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Everything posted by Bellatrix

  1. I have learnt so much from Chris Bray's vids. Does anyone know if we can use more hundreds and thousands to that provided?
  2. I bought the Canon 450D as my first SLR about 3months or so ago now... Love it!! easy to use and takes great photos! and great value for money - I got the twin lens kit
  3. I was able to watch the link this morning, Bec. I had all sorts of ideas running through my head when I was trying to get to sleep tonight. Im going nuts I tell you!
  4. For those who have done the photo 5 before, did your entries make it to the finals?
  5. YAY! Got mine today too! Now.. what to do!!!? *puts creative hat on and scratches chin*
  6. Still waiting on mine!! Its been 2 weeks so im pretty sure it'll be in the next couple of days! (hopefully tomorrow!!)
  7. Mine get two meals and I will keep them on that
  8. Bec, im a complete novice so I wouldnt know how to critique your pic But I know what you mean by editing too much with all the adjustments! I think cos there are so many things to play with I feel like I have to use them all! hehe... As for your pic, I did notice that you used the lens adjustment shadowing, im a big fan of that! makes your photo stand out more. I'll leave the criticisms to the pros!
  9. Just found some more, still taken with my canon IXUS 70 here.. pics are a couple of years old now. Clare Valley Emu Bay at Kangaroo Island and at Cape du couedic at KI also
  10. Nope You can download a 30 day trial which is what I did... from here: http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshoplightroom/
  11. I havent taken any pics with my SLR yet, but I have a couple here I took with my IXUS 70 point and shoot earlier in the year when I went to Wallaroo. Moonta Bay... Beautiful beach... photos dont do it justice!! (you can see two love birds taking photos of themselves on the right) and view from our room in Wallaroo ETA
  12. Bec you will ADORE IT! I used lightroom to edit that pic of Chloe that you commented on my flickr page Please post some of your edits here so I can drool ;)
  13. Cheers, TerraNik. Im hoping it will come today! I registered on the 1st... ETA
  14. Is it registered mail - as in you need to sign for it?
  15. Oh wow! those briefs really do look challenging!! havent got mine yet, possibly tomorrow! ahhh!!!
  16. I just have to say that I adore this photo.......
  17. Ooooh! I hope the package comes this week coming!!
  18. Fantastic pics Bec! Im buying the 1.8 with my next pay!
  19. Some really beautiful landscape shots here! I havent really experimented with landscapes yet!
  20. What a gorgeous shot! Love the angle too. Im not really a cat person, but those last pics are stunning cats!!
  21. As a complete novice, I decided to register hehe... It asked for my address when I registered.
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