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Everything posted by dianed

  1. I had a German Shepherd who was diagnosed with Pannus at about age 7. Unfortunately she passed away 18 months ago from cancer aged 10yo . The problem continually got worse over time and affected both eyes. Its something you wouldn't wish on your dog, no matter how diligent you are with the drops and cream. She loved to sit in the sun a lot! Whether it was inherited I don't know, but she was a registered dog from a well known breeder in NSW and her father was a popular dog used at the time. She has many siblings still around today.
  2. Pictures of my girls, still haven't worked out this resizing bit yet but here goes! This is Sophie, she turned 12 last November. and Pepper my long coat who is 3yo.
  3. He,s a lovely looking boy, I think the blacks are very hearty dogs. My girl Sophie is now over 12 yo and shes been thru a bit of illness in her time, but bounces back. Shes just started to become a bit weak in the back legs, something I am going to have to watch closely. As a pup she was the only shepherd I have had that didn't chase cats and chooks. Wonderful with children, but a terrible guard dog and a very, very fussy eater. Her coat still glistens today like black velvet. She really doesn't look her age as she has no greyness on her muzzle, not like my nearly 4yo! Is your boy taller than the average height for a male, its something I heard once that the blacks can be taller? my girl is a bit taller than the standard height for a female.
  4. What an amazing age for a big boy, I hope all the memories you have of Max ease the pain a little
  5. Aldi have a food dehydrator in this weeks catalogue for $39.99 . A cheap price for those who want to dry their own dog treats.
  6. I have recently made the switch from yearly injections to a monthly tablet. Proheart tablets to be exact. I waited a month after the 12 months of the injection expired. My dog had no problems or reaction what so ever. I just have to remember on the 14th of each month to give her her tablet .
  7. Becks thanks, yes I think holding on for too long may be part of the problem, at her age she prefers to sleep and doesnt want to be disturbed. I,ve been making her go outside more and its lessened the spills on her bedding. Everything else seems ok with her, I get a bit edgy as 3 years ago she had her spleen removed with a stage 2 Hemangiosarcoma.
  8. Her water intake has not changed, nor is she showing any signs of not feeling well.
  9. Over the last couple of weeks my 12 yo has become incontinent, after she gets up from her bed there is a wet patch which smells heavily of ammonia. Last summer the same thing occurred and I took her to the vet thinking she had a uti but the tests came back negative.She was licking herself but this year she is not, I did put some ural in her water if I remember rightly. Funny thing is, its happened at the same time of year, all through winter she was fine. Is there any other reason for the strong ammonia smell?
  10. I tried doing that and made a complete mess of the kitchen and my fingers nearly froze! My local butcher where i buy my other meat happily cuts them for me even though i didn't purchase the roo from him. I cut mine into pieces with an axe on a chopping block at the wood heap. Works well frozen or defrosted, much easier than in the kitchen.
  11. Can you tell me what you dry for the dog treats,how thin do you cut the pieces? I,ve had an ezidryer for years for my herbs and tomatoes, I reckon the smell would be pretty horrible also.
  12. Doesnt look like the fatty lumps my 3yo gets all over her. She has had one on her back near her tail and one near her neck burst and both cleared up after I got all the fatty cheesy type substance out. I did show my vet the last time we went in and he said they are sebaceous cysts. I clean them up with Betadine. From your pics they do not look the same, (the cysts my dog gets can be moved around if you feel them) are you sure your dog hasn't got a grass seed and its got infected. Have you bathed it? Is anything coming out of it? Unusual place for a S cyst.
  13. My dogs have them every morning and funnily enough they always grab one and take to bed with them at night. The Dogpro 4x2,s ingredients say no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives? Whatever my dogs just love them and prefer them to dry bits.
  14. My dogs have eaten prawn leftovers for years with no problems,
  15. I was just talking to a friend & her OH who are having the same the feelings as you over a little girl they lost to snake bite a month ago. Why? :D
  16. I don't rely on the microchips alone anymore. My dog know wears a collar with a tag that has my mobile number on it when I go away. It worked recently when she took off in a thunder storm and I was interstate. The same setup worked recently for a friend whose dog ran away from a city yard, he received calls within 10 mins of finding his dog missing, the dog was reunited with its owner within an hour.
  17. I,d say it will still work. Last month I accidentally put Advantix on my long coated dogs hair.Some went onto her skin but not the whole tube. Two weeks later I found a dead tick in her coat. So I wouldn't worry to much.
  18. Last week my 3 yo long coat gsd came down with a mild dose of tick poison. She was not her lively self and was exercise intolerant. Seem like the Advantix I applied 10 days earlier had worked, after an inspection we found a dead tick in her coat. A few days rest and she is back to her normal self. From now on Advantix is all I,ll be using.
  19. I see you are using the purple spray, what about mixing Nucidol in Vaseline, I made a mix of that once. I kept it in a jar. The smell of Nucidol is fairly strong so they may not lick it off.
  20. The thing that worked best for my 3 GSD,s ears when I lived on a farm was that purple spray in a can, available from Vets and Produce stores. Cant think of its name at the moment, but I used it on the horse as well. Everything turns purple but it was good at stopping their ears from being bitten.
  21. What heartless bastards. What goes around comes around.
  22. What would us farmers do without the likes of Bo, even if they don,t do what you want. What a great age. Have fun over the bridge
  23. What about mixing up some Nucidol in a spray bottle and spraying her with that. You can also rinse her in it after a bath.. I have done that in the past. Its good for fleas, you can use it on their bedding or their environment. Ticks hate the smell of it, but what I found was they go where you don't put it eg like on the head! Its available in a can from produce stores. Mixing rates are on the label. Advantix only lasts 7 days for ticks anyway.
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