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Everything posted by LabrADORE

  1. I think going to the vets is a good idea just to be safe, do let us know how he goes As for food, i feed my labs a small amount Origin biscuits and fresh meat. Usually once a week they have a lambs neck which is obvisouly much larger than chicken necks which means they don't pose such a risk of your dog choking. I do watch my dogs while they eat though to make sure they don't try to gobble it down too fast. They also have sardines, roo mince and organs (heart, kindey and liver) occassionally so they never get bored of their food.....bt then again they are labs edited for spelling!
  2. The puppy school we went to was ok....it was mainly the instructor talking about general information on puppies and showing a couple of basic commands such as sit. At the end of the class the puppies got to interact with each other for a while. All in all it was alright, i think puppy school is good if you are a first time dog owner or simply for a little bit of socialisation for your puppy!
  3. My dog snores too, quite loudly at times...strange but it doesn't bother me like human snoring does Let us know how it goes Shmoo
  4. I agree with taking her to the vets too. While it may just be a strained muscle it is best too be sure that that is all it is!
  5. I agree with Bailey, crate training could be a good idea to look at. If you are going to have them stay in the bathroom at night, be prepared for some heartbreaking whining(although they will be able to keep each other company which might make it a bit better)...that was my lab puppies trick, she cried so much that i ended up letting her sleep on the end of my bed I am waaay to soft!! Good luck with everything. I am sure they will make two lovely additions to the family
  6. I woudl wait until they were a year old to feed them once a day. My preference is not to feed my dogs only dry food but to give them meat as well since they love it so much. Some dogs might get bored with getting the same dried food everyday.
  7. Your little puppy is GORGOUS I have a chocolate lab too who is now two years old and a black lab that is ten months old. I also give my lab puppy sardines once a week. I have also given my dogs fish oil tablets every couple of days. As for food, he started off with the food that the breeder recomended and was feeding him and then i slowly changed him to dry biscuits (for large breeds) and fresh meat (kangeroo, lamb, beef or chicken) and organs (heart or kidney). Now that he is older i have been giving him some lamb necks to chew on so that his teeth and gums stay clean and healthy.
  8. My black lab is a little over ten months and still does not lift his leg...i think its cute :rolleyes:
  9. :rolleyes: My pups like potatoes too...i have found a couple before behind their bed....not too mention an asortment of other goodies or what is left of them anyway.
  10. He is on Ross street in Parramatta - i have been there once to have my lab x-rayed. They were very nice and have a lot of exposure to hip and elbow dysplasia - the day i was there he had already seen two other dogs with hip dysplasia something i looked up on the net about him: Dr Lidbetter graduated from the University of Sydney. He undertook an Internship at The Royal Veterinary College, The University of London. Following this he completed a two year Surgical Residency at The University of Melbourne followed by a formal three year Surgical Residency at The University of Tennessee. From 1999-2005 Dr Lidbetter was Assistant Professor of Surgery and Chief of Service at The University of Tennessee. He is a Fellow of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists as well as a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons and the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. He has published in several journals and texts and has presented in the UK, USA, Ireland and Australia. Dr Lidbetter is currently in private referral practice in Sydney. His interests include arthroscopy, cemented and cementless hip replacement, TPLO and neurosurgery.
  11. Hi everyone, i am new to dol but was at the workshop on Saturday (i had the black lab with me). Thank you Steve for all the good advice and to Bridget for organising it all. It was good fun to meet some other people with an interest in dogs/training I thought all the dogs there were just beautiful!
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