy!
  21. YAY HEF I am sure he could not of done it without YOU! You could not of asked for a better Christmas present
  22. I have an oster undercoat rake. It does not seem to cut the coat at all, just pulls the undercoat.
  23. Healing thoughts for you and your little man. He does look quite bright in the photo.
  24. Have you considered what you are cleaning the floor with?
  25. I also use Malaseb 1:40 to clean my dogs ears. I would think it has something to do with the active ingredients deactivating? When used as wash it stops working after 10mins.
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