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Everything posted by wuffles

  1. I have seen videos of bearded collies jumping extraordinarily high, and nearly all beardie references mention the ability. It was one of the reasons we crossed them off our list...
  2. :p Our dog sat perfectly still for the vet while she put in the ointment. When we tried it at home it was a completely different matter...
  3. We've had to use eye ointment a few times with our allergy boy. Granted he is not a puppy so not so wriggly, but he learned very quickly to run away when he saw us coming, and then to shut his eye as tightly as possible. The key for us was getting it over and done with as quickly and with as little stress as possible. We did it with one person only as two made him panic. I had everything ready to go - lid off and treat in hand. While he was lying down snoozing or relaxing, I would simply go over, put the ointment in, pop a treat in his mouth, and leave. The whole thing would take about 5 seconds and he barely had time to register what was happening. Good luck!
  4. Abrham Ali Andrew Andy Angus Apollo(different spelling!) Appollo Archie Arkhan Armand Arq Ashke Atlas Bailey x 4 Balou Bandit Banjo Bardigrub Bart Barton Baxter Bear x2 Bender Ben Benji Benny Benson Billy Bing Bluey Bomber Bosch Bosco Boxer Brady Brian Custard O'Doggle Brock Brockie Brody Bronson x2 Bruce Bud Bundyx2 Buster Cannon Caramel Carl Casper Champ Charlie x 5 Chevy Chief Chip x 2 Chok Clifford Coco Cooper x3 Cory Cowan x 2 Cowboy Cuba Danny Darcy x 2 Dashx2 Deakin Dean Declan Delgado Dennys Dog Diablo Diesel x2 Digby Digger Dinky Douglas Dumas Dylan Ebon Eddie Elijah Elliott Edge Esky Fergus x 2 Fox FlashBazil Fleming Fletcher Flynn Frank Fudge Gandor Geo George Greedy Guiness mcGuinness Hail Harley Harrison Harry Henry Hudson Hugo Ivan Jack x 3 Jake x 2 Jasper x 2 James JayDee Jethro Jet Jett Jordan Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser x 2 Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kippy Kisho Kyzer Leo Lincoln Lenny Leroy Lestat Logan Luca Ludwig Lughie Lukas Lukon Mac MacKenzie Mark (the cat) Mason Max x 4 Maxie Maxwell THE DOG Mel Merlot Merry Milky Milosh Milton Minook Mistral Mojo Mokha Morris Mr Darcy Nammu Napoleon Nelsson (yes two s's) Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Onslow Oscar Oz Payton Pete Phoenix Piikki Porsha Punch Quick Raffy Ralph Randy Reeve Reagan Rex Ricky Riku Riley Ripley River Rocks Rolly Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Rupert Rusty Sam Satchmo Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow Seth Silas Snitch Sonny Soul Spartan Speed Spencer Spike Sport Spud Sterling Stig (The) Storm Stryker Sumo Swanky Tazz x 2 Teddy Tey Dog Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x2 Tolkien Tommy Tub Tusca Tye x2 Tyson Udo Ulf Valdez Wags Walker Watson Weave Whisky Willow Willy Wilson Woody Yoshi Zac Zedley Zeppelin Zephyr x 2 Zeus Zuma
  5. I would call the vet, as there are a lot of differing opinions about vaccination schedules and as I understand it, different vaccines are marketed for different schedules.
  6. I'd try chicken frames ;) Our big dog loves them.
  7. Thought I'd add a few we've stayed at Abacus at Bright - Bright, VIC http://www.abacusatbright.com.au/ A nice little place, very modern, good for couples. Dogs are allowed inside. The yard is very secure (6ft colourbond) but only big enough for toilet breaks! You can't leave dogs unattended but they do have a dogsitting service. We took our dog everywhere with us, most of the cafes in Bright were very accommodating about eating outside with your dog. The cottage is only a 5 minute walk to the main street. We love Bright, there are so many walking tracks, a lovely river and it's a really beautiful city. Avalon Retreat - Harrietville, VIC http://www.avalonhouse.com.au/avalonretreat.php Very basic but affordable cottage accommodation. The yard is quite a nice size and is fenced but not completely secure. They do have a small kennel and running wire which would only suit small dogs. 102a - Bermagui, NSW http://www.102a.com.au/ An absolutely gorgeous big house in the bush near the beach. Dogs allowed, not meant to be inside but we found the owner very accommodating and friendly (he has a friendly lab). A gorgeous large yard and quite secure fencing (but not that tall). Some great off leash beaches in the area which are pretty deserted most of the year.
