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Everything posted by Shmurps

  1. Haven't seen this one before. I'm trying K9 Natural at the moment. Will also be interested in any comments.
  2. See it all the time from dodgy BYB
  3. Sorry guys. dumb topic anyway as I knew the answer to my own question. I did learn something thou in steve's post and that was I didn't realize that there are only 10% of purebeed breeders in this country.
  4. I know of someone who used to brag about using live lure, being rabbit or chicken, on several occasions and laughed about. Never was this bought up in front of me as I have a GAP grey. Everyone had had enough and phone calls were made and an inspection was done . We were told that some talk about it but never actually do it. I believe they still do it but somehow they hide it. That's why I suggested photo's, but you are in a tricky situation.
  5. Very illegal. See if you can get pics as well.
  6. Oh that's very sad for you both. What sort of dog do you have? I ow two Rough Collies a female who is 3 yrs old and a Male who has the EPI and is two yrs old. The male is in forground They are beautiful
  7. The gene pool is already questionable if you listen to some folks. I would guess that people would go back to doing what they did before breeds. "I want a medium-sized dog that can do x y and z... I shall breed one." Dogs were purpose-bred long before there were breeds. Both my breeds are quite old in type, but the Vallhund standard has only just been accepted in the US, and the Lapphund standard is only some 40 years old if I remember correctly. Vallhunds were around in the time of the vikings by all accounts. At that, I have a cuddly, "broken" Lapphund that I question would even pass his herding instinct test, but certain Lapphund lines produce pups like him, so are they even the same breed? Considering there's so much variation in temperament and look among lines within purebreeds, the process of breeding for purpose is still alive. It is very distressing when you have a healthy breed with a small gene pool and you know for a fact that someone is merrily breeding a small population with, say, 3 foundation dogs among themselves and producing puppies that can barely be called that breed and are troubled with health and temperament problems. Not only is it cruel to the products of that inbreeding program (if you can call it a program), but it's basically poisoning the small gene pool and seriously undermining all the good work people who have been carefully breeding to preserve health and type have been doing. The gene pool worries me. You just have to look at the greyhounds. They have a big gene pool and hardly any health problems. Do you think there would / could be a way to educate people who would like to breed to do it properly. I think there would be some byb that have no idea but would probably be interested in learning Maybe a program for for people to learn and have mentors.
  8. But I don't see why you would cross those 2 breeds
  9. Oh that's very sad for you both. What sort of dog do you have?
  10. I guess I live in hope that one day the horrid puppy farm factory will no longer exist and pet shops will no longer be able to sell pups. And from what I gather the good, ethical pure breed, breeders are dropping out and will this affect gene pools? So where would people source pups from if this were to happen?
  11. That's very sad. What's EPI Have you tried K9 Natural?
  12. I guess I'm looking at the big picture. If someone can afford to pay top dollar for a mix breed from a pet shop then they should be able to afford the procedure. If taking on the responsibility of pet ownership it comes with expenses which should be taken into account. However the elderly person should be entitled to a discount for sure.
  13. All for education..but if people have it in their heads to breed then they're not going to desex. If you cannot afford to have a dog desexed then you shouldn't own a dog. In the scheme of things desexing isn't a huge expense.
  14. Yes, would that then make it ok if it were done properly. Health testing and matching appropriate breeds, so to speak?
  15. Apart from Labradoodles, spoodles etc.. Why do people feel the need to cross breed? I find it disturbing to see strange mixes which are done on purpose, eg Roti x poodle, pug x cav etc, etc And why did they start crossing maltese with shih tzu ? :D :D (I should add, I know the reasons why they cross labs with poodles, don't agree with it.) Forgive me if I word things badly.
  16. I have seen them do it that way at the shelter. It used to be a blood test that took 2-3 days but that was years ago.
  17. Why do they single out the one particular breed? I understand there blood is different, but is there something special about their skeletons... Surely the draining of blood is classified as some type of abuse? There's plenty of greyhounds that no one wants. The draining of the blood is destressing to hear about, but when you consider the dog is going to be PTS anyway, and how other peoples pets could benefit by having blood on hand in case of emergencies - I'm not against it. The dogs are sedated and don't wake up, they're not aware of what is happening to them or suffer. I think it's the numbers that's distressing as well. A vet nurse friend started a job at a clinic where this is done, upto 3-5 times a day. She lasted 2 days.
  18. Why do they single out the one particular breed? I understand there blood is different, but is there something special about their skeletons... Surely the draining of blood is classified as some type of abuse? I don't know about the blood but for anatomical study purposes what other kind of dog would people gladly surrender over en mass? Same with OTT TB's and STB's becoming dog food. What's OTT TB's and STB's
  19. I thought the milk and weetbix was a thing of the past. I wouldn't think there be too much nutritional value in it
  20. Man, I was going to start a similar one Will watch with interest.
  21. I would email EP for example they are very helpful and quick to reply.
  22. We have an area of 3' x 2' down the back yard. Dig a hole put the business in and throw a handful of Bokashi in there and add some water. Bokashi is a mix if swordust and bran that has been infused with micro organisms. Breaks down in 2 weeks. Under $10 a bag and lasts 2 months. No smell no fuss.
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