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puggy jess

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  1. Thanks everyone for your comments! He's not yet desexed but we're taking care of that soon. This might (I hope) help out with the latest problem. We spent a night away from home on the weekend and when we returned he was understandably excited to see us. He was upstairs in the master bedroom with me as I was sorting out dirty washing and right in front of me he cocked his leg and weed on our dirty clothes! I growled a very loud "No" at him and he stopped and just continued to prance about happily. Now I'm too afraid to let him out of my sight when he's inside incase he wees on anything else! What a rat-bag! I just hope that desexing him will stop this very strange behaviour!
  2. Hi everyone.. Long time reader, first time poster..! I have a delightful 6 month old Pug puppy named Stanley. He is a beautiful boy and is (reasonably!) well behaved. However, I have noticed that he has recently started weeing in his bed. I find this really strange.. My understanding was that puppies avoid toileting in their bedding areas at all costs (the basis of crate training etc)?? A bit of background… When we're not at home, Stan is outside (he has access inside to the laundry via a doggy door). When we get home, Stan comes upstairs into the living areas with us. He is too afraid to go down the stairs himself (although he happily bounds up them!) so we carry him down the stairs and outside on a regular basis for toilet. When he's downstairs he can get outside by himself to toilet. He also sleeps in the laundry where he has access outside all night long. Up until this point toilet training was a breeze. He would never toilet on the laundry floor when at home alone- he'd always go outside. When upstairs I could always tell when he needed to go and I'd carry him down and he'd toilet straight away. Why is he peeing on his bed? He normally does it once or twice a week and usually overnight. He always has access outside and he never pees anywhere else in the laundry. It is ALWAYS in his bed and no-where else. I've tried changing his bedding (to get rid of the wee smelling stuff) and he'll immediately wee on the new fresh bedding. Why why why?!?!
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