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Everything posted by wuffles

  1. Sounds like doing both jobs at once (or even one), you won't get a chance to watch the runs closely, sorry to break it to you I love being backup timer, that way you DO get to watch the runs ;) I refuse to be scribe! It's the only job I haven't done. I apparently have the job of 'assembly steward' which I'm guessing is getting people organised and making sure they come into the ring at the right time. Will find out on Saturday, I guess Edit: I will be getting a leash for prettiness too, methinks :p Although I definitely do need some kind of slip lead.
  2. Hehehe, so cute. Mine are like this too. Ava doesn't like getting brushed and is hard to get to stay still. But if I brush Satch first (who loves it), all of a sudden Little Miss wants in on the action
  3. If you have 13-14 inch ones for your two I will assume that Ava will be the same Don't talk to me about dogs who slip their collars... shudder.
  4. I was going to say this, isn't what you want to do with the dog part of your 'lifestyle'? Dog training is certainly part of my lifestyle. In our agility class, we don't really have any dogs that do not have the potential to be at least good agility dogs. There are a range of breeds. I second the suggestion of getting your hands on a copy of Pat Hastings' 'Structure in Motion', it is great! Lots of pictures and easy to follow and makes you find faults in your own dogs LOL.
  5. The rushtotug leads are gorgeous Elbie and Hoover seem to have 15-16 inch necks but that would seem to indicate that they should get a 13inch lead - which is in the 'small' category, which doesn't sound right ... Anyone have any idea what size a Kelpie should have? Do we need to order together, KTB? ;)
  6. Different foods suit different dogs. One of my dogs had a reaction to one food and now we feed Pro Plan with no issues in either of my dogs.
  7. He's very stunning!! Where is he from again ;) Oh, would've been great to meet you at Albury - next year for sure (if I can make it that is, hehe). I don't have any updated of Lottie actually - might go get some tomorrow :D But I will put them back in a photo topic I made in photos so as to not bombard this thread You have a few of Lottie from the Albury weekend! Post them! In here! :p
  8. Ok, you all have my permission to be enablers... Does anyone have suggestions for nice collars/leashes for agility? It probably won't be used as a tug but any suggestions are good
  9. I am not worried, I was just saying that not all dogs have the so called teenage stage
  10. She's an Australian Shepherd, yes we have had her from a pup. Just a bit of jest, but everyone told me to wait until the teenage stage and it never came - OH is very happy about that She is destructive if that counts but she still does that and she's nearly 2 :p
  11. My dog never went through a teenage stage, is there something wrong with her?
  12. Thanks corvus. I have asked the gurus at my club and they are all convinced that it is my different body language in the ring that is putting her off as she is so sensitive. I think there is an element of that, but she has off days in training too so I think there is something else that I am missing. I definitely vary my reward schedule and even if she knows I have treats I often have focus issues (for example she will occasionally get one just for sitting at the start peg) but there is probably more I can do in that regard. To make matters worse she was attacked by a dog yesterday at a mock trial. I got between her and the other dog, so I copped a bite rather than her, so she seems fine if a little more protective of me than usual. But it's not a nice thing to happen at any time let alone in a trial environment that I try to make as positive as possible :rolleyes:
  13. Congratulations! I must admit that you managed to confuse both me and my dog, as her name is Ava too, and we were sitting just outside the ring... I was doing the Aussie grooming seminar when I heard someone say "Ava!"... went to check on her thinking she must have been playing up in her crate but nope...
  14. Hi wuffles, make sure you come along to the ET in Canberra on September 11. It would be great for you to see what is involved so that you can properly prepare for it. M I will try come along but I have obedience so it depends if I feel like missing that ;) I don't think we will have too much of a problem, I've taken her out with the bike a few times with no issues
  15. Does anyone practice duration heeling in an actual heel pattern with positions? The advice I was given was just to do it in big circles or straight lines, which I do and Ava will focus on me for over a minute (I've never built it up further than that). But she loses focus much quicker in actual heel patterns with turns and positions. She is super sensitive and even a NRM sometimes has her shutting down. I'm struggling at the moment between whether her age is a factor in this (she is 20 months old) or whether it's my training - I suspect it's a bit of both ;) Her heelwork at trials is reliable but a little messy due to the focus issues. We just need one more Novice pass then I think we will take a little break from obedience and focus on agility instead... I just love obedience but I think I would like her to mature a bit more before entering Open. I want it to remain fun for both of us Edit: When I say she loses focus, she doesn't lag, but she will look at something in the environment and get out of position. She always rights herself eventually but it loses lots of points :p
  16. ... bring on next year when my dog will actually be old enough for the ET
  17. Ava does. She also loves to lie ON TOP of you on the couch, curled up in a little ball so that she can fit, rather than on the other 3/4 of couch that is free and empty.
  18. Also think about your body language... the second I tense up or get frustrated one of my dogs shuts down. Sniffing the ground can be a displacement behaviour. The other day at training someone upset me and I stupidly tried to train my dog afterwards... I asked her to heel and she looked at me like I was a stranger. I spent a few minutes calming down and having some fun with her (2 food game, her favourite tricks, lots of rewards) then tried again and she was perfect
  19. TO, Where do you hold your left hand when walking?
  20. Our ground is the same Seita I have to go to the local oval to practice.
  21. :D I have to say that the toilet command is one of the best things I have ever taught my dog. I don't know what I'd do without it!
  22. I would go back to treating the dogs like they are puppies. Don't let them out of your sight (tether to you if you have to) and take them outside every hour. Wait until they go and praise like crazy. It shouldn't take long to catch on. Also use this as an opportunity to give them a toilet command so that they will go on command. I would also tighten up your routine, it is not fair to make your dog ask to go outside and then "not hear them" because you're watching TV! Take them out at regular intervals so they know what to expect. Make sure you clean the carpet and tiles properly. My dogs very rarely ask to go outside. I make sure that they are let out regularly. They come inside when we get home from work, then go outside to eat their dinner. They are expected to toilet then. At bed time at least one of them is taken out and goes on command (the other can hold for longer and would rather just stay in bed). On weekends if we are home and they are inside most of the day, I make sure they have the opportunity to go outside first thing of a morning then at least every few hours. It is only a few minutes out of my day and we never have accidents!
  23. I am currently just using stakes in the ground which get carted around in my car. I use the recycled plastic type stakes from the hardware store and slip PVC pipes over the top. I cart around a mallet and hammer them into the ground pretty good. And I take along a tape measure so I get them straight and at the right distance apart
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