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Posts posted by missmoo

  1. I have never and will never leave my dogs tied up outside of shops....not because my dogs would bite but because i don't trust other people to do the right thing...people see a dog and think it has to be petted...

    and most definately dogs that have reactivity issues of any kind should not be left unattended and tethered at shopping places.....

    very unfortunate for the little girl and another dog has to be PTS because people dont think of the potential consequences of their actions

  2. stunning dog yes!

    great pets no!!!

    they are bred for a specific purpose unless as an owner you can provide that purpose you are being very unfair to the dog...as a trainer I cannot tell you how many dogs we see as just pets that were bred for and deserve so much more. Too often I see owners with a dog that is all wrong for them...the owners intentions are always good and loving but that is not enough and eventually in most cases the scenario ends in tears...

    please think about what you want from a dog and find the breed that matches not just because it looks good and is different to anything else in this Country. There are plenty of stunning looking dogs that may suit your lifestyle if you are willing to do some research....good looks aren't a good enough reason to buy a dog


  3. most training clubs have closed or will be this weekend for Christmas till the New Year now.

    Berwick K9iQ train Saturday mornings - don't get them confused with Berwick Obedience - different Clubs

    there are others but i can't think of them off the top of my head, you can try looking on the local Council website for more

  4. This can also help....

    Call the dogs name, don't recall, just his name, when he looks at you REWARD, don't wait for him to come to you or sit, as soon as he makes eye contact "GOOD BOY", play, toy massaging pats, food etc....

    Creating this pattern teaches the dog that when he gives you his attention he gets good things....

    You can start adding in the recall as well....

    Make it a game...lots of enthusiam and motivation on your part will help your dog see the benefit in coming and looking at you when called

    As Peresphone said PRACTICE,PRACTICE, PRACTICE...

    Contrary to popular belief an excellent Recall takes time, heaps of practice, patience and lots of hard work..

    you will get there



  5. Thanks missmoo, thats really what I was wanting to know ,what others fed their Labs so I could get a better Idea of what works for some, I should have stated that.

    It would be great if we had somewhere for him to swim but we are a fair way from the beach, unfortunately.

    How much raw roo meat would you give your's a day? and vets all natural is that dry, and how much would you give of that?

    Thanks again lablove

    you're welcome

    Finn gets approx. 350gr of meat per day and 3/4 cup of vets all natural or vegies daily....any other food like bones or fruit is taken off his daily food quota....

    vets all natural is mixed with water and left overnight to ferment...Finn has been fed vets all natural since the day i came home with him and his coat, nails and eyes are beautiful!..

    It is hard not to over feed labs. they have the "I'm soooo hungry feed me" puppy dog look down to a fine art...the trick is to find out what weight your dog should be and feed accordingly with plenty of exercise....if your dog is getting too skinny increase the food if your dog is putting on weight reduce the amount of food and/or increase exercise.

    Is there a dog pool near you or river or any kind of water your dog can safely swim in? If not just take him for lots of walks or take him to a quiet area (minimal dogs, humans, cars etc) where he can run off lead.

    To help a dog that you want to lose weight, cut down the food gradually....cutting too much food out at once will make the dog very hungry and may result in food stealing or gorging food more than is normal for labs....cut back 1/4 to 1/2 a cup every few days and add some grated carrot. Grated carrot will help to fill the gap of less food without adding too many calories.

  6. My lab is 21/2 yrs and weighs 28 kgs....

    He gets fed raw roo meat and vets all natural or a mash up of mixed vegies in the morning and a meaty bone in the evening

    if he does get dry food for some reason he only gets 1 1/2 cps in total - 3/4 of a cup in the morning and again in the evening....

    try swimming your lab...they love it and it is a great no impact, muscle building, cardio workout...any excess weight will come off quickly....


  7. It's always a hard decision the first time you may need to board your dog.

    No one can really tell you what to do it has to be your decision to make. All I can say is do your homework and find a kennel that gives you what you are looking for. There are very reputable boarding kennels out there and i am sure there are really good ones in QLD.

    Have you done a google search?

    If you know others that have boarded their dogs over xmas maybe they can recommend somewhere. I would suggest finding a kennel near where you live that way you can thoroughly check them out before making your decision. I personally would not leave my dogs anywhere where I cannot go and have a look. Have a list of questions ready to ask face to face with the kennel employees and for over the phone. All reputable kennels will allow you to visit and check them out prior to making a decision.

    good luck

    i am sure you will find somewhere.


  8. Well my OH has decided he wants a stafford. What I was hoping, is for someone to give me advice on who the well respected stafford breeders are in Vic. We are willing to travel to SA or southern NSW to find a pup we like and bring back with us.

    We don't want a dog with blue lines - personal choice and nothing personal to those who do like the blues. What J does want is either a red or black w or w/o brindle or pied.

    The pup will be a pet and not for show, and obviously we do want a dog with excellent health from all the common stafford diseases as well as from a breeder that goes the extra mile and socialises their pups not just with the family dog and other household members but with surfaces, different noises, handling by strangers etc etc as much as is safe for the pups and is as humanly possible given the circumstances before the pup goes to his/her forever home.

    I have done some research on some breeders and altho I knew they are a very popular breed I had no idea just how many breeders there are in Victoria alone.... :grouphug:....my goodness, I have a list of breeders and their info that is 3 pages and that doesn't cover them all.

    So if you can offer your valued opinion on respected Stafford breeders it is very much appreciated.


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