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Everything posted by wuffles

  1. My friend's lab co-existed in peace with their lambs until one day they came home, she had jumped into the lamb's paddock and mauled one of them. So separate them well!
  2. I googled vets in Laos and a few came up, not sure if that's a help.
  3. Thought I'd also add that you can't automatically expect dogs to assert themselves and tell off pups for bad behaviour. Some are just too tolerant or prefer to submit.
  4. I have found Rescue Remedy quite helpful. Otherwise lots of Kongs and bones
  5. If there are still grass seeds stuck in his feet I would go to the vet. I check between my boy's toes whenever we have been walking near grass seeds. Just a quick look/feel between each toe. We also keep our lawn short so that there are at least none to worry about in our yard.
  6. No breed suggestions from me, just wanted to say that I have an ex-DAS mutt too! We gave up ages ago trying to pin a breed to him though
  7. This isn't really music, but my dog is scared of storms. One day I was in the lounge and a big thunderstrike shook the whole house, so I went to see where the dog was hiding. He was lying, fast asleep, at OH's feet who was playing a video game! It was a shooter game, so involved a lot of bangs and rumbles, but obviously relaxed him enough to ignore the thunder!
  8. I know in most situations this assumption is correct, but I can almost guarantee that my 40kg dog would come off second best in a fight with a smaller dog. He doesn't defend himself.
  9. I think the same expectations should be in place for any size of dog. My big dog gets terrorised by smaller dogs quite regularly on our walks (barking, snarling, lunging) and although he tolerates it, it really confuses him. He is a soft boy with a strong flight reflex so he won't retaliate. I hate seeing him shy away from the pomeranians down the street because they constantly bark at him In saying that, I'm sure that many small dog owners get terrorised by big dogs regularly, hence why I think the same expectations should apply.
  10. For those that have mentioned food allergies, how likely would it be for these allergies literally to present overnight without a diet change? For example no itching one day and quite intense itching the next? Would the itch be present all over his body or only certain parts?
  11. Just to clarify, the vet did agree that if it isn't scabies, it is most likely an allergy - just seems strange that nothing in the environment has changed so can't pinpoint anything in particular. I will ask about the dermatologist next time - thanks
  12. Can't post pics right now but there are some in my older posts - he still looks the same - he hasn't shown any other symptoms except the itch, his energy levels are fine and he's happy enough considering he's wearing a bucket on his head
  13. Thanks for the replies. From what I have been told, sarcoptic mites commonly don't show up on skin scrapings anyway, is this correct? At this rate we will probably be back at the vet in the next few days so I will definitely request a scraping. Nothing has changed in the yard that we can tell. There is no Wandering Jew and we keep the grass short. There are a lot of grass seeds around the place (not in our yard) but that is no different to last spring. Since he got itchy I have been keeping him off the grass as much as possible on our walks. I haven't used any new flea treatments, shampoos, etc. He's being fed Royal Canin since we got him, he only gets chicken bones, plus sardines twice a week. We haven't introduced anything new into his diet, including treats.
  14. Hi all, I know a lot of people here have experience with itchy dogs so thought I'd put this out there in case anyone has any suggestions! Our dog started itching nearly two weeks ago. After a few days of progressively worse itchiness, I gave him a bath with Rufus & Coco Anti Itch Shampoo (contains selenium sulfide) which helped for a day. Took him to the vet on Tuesday when he was still itchy and developed a hot spot on his thigh. He had a cortisone injection, and is being treated for sarcoptic mange with Revolution "just in case" as the vet couldn't think of any other reason he'd be so itchy (and he gets walked in reserve near our house that is also home to foxes). Anyway, he's been better for the past few days but is now getting very itchy again He has an Elizabethan collar to stop him bothering his hot spot but he's still trying to itch all over. His skin is quite red, but not bumpy. He's itchy in the "usual" places -- his belly, front legs, underarms, chest and rump. His face seems a little itchy but his ears seem fine. He's about 4 or 5 years old, we've had him 1.5 years and hasn't shown any itchiness before. There's nothing new in our yard or house, his diet hasn't changed at all. His coat has been lovely and silky and his skin fine, it is losing a bit of condition now but still doesn't look too bad considering. He definitely has no fleas. It is driving him crazy, none of us are getting any sleep and we hate to see him like this! Anyone think of anything else we should try? :p
  15. AFAIK fleas are uncommon but not unheard of in ACT. We haven't seen any in the time we've been here on ours or anyone else's dogs. Is she itchy? There are a LOT of allergens around here at the moment though with the recent rain, grass seeds are nuts, weeds are crazy, pollens blowing around.
  16. It does look similar to the marks my dog gets on his elbows if he lies on the concrete a lot.
  17. I use Nature's Gift sparingly in my house for Kong filling (we only go through one tin a week for a 40kg dog) and it gets a thumbs up as far as tinned food goes. I've never noticed any tummy upsets and he loves it. They also do a kangaroo (with chicken) one now!
  18. Aw, Zero is so cute, look at the happy face! :D Satch tried to escape too, and when he realised he was tied in, he tried to eat the bath.
  19. He actually carried on like an idiot most of the time, the only part he really likes is getting brushed :D
  20. Satchmo had a hydrobath today and I thought this picture was a classic Anyone else got any cute doggie washing photos?
  21. Advance has really big kibble. We use Royal Canin which seems to be medium-sized kibble, our dog chews it, sometimes Edit: Not sure about the puppy kibble, I have only used adult.
  22. Not sure about Science Diet, but I use Nature's Gift tinned for frozen Kong stuffing, which has no colours or preservatives. Satch goes bonkers over it and we haven't noticed any ill effects.
  23. Our dog does this all the time and often lies back down straight after. He seems happy when he's doing it, with a wagging tail and happy ears
  24. I agree that the well-made leather leashes would be best, but I have the largest size Rogz convertible leash and the clasp seems super strong (my dog is 40kg).
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