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Everything posted by Bellatrix

  1. CM, I also love that first one. Its so crisp, clean and gorgeous
  2. Some really gorgeous pics here. What a year hey! 2010 has been a massive learning curve for my photography so choosing 3 is not easy!! But id have to say these three are up the top somewhere TK by ♥ Carlz ♥, on Flickr Sienna {newborn} by ♥ Carlz ♥, on Flickr Jess {maternity} by ♥ Carlz ♥, on Flickr ETA
  3. WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! ;) Cant wait to see what you do with it. Post Pronto!!!!!
  4. Beauuuutiful!!! Have tonnes of fun with your new toys!!
  5. Congrats!!! I use 16GB Sandisk Extreme CF cards on the 5DMKII. I have two also. If your shooting video, you will need a fast card.
  6. Bec, all lenses from DWI are imported from HK. I got my 85mm 1.8 from there and it was here in like 3 days!!
  7. oooh Bec!!! Im contemplating the 70-200 2.8 IS vs non-IS but I think I will save the extra for the IS. The non IS price is so affordable though! ARGH! Ive only bought lenses from DWI and have always been happy with their service and speed of delivery. I find them to be quite cheap compared to other places (most of the time). I think for you though, if its mostly outdoors (doggies and bikes), then non IS would be fine. Depending how picky you are about the motion blur you want with the cyclists? Maybe IS would be better? I have googled both IS and non IS and really the IS is that bit better for low light situations. Quality and sharpness etc they are pretty much on par. Fingers crossed your new toy is in your hot little hands soon!!!
  8. very cute, RallyValley Today we have had massive storms...and another one on the way... but the storms broke for a bit while the sun was setting so I captured this one to show how beautiful the sunset looked HIGH up in the sky
  9. Something like this? Not sure? http://www.geniusprinting.com.au/float-mount-pricing.php
  10. Probably the last few months have been big learning curves for me. Some recent work ive been proud of: MD by ♥ Carlz ♥, on Flickr MD by ♥ Carlz ♥, on Flickr TK by ♥ Carlz ♥, on Flickr Nell and Steve - Love by ♥ Carlz ♥, on Flickr I think its great how we can look back at where we started and see improvements. I cant wait to see the improvements this time next year! Well done to all of you have really gone far this year! ETA
  11. Taken with the 5D I shall do some comparisons with the 50D later.
  12. I have now bought 3 lenses off them, a speedlite and a body. Never had a problem with them
  13. hehehe thanks DWI. Lens was $387? and I picked up the 50D for $818
  14. I decided to buy a 50D as a back up camera to my 5DMK II and ALSO a 85mm 1.8! So loving this lens!! need to have a better play with it tomorrow... and one for fun, mid-yawn
  15. some really great photos in here Was over at mums yesterday and she had this really cool plant, not sure what it was but it was just fascinating with its colours, shapes and textures.... 100mm 2.8 lens at 2.8
  16. Chloe had an umbillical hernia which was fixed at the time of desexing. Vet charged no extra for this. Looks fantastic now, wouldnt even notice it was ever there. Although they are generally harmless, they can grow as the dog grows so I would personally get it fixed up at desexing, though your vet seems a bit harsh charging an extra $100...
  17. I found this helpful to understand about the full frame and crop sensor http://www.digital-photography-school.com/...s-right-for-you Sounds like your set on the 7D , go for it! :D
  18. When I said "better" I meant that from reviews that my partner read, the people reviewing were saying the 550D was better. The reviews were saying better value and picture quality.\ This is one of the reviews he read: http://www.digitalrev.com/en/canon-eos-550...comparison.html
  19. When I bought mine, it was $1800! (from teds and that was after some discount!!) lol DWI have it so cheap at the moment!! fantastic lens IMO! http://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/store/...p?idProduct=946 ETA
  20. I have a 5D Mark II and for what I use it for (portraits), its perfect. For what you want to spend, either look at the new 60D or the 7D like others have mentioned. Both are crop sensor bodies so all Canon lenses will be compatible (EF and EF-S) I got my partner the 550D a couple of months ago. He is an engineer and by default, he researches ALOT (and I mean, alot!!). In his research, he found the 550D to be better than the 7D. Got to this website and do a side by side comparison, its really personal choice and what you want to use the camera for :D http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sidebyside.asp ETA
  21. I still have my 450D, very good condition but dont think I will sell as ill keep it as a back up camera just incase.... someone you know wanting to buy one?
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