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Everything posted by Bellatrix

  1. WOW! Thank You sooo much, Ash!!! You rock!
  2. Bahahaha Im a dumbo! ;) NICE WORK!! Do you have it already???? LOL You crack me up.
  3. I know, but I had it for 5 days (on hire) and I almost cried when I had to hand it back. But I do love my 100mm 2.8 macro! Are you selling your camera to upgrade?? Oi!! Spit it out!
  4. Yip this is my baby. I LOVE this lens. It's so versatile, sharp and just all round awesome. This was my first lens I bought.
  5. I know, but I had it for 5 days (on hire) and I almost cried when I had to hand it back. But I do love my 100mm 2.8 macro! Are you selling your camera to upgrade??
  6. Just curious to know what your favourite lens is (for those who have DSLR's) and why My newest fav is the Canon 24-70mm. Its so sharp and fast but im still saving for it!
  7. Unless you really find the 1.8 isn't working for you keep using it till it dies, I dont know that the image quality is that much less. Have you seen these threads? the 1.8 (nifty fifty) http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=186207 the 1.4, I've got this one. http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=139085 the super dooper expensive 1.2 http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=307389 and the sigma 50 1.4 which is reputed to have better colour and bokeh than the Canon. http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=527827 Yeah I have read the threads Its just that its so cheap at the moment.. I love a good bargain!!
  8. A friend of mine asked if I was able to remove the middle bar from this photo and I told him I would ask around as I still dont really know how to remove things properly in photoshop. Here is the image. If anyone wants to have a crack, I would be ever so thankful (and so would my friend). Thank You!!
  9. Kirislin that photo is gorgeous!! Im considering upgrading to the 1.4 but I keep telling myself I can put that towards the 24-70mm!! (About $1400 at DWI). ARGH DECISIONS!!
  10. Just noticed that a pic of Ralph is one of the redbubble features at the moment (dog theme). Way to go! http://www.redbubble.com/
  11. Lic_82 - Just gorgeous! and the family ones are beautiful. Just a quicky I took tonight, very random shot!
  12. Yes definitely go the Speedlite 580 EX II - Its the bomb!! I never thought much of flashes until I got this. It totally opens up new doors!!
  13. Cancel the order and re-do it. I'll come back (Trust me, I know!!) haha I closed it the first time too!!
  14. ooooh! I have bought my 100mm 2.8 macro and speedlite flash from there with no hassles. Postage is a bum, about $40 but then again you save heaps on the lenses. I have never clicked yes to any of the options. They do charge credit card surcharge, but see if you can get the 'save $10 on freight' coupon code to come up before you purchase so you basically get that credit card surcharge for free lol
  15. Sorry to bring this thread from the dead again but Im interested in ordering one of those Kelly Moore bags. You have to pre-order at the moment for $199. What is the usual price they sell at? Dont know whether I should wait til another discount code becomes available or just get it now? Anyone know how much they cost usually?
  16. So dramatic!! Isnt it interesting how something so destructive can look so beautiful on film...
  17. How much did it cost you to hire out a lens? I paid $100 for a weekend but as I hired it over Easter I picked it up Thursday and dropped it back Tuesday, at the same rate!! Was a bargain but wish I had more time to play with it. I hired it from photographic wholesalers on hutt st. I had to also put down a $750 deposit which they refunded when I bought it back. It is a heavy lens, but besides that I couldn't fault it.
  18. I hired out the Canon 24-70mm 2.8 and I LOVED IT!! Now I just need to save my pennies and buy it!
  19. OMG What a little darling! Lovely photos as always, Bec!
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