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Everything posted by DerRottweiler

  1. Malinois? Seriously? Why is it missing. Flawed list is flawed.
  2. No howling today or last night. Woohoo
  3. He didn't howl all night...I was like sweet it's over. Then at 6am, he started howling. Not for long, maybe a minute. So he is still howling but less....I listened for strange noises, other dogs, couldn't hear a thing! If there is a bitch on heat...I hope she is out of season soon.
  4. If someone is going to abuse you....and you feel that threat is real, then smack them in the head...after that simply run away (you will have had to have knocked them out to insure a stealthy escape). Back to reality, you don't try and defend yourself unless someone tries to hit you. Yelling doesn't amount to hitting. IF they try and hit you, then do what is reasonable to end the threat, note, that doesn't entail bashing the hell out of someone and then setting your protection trained (or attack?) dog on them British Gangster film style......
  5. Not to my knowledge? :D Again, not to my knowledge. Is he on his own outside? Dogs are pack animals.....perhaps he's lonely...I'd be howling too if I was on my own outside all day long He is outside alone, but has been alone since he was a puppy and it has never been an issue. He is well and truly used to it and a very indepedent, snobby, aloof type dog. Is he on his own outside? Dogs are pack animals.....perhaps he's lonely...I'd be howling too if I was on my own outside all day long Just want to mention that I used to have one dog, many many years ago. Did not give it any thought. One day hubby thought of getting another dog, so they could keep each other company. Well, it gave our dog a new wonderful life, I'd never seen him happier and I would never ever have a single dog again, not unless it could be with me all day. But I also want to say, I am not having a go at you for having an outside single dog. Alot of people do....just food for thought, cos its true, it is possible he could be lonely. Again, if he is truly lonely, why after 4 years? He wouldn't have liked it from the get go..... Mainly at night and early morning. Although yesterday he was also howling at around 5pm. I'm leaning towards bitch in season, as there are not other noticeable changes in my area.
  6. I hope there is a bitch in season somewhere....and it isn't pain. We have lots of dogs in the area so bitch in season is a strong possibility. But then i guess, so is pain as he is currently not 100% (but I'm positive the pain would have been worse in the past?). Also he is usually good with pain and has a strong threshold for it.
  7. 4 No. Not to my knowledge...I guess maybe he is being exercised a little less due to the next point...but that's been the case for a while now. He recently (month or two back now) suffered a muscle injury, he is still agile/fit but can pull up lame sometimes and is in the recovery process.
  8. Hi everyone, My Rottweiler has been howling a lot over the last few days. He normally doesn't howl. He has howled randomly in the past, but never for a sustained period of time. Why is he doing this? What should I do (did a search, general idea is to ignore it in case he is seeking attention, being an outdoor dog). Thanks.
  9. DerRottweiler


    Sorry for your loss mate. Nice dogs our Rottweilers .
  10. It is pretty young, my friend that got given this puppy doesn't really have a clue about dogs. But instead of schooling him, I thought I'd help out as much as possible so that he raises the dog well and keeps it in the long run.
  11. I can honestly see Rottweiler AND Chi in there......lol.
  12. Hello all, My friend was given a puppy. It is cute, but...what is it? I see so many breeds in there to the point where I don't want to speculate lol... Opinions? Thanks.
  13. My friend has a dog, he is an adult male Rottweiler and is the biggest one i have ever seen weighing in at almost 70kgs now (20kgs above standard). His nick name is 'grizzly bear'. This dog happens to be very dominant and aggressive towards other humans/dogs. This dog cannot understand the concept of positive reinforcement. Techniques that CM uses worked on this dog. A very strong, crazy dog is now somewhat under control and tolerable, but still needs to be watched closely.
  14. Hi guys, I know nothing about dog trailers. I need one for my Rottweiler. I usually drive him around in an old bomb falcon, but that car is on its deathbed. My dog isn't allowed in my good cars. So where do I start? I don't need anything fancy and it doesn't need to be brand new. I just need to get dog from Point A to Point B. The prices fluctuate so much and I have no clue as to what I need. Thanks.
  15. No. In fact I find it really weird when people say they are a mum/dad to a dog/animal.
  16. But they are killer dogs! How could this be? lol.
  17. Nope. In fact, people will cross the road to avoid him. He isn't too keen on strangers anyway, a very aloof dog indeed.
  18. Von Forell dogs would fit this bill very nicely. I would definately recommend you speak with Kris. He is a breeder / trainer of good reputation who would be happy to answer any questions you have. My experiences with him have left only positive impressions. I have also heard good things about Von Forell.
  19. I think there is a difference between treating your dog like a child and giving it presents and all that weird behaviour and using words to describe its behaviour. Like I know for a fact, when my dog is in a good mood, now I know it is wrong to use the word 'mood' here, but, there really isn't any other way to describe animal behaviour, so we use words that we can associate with the dog's behaviour. He gets excited for example, when it is time for his run, this is obvious in his behaviour. I don't think that comes under the ambit of anthropomorphism.
  20. The message is too long in my opinion. Most people would stop reading it. Should have kept it short and sweet.
  21. Some dog owners are funny. I was at the local dog beach a few months back. This lady had 2 poorly bred boxers. The male attacked my mates Amstaff for no reason. Then she said 'Control your dogs'....and I said 'but your dog attacked?' She believed that: The beach was her dogs territory. Bringing entire males to the beach disturbs the balance. Even though it was a neutral area and her neutered dog was causing trouble lulz.
  22. Reverse argument can also be used in this free society. MUST you have dogs that don't like fireworks? Best thing to do is accept it and prepare for it next time. Live and let live etc.
  23. Nonsense. That cannot be ascertained from the facts, that's just your theory. There could be a plethora of reasons as to why the dog attacked. So I stick by what I originally said, based on the facts presented thus far, it is difficult to blame the owner beyond reasonable doubt.
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