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Everything posted by dianed

  1. Thats the reason why I bought it :rolleyes: my old girl is constantly constipated. I spoon it on top of her food.
  2. The other night when my sister was giving her King Charles Cavaliers their monthly Interceptor her smaller female not only had her dose but the larger males as well. Harley spat it out and Ruby cobbled it up before she could stop her! there has been no side effects 3 day later. You would have thought she would have some signs, runny poohs?
  3. I dont walk on our big dog beach any longer,to many hassles with tourists and holiday house owners. Especially the yogi's!
  4. My sister got steps off Ebay for her dogs to get on the bed. She also got a king size bed so the cats,dogs and humans had room
  5. My girl is slowly loosing strength in her back end. A couple of years ago I got some enduro foam cut at the rubber place and had it covered. This year I plan on adding some enduro foam overlay the egg carton type, to the top of her mattress. She loves to lay flat out at night. I also added a heated bed on top for winter and I think that really helped her.
  6. I have added a glucosamine supplement. Believe it or not my dog also eats more as she has aged. She looses weight very easy if not feed some fat in her diet. I also add on occasion some phsylium husks or tin safcol fish food to gets her bowels moving.
  7. Kinsella, I too have an oldie and its good to have a section devoted to them. Mine turned 13 last November making her my oldest GSD to date. My last oldest reached 13 & 3 weeks Our walks have got shorter and she no longer wants to go for an afternoon one. The back legs have got a bit wobbly but we still manage a jump around. I am thinking of getting a harness so I can help her in and out of the car. She loves sleeping in longer. As for food she has always been a fussy eater. The evening meal has to be served at the same time every night. If I put it in front of her early or its something she doesn't want she gets up and walks away. It has its funny side, like when they are walking along and decide to use their bowls, plop plop. I wont go there, only to say its just as well I have tiled floors and good night time sight!
  8. I started buying the Dog beef flavored tablets for my dog then switched her to human grade as we take it. She started off on one crushed 1500 Glucos/Chondroitin tablet mixed in milk for the first 6 months and now has a half tab each night. She has just finished her second course of Cartrophen injections and will have a monthly injection from now on. My dog has started to sway in the back legs. I have noticed an improvement after the second round of injections. My dog is a 33 kgs gsd and 13 yo. I goggled and found out dose rates.
  9. Our neighbor came home after a few days away over Christmas to find 5 of her sheep dead and 5 wounded. She was very upset. No idea as yet as to what killed them but we suspect dogs. whether domestic or wild remains to be seen, although no wild dogs have been sighted or heard since a culling program 3 y ago. We are surrounded by State Forest on 3 sides, the plans is to set traps when the ALPHA (old Rural Land Board) people return to work next week! What Q body governs what size acreage is permitted to use a weapon to protect livestock?
  10. I know of a similar case in nsw, two dogs that had been killing poultry confiscated by a council ranger. Owner agreed to have them PTS at councils expense, he then got a large bill from the neighbor for the dead chooks and rooster. He paid up.
  11. My experience in the past has been to never trust a dog with chooks if they are both new to each other. Over the years only 2 out of 7 dogs I have owned have shown no interest in chasing or stalking chooks. I too am in the process of getting a new chook pen built (hopefully it will be ready next week) and I will have to watch my young dog a she is very prey driven. My older girl is one who never showed any interest in going after chooks. Its just another hurdle, same as when I got new kittens last year! I need my dog to keep watch as we have foxes around .
  12. Last year my gsd Pepper distracted my hand raised fully grown pet cow when she decided to play a bit rough. I was able to roll under a fence to get away. She jumped on the cow,s back and took hold of its back leg, she is only a little shepherd in size but I remember each morning when I give her a pat and tell her she,s a good girl.
  13. I would use Advanitix the day I arrive on the coast. Because of all the rain ticks are a problem at the moment here on the south coast. I,d check over your dogs coat daily and for a week after you go home.
  14. Its sad when they have been together along time. They do adjust, it just takes time and you are doing everything you can.My Sophie had a lost depressed look after Carla passed away, it was terrible. I got another dog because of that and they dont really like each other. So give it time. Hugs to you and Tara : RIP Sam rainbowbridge:
  15. You are obviously talking about the bush/grass ticks. A few years ago we had a bad bush/grass tick problem here on the coast, it even got some of our young cattle down in condition to a point that they nearly died. My dog would come home with them on her tummy which was red and covered in spots. I used Advantix,they either dropped off dead or died on her. It is only a short term tick killer but it sure worked. Failing that what about mixing up some Nucidol and rinsing her in it.
