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Everything posted by Bellatrix

  1. That was fantastic and SUPER CUTE!! hehe
  2. Oh poor baby!! He does the sad eyes really well! Hope he heals soon
  3. Love the first pic also! She is bootiful....
  4. WOW thats great!! Oooh add me please Sounds good!
  5. Nice shot there, SB. Looks like your getting into trouble! Where about is Adelaide are you?
  6. I told him, na, Im just a friend helping out. His reply was 'Yeah, Yeah.. ill have to get your website to check out the photos'. He wanted me to show him some of the pics that I took on the camera. I was in histerics. No matter how much I told him, I dont think he believed me He would even come up behind me and flash his video light onto people so that I had light. I told him, the 50mm is great for low light. Ah, funny days.... ;) I wont be able to afford a new lens for a while now anyway. Sigh.
  7. Yeah, that is true. Im also looking towards trying the 24-70mm. My friend is getting married in April and although she has a pro photographer, I was going to take some photos at the reception like I did at the last wedding I went to and actually got mistaken by the video man who thought I was the pro camera lady ;)
  8. This place does it for $75 a day or $100 for the weekend... Is this pretty cheap? http://www.photowholesalers.com.au/page/pa...3%3APage%3A4142
  9. Would any one know of any places in Adelaide that hire lenses out? Would just need it for a day or two.. EFS
  10. Yes I do Happy to assist and show you - I am on a Nikon BTW Ow Im Canon... boo ;)
  11. Well done!! its a nice feeling when someone buys your work, you kind of feel appreciated Keep it up! ;)
  12. WOW Bec! Congrats! you must be thrilled, I so would be! You have a real talent there girly!! JS, way to go girl! you are inspiring alot of people on here I have noticed, you will do very well with your future plans in the photography biz! If you ever want to go take some photos together sometime, lemme know (Maybe you could teach me a thing or two ) ETA
  13. The effect is a preset in Adobe photoshop lightroom I use the 'Aged photo' preset and then played around with a couple of other settings. I love the rustic look :D Thanks for the kind words everyone. My girls are just so special to me me, they are my babies EFS
  14. Shes growing up into a lovely lady, BB We dont see enough pics of her!
  15. Bugger!!! Whats with the rotten luck (first the 50mm, now your camera!) Glad you got something else sorted for the weekend. $350 sounds a bit more reasonable, with a better turnaround time too. I think I would die if that happened to me.... chin up girl
  16. I just realised and I hope I've got this right -- is it Lexie or Chloe the girl you got after the other little one so tragically went to the bridge ? Our bouncing baby boy Archie is now 10 months and 30kgs ! (we lost our pup around the same time as yours I recall) Aww thats right.... I got Lexie about a month after Lucy died.... Chloe came a few short weeks later. Lucy's 1 year memorial is coming up in 3 weeks... I cant believe how fast the year has gone. I still think about her all the time. Im glad Archie came to fill your heart with love and happiness.... Puppies are too precious... ETA
  17. Thanks Mrs Tornsocks :rolleyes: Bec, we went away for the weekend (as it was my birthday also on sunday) so Chloe's muffin was bought at woolies whereas Lexies was bought at a local bakery nearby
  18. Thanks Gretchen and babydol Thanks Bec It does look that way doesnt it!! :rolleyes: Here are a couple of pics to compare from Lexie's 1st birthday last month. Here Chloe is thinking that its HER birthday
  19. Just wanted to share a few pics I took on Chloe's 1st Birthday she had on Sunday :rolleyes:
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