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Everything posted by Bellatrix

  1. Aww poor boy. Unfortunately, it is a very common problem in cavaliers and most of the time it is hereditary (not always). Im sure you will get multiple replies about this from some knowledgeable cavalier breeders on here and they will be more than happy to answer your questions about it. I know for a fact a couple of people who had their cavs patellas surgically repaired and their recoveries were fantastic. Cuddles to Shiraz (I think that was his name?) Hope he feels better soon...
  2. I think the chews are a couple or so dollars more expensive. I have another 2 months worth of sentinel before im due to get more so I think I will have to get the chews next. I got some tablets off ebay not too long ago, but most on there are chews now. My girls have no trouble taking the tablets so I dont think the chews are going to make much of a difference
  3. Do you ever get the feeling someone is following you Bellatrix?! That was going to be my next question!
  4. What fantastic pics! I am most definitely sold now. Does anyone use any good website where they buy their lenses from?
  5. Wow! How horrible for the both of you! Im so glad she is doing well after that big ordeal! As soon as you said her potassium was high I got worried as high potassium levels affect cardiac function. V omitting will cause electrolyte imbalances but potassium should be watched.... I cant believe that vet didnt do anything more... ETA
  6. My eldest puppy (6 months) had bad breath for a couple of months which was basically due to losing teeth, its better now. But my youngest has the bad breath at the moment she has lost some, almost there!
  7. As a newish SLR owner with a Canon 450D, I was wondering what sort of lens would be suitable for for nice landscape shots?? such as hills, beaches etc... still learning these things...
  8. Natures Gift over here too. I use it every now and again to mix in with kibble. The girls love it!
  9. Oh good. Im always paranoid about giving my dogs meds without researching and reading about it. Just had a bit of a read off google. Its just for my puppy who needs pain relief for an injury temporarily, not long term.
  10. I went to go checkout the new homemaker centre last weekend and discovered this pet supply shop! I was lin heaven!! but then realised they sold puppies down the back..
  11. So, so sad I always read and research everything about a product before giving it to my dogs.
  12. Not sure how long it will take but just wanted to send well wishes to your boy
  13. Has anyone ever given their dogs previcox as pain relief?
  14. My contributions :p 1. What is my relationship with the breed? (ie breeder, first time owner etc) Owner. Currently own two. 5. What is the general temperament/personality? Very friendly, shows no aggression, fantastic with any age group (from children to elderly), loyal, intelligent and easy to train. But PLEASE if you are considering this breed, they have no road sense what so ever! So always walk on a lead in an unfenced area and make sure your house is puppy/dog proof because these cheeky things like to discover 7. Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with? Most definitely. Nice small size, moderate exercise and will fit into your lifestyle really well. Though I would definitely recommend having a companion for it! 8. Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods? It can be done, providing they have alot of things to occupy themselves with (they are great investigators!) but would personally have two (like I do) as they keep eachother company and will prevent seperation anxiety!
  15. Yeah, she starts to crunch the shell. Poor snail. I always tell her, she broke his home
  16. Call your vet asap. I personally think his glucose is going to sky rocket.
  17. Hi there My 4 month old cavalier has a thing about collecting snails from the garden, bringing them inside and chewing them. I dont think she has actually ate one, but everytime she has one I get it out of her mouth straight away. I have heard this can be harmful, other say not. So im not sure. We dont have any slug/snail bait in the garden so that is not a concern. Does anyone know anything more?
  18. Yes I bought this few weeks ago for $1280
  19. Hi, I go to semaphore veterinary surgery. I used to live at North Haven so it was close, now I live at Gulfview Heights so its a longer drive, but I have been very happy with their service so the trip does not bother me. Bruce and Allison are fantastic.
  20. What a sad ending to a beautiful girl Im so sorry
  21. I am so sorry to hear about your baby boy. Its so tragic The same thing happened to my Lucy 2 months ago.. she was only 9 months old.. I feel your pain, every single bit of it.
  22. Quite a fair distance actually Im up north near Golden Grove Thank you for your help though!!
  23. That is a great idea. I have something similar, but I have made it.. I bought a folder with dividers for each thing eg. pedigree, paperwork, vet bills, puppy school graduation certificate etc.. its good to keep everything organised
  24. Just general pet dog obedience training. Im at gulfview heights, near golden grove thanks for your help, might look into some of those
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