  8. This is probably a bit different to a puppy, but the vet always mentions that our dog has "stiff hips" and when we first got him (as a 3 year old) he did seem a bit sore after lots of running. We put him on Joint Guard as a precaution and he hasn't had any issues or soreness in the past two years.
  9. I ordered dvds from Dogwise late last year and they arrived in under a week!
  10. Me too, if they gave a refund for "no results" I think I'd do it, because that is what I expect! ;)
  11. Me too, we have two Royal Canin buckets that came free with the 15kg bag at one time or another. Keep an eye out where you buy your food, this was at Petbarn.
  12. For reference, we had the 3 yearly vaccine done last year. It was $59 for the C3 plus KC (plus consultation).
  13. My desexed male dog also gets humped quite often. He is a BIG tall boy and has dominant body language but is very passive and easygoing.His most common response to getting humped is to turn around and play bow at the offender.....
  14. Are you talking about an Elizabethan collar? With the one we got from the vet, we just threaded a normal flat collar through the slots at the bottom. To remove it, we unclipped the collar and slipped it over the head. It was pretty easy. We found it very strong, but it did break when he ran full pelt into a doorway
  15. I'd put some Curash on it anyway, it is probably more moist than it looks. Can you watch him to make sure he doesn't bother the spot? As my boy is prone to hotspots I have found that if it starts to look inflamed or red AT ALL, I need to treat it as a normal hotspot. I have witnessed one grow from a small white bald spot to a huge, red, weeping sore in hours. If I treat them immediately (I remove the fur, then use Betadine and Neocort, use an e collar) they don't turn so nasty.
  16. We use a supplement called Omegapet, as well as a tin of sardines in oil twice a week (large dog). The other thing I've found that helps is brushing for about 5 minutes every day. It makes his coat look shinier and I notice if I've missed a few days that his skin definitely seems flakier. When I keep up the brushing routine I get comments from nearly everyone I meet about how lovely his coat looks. When we bathe we use Aloveen although he still gets a bit itchier for a few days following, so we only do that when he's getting really stinky.
  17. same here! i am very excited about it arriving - i keep checking the letterbox excitedly, even though i know i only ordered it a few days ago lol good luck I've just ordered mine today and really looking forward to getting it like everyone here Mine arrived today, super fast shipping.
  18. My dog is another picky one, but he only likes to go outside his yard, and he will face away from you so you can't see Maybe Oberon is getting confused because he can go on the tiles at home so he thinks this is the toilet spot. Is there a reason he stays in the laundry while you're out? Do you have a fenced yard that he could be in? Otherwise maybe you could try putting a patch of fake grass in the laundry with him and encouraging him to use that instead. Might help him associate the right surface to toilet on?
  19. I have the dvd on order I'll have to remember to come back and post if we get results.
  20. I've been to all fenced off leash parks in Canberra, as well as one dog club, and I would say there is a VERY low percentage of dogs there that have a 100% reliable recall. Mine has good recall (I have put LOTS of recall training into him) but let's just say he's not the most focussed being on the planet. If selective hearing kicks in when at a dog park/dog club, I physically remove him from the area. I've never had any issues with this. I know not everyone agrees with this, but IN MY OPINION, the occasional "not able to be called off chasing rabbits" shouldn't preclude someone from using an off leash area.
  21. Our cockatiel when I was growing up through he was a dog. He used to talk incessantly to our cavalier, must have been so annoying for him
  22. I'm just glad to see that someone's rug looks almost as hairy as ours
  23. We tried Telfast but didn't have much success. We have had slightly better results with one of the older antihistamines, Polaramine. We suspect it's because it makes him slightly drowsy and less likely to itch, whereas Telfast is non-drowsy.
  24. My dog is 40kg and we have a small yard. He gets mental stimulation and a walk every morning. To be honest, he seems just as happy doing zoomies in a small space as a large one.
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