  16. Seeing you are in Sydney give Ku-Ring-Gai Vet Hospital a call and see how the animals they have treated are going. I think its exciting to hear as well, if you had a young animal $5- $6000 would be cheap over its life time if it got its mobility back. Hell, I spent $1000 this year getting my 15yo cat radiactive treatment for her thyroid problem. My old gsd is 13 so we will stick to cartrophen injections and supplements although I cant see the injections having any visible effect.
  17. Really! Thanks that sounds very interesting! I'll do some googling I googled to, its very interesting. Gives hope to other illnesses further down the track. Who knows one day our gsd kids may live longer than 12-13 yo
  18. No experiencing in stem cell therapy myself. But yesterday I had to take my 13yo for more cartrophen injections and my vet mentioned it to me as another option. She said in the past few weeks they have used stem cell therapy on 3 dogs with arthritis, 2 dogs have had a remarkable improvement in movement. One had a crippled leg and he is running around like a normal dog. She said it is remarkable to see. The 3rd dog has yet to return to the clinic. I just wish I had asked more about the treatment and how it was done. PS I didnt ask the cost but one dog was only 2 yo. I think in that case it would be worth it if it worked.
  19. I am so sorry, Millie was far too young
  20. Thanks Labsrule, I often think of you and what happened with Fitzy. We had a trip to the vet today and have started Sophie on another course of Cartrophen injections. The vet who operated on her checked her out and said her heart & teeth are both fine for an old girl! This may interest you Shelle seeing you have a young dog. The vet told me they have treated 3 dogs recently with stem cell therapy for arthritis. One was a 2yo with bad hips the other had a deformed leg. She said the results are amazing and very promising. The 3rd one hasn't come back yet.
  21. Sorry for the delay in replying, The recipe I use is one I got online. I use it to keep weight on my 13yo gsd. Its not something I would normally feed but she loves them, anything to keep weight on her! I adapt my own quantities, basically its 1kg Hamburger mince, pkt cream cheese, 6 egg yolks, Cup of wheatgerm powder. Cup of oats soaked in milk. Cup of Peanut butter. I got it off the Lowchensaustralia.com web page. Use those food plastic gloves to mix & roll into balls, its much easier.
  22. Hi Labsrule, The 6 monthly cartrophen injections your boys get, is that a booster injection after having the course of 4 injections over a month? Sophie is now 13 and had a course of 4 injections in May, one back leg is letting her down so I think she needs further treatment.I read they like to give boosters at 12 months. I,m hesitant to put her on other medication because of her previous cancer history. She is on a human grade Glucosamine/Condroiton tablet daily crushed up in milk daily. No it is not a booster shot, essentially every six months, they have another course of 4 injections over a 4 week period. Sounds like Sophie may need to be on 6monthly, given that her course of injections was back in May and you are noticing a problem with one of her back legs. If you decide to put her on another course of them then she will need the 4 x 4 and same every six months if that is the frequency you decide on. Is sophie your girl with the Hemangiosarcoma? Yes, Sophie is the one who had Hemangiosarcoma. She turned 13 in Oct, old age is catching up with her but basically for a GSD she is doing pretty good. She is very fussy about what and when she eats these day It looks like a trip to the vet, believe it or not she likes going there.
  23. Hi Labsrule, The 6 monthly cartrophen injections your boys get, is that a booster injection after having the course of 4 injections over a month? Sophie is now 13 and had a course of 4 injections in May, one back leg is letting her down so I think she needs further treatment.I read they like to give boosters at 12 months. I,m hesitant to put her on other medication because of her previous cancer history. She is on a human grade Glucosamine/Condroiton tablet daily crushed up in milk daily.
  24. I made them using a recipe without molasses for my problem eater.
  25. Oh dear, Its a bit like that here at the moment.My little long coat gsd seems to get more wet and muddy than I can remember any of my other short coated dogs getting. Maybe its all that hair!! Just to squeeze a walk in is hard at the moment, We all have cabin fever
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