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Everything posted by DMA

  1. From what I understand, this place is even worse than Kurri pound. So please support these efforts for reform.
  2. As many as we can get, as the more signatures are on the petition, the harder it is for council to ignore it.
  3. What do dingos have to do with BSL and how is it the fault of the RSPCA? Some states have the dingo on the BSL list. In Victoria you need huge fences, whilst they're banned outright in South Australia IIRC. Not sure what the reference to the RSPCA is about... BSL - or the declared pest list? In Qld dingos have been declared as pests along with other species such as rabbits, feral cats, feral dogs, feral pigs. This has got nothing to do with breed specific legislation - it comes under the Land Protection Act and is more to do with protecting primary industries, farmers, graziers and the like. I guess the trickle effect means that you can't own an animal that is a declared pest - hence ownership of dingoes being prohibited, just like you can't have a rabbit or a ferret in Qld. Well whatever it is, I know that in Victoria, if you want one, there are strict requirements such as a special high fence, whilst in SA I guess they're treated like in QLD. I don't know the situation in WA. Meanwhile in NSW there are no restrictions.
  4. What do dingos have to do with BSL and how is it the fault of the RSPCA? Some states have the dingo on the BSL list. In Victoria you need huge fences, whilst they're banned outright in South Australia IIRC. Not sure what the reference to the RSPCA is about...
  5. OMG! Poor, poor Rini!!!! I'm glad she's ok, but it sounds like an awful ordeal she went through I don't have kongs here, just tennis balls, & after hearing about this (& that it isn't an isolated case) I don't think I'll be getting any for my lot...
  6. Please note you can still sign the petition until 6 April before it goes to council on the following day... So sign away...
  7. Now extended to Tuesday 6 April...
  8. Now extended to Tuesday 6 April...
  9. I don't know about being "different", but I know my Alice is more naughty...
  10. Well we've hit the 1 000 mark & still going strong. So please keep signing!
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