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Everything posted by Shmurps

  1. I agree with casowner about education. That's what we do at our store. Some listen and some don't. The ones that don't care come back with a poorly bred, under age pup from PP. They have just picked the pup up and come straight to us to do their shopping. They have been told nothing. And they are the ones that come to us 6-12 months later wanting to get rid of their pup. As for what is a puppy farm, A cruel and dirty facility, as for byb the same on a smaller scale.
  2. My first experience going to a pet shop that sold pups, mum had to drag me out as I was so upset. I have hated pups, kittens and rabbits in pet shops. I have to disagree about being less inclined to mistreat animals. As far as inspections go it's a joke. A lot Pet stores have the worst reputation as far as info goes as well.
  3. Erny, is right about the hair roller. Very common with greyhounds. They call it happy tail.
  4. Yes there has been a shift with puppy farms selling via internet. And I am a massive supporter of banning these factories. However pups in pet shops still should be banned. Pet shops use things like scourban and lactade (not sure on spelling) to make poor puppies all happy and bouncy in the window. Ventilation is poor, especially in the shopping centers. Shops wont spend money on pups if in need of vet. I have heard of stores that they put them out the back to die. They come straight from the farm off loaded from dirty crates and straight into shop window. I could go on. Only having been in the pet industry a couple of years these are stories I have heard from people that have been in pet shops where this happens. Most of the girls I work with started when they were younger and knew no different. Yes some reported them and some just left. It still happens. I reported a shop not long ago. To cut a long story short animal welfare went out, council was going to take her to court as there has been over 100 complaints. Since found out not going to court. If laws, legislation, code of practices (for what they're worth) are not policed then the sale of pups and kittens should be banned.
  5. We have always received cards. When I was a florist, the vet clinic up the road used to send a $25 bunch of flowers to their clients.
  6. Some of the stories that I have heard first hand about live stock in pet shops makes me Try going into a pet shop and say I'll have that pup thanks. I work in a pet store (we don't sell pups and kittens) and I volunteer at a shelter. May not be the solution, but it should be banned.
  7. I've got the Outward Hound one. I put it on my jack russell and add some light weight to it. She is high energy and reactive. She seems to enjoy it as she trots at a nice pace. Don't do it all the time just when the walks are a little shorter.
  8. This story was just on the 6pm news channel 7.
  9. Can you please show me where in the rescue thread Got it.
  10. Can you please show me where in the rescue thread
  11. I find it very confusing regarding laws, legislation's, code of practices etc regarding PF, BYB and pets shops. I think this is the way to go. From Give Pets a Chance Pets In Shops There is an ever growing concern about the supply to, and availability of puppies and kittens to the pet industry. There are vast amounts of money to be made through the sale of pets in shops, markets, internet and print media. The concept of the ‘designer dog' has pushed prices of these indiscriminately bred pets up as high as $1500. In the UK, you will find that only a small number of pet shops sell dogs and cats. This did not come about by any form of legislation; it was achieved by a public outcry against the sale of pets in stores. The general public decided that they would not support an industry that over bred, sold as mere product, and needlessly killed discarded pets. By the public simply not frequenting shops that stocked companion animals, the shops had to rethink their policies in order to stay in business. Any market must adapt to consumer demand or lose business. If you the consumer decide against a certain market practice it must change to your demands or become redundant. The euthanasia rates in the UK speak for themselves, in 2007 they euthanased a total of 19,007 dogs and cats. I would imagine that everyone here doesn't support such stores. We just need to spread the word and keep spreading the word.
  12. Claims of dog cruelty at Meredith property companionanimalnews | July 3, 2010 at 2:46 am | Tags: Buy a cat, Buy a dog, Puppy Mills | Categories: Animal cruelty, Puppy Mills, RSPCA victoria, Victoria | URL: http://wp.me/pDuYr-6E Geelong Advertiser, Kerri-Ann Hobbs; July 2nd, 2010 A dog heavily chained in terrible conditions at a Meredith property. THIS tiny dog is just one of about 25 that spends its days shackled or caged on a Meredith property. See more photos from inside the puppy farm. Click here (WARNING: Contains graphic images) It is claimed that one dog has already died in the cold pens in the past week, but authorities refuse to act because they have decided the owner is not a commercial breeder. Yet she is a member and registered breeder of an independent dog group the Mini Foxie Club of Australia. What are your thoughts on this story? Tell us using the feedback form below Animal Liberation Victoria conducted a late-night raid on the farm earlier this week, claiming dogs were kept in filthy, freezing conditions. "We did temperature checks throughout the inspection and it was minus two degrees," ALV's Debra Tranter said. "Dogs have no bedding and are kept on putrid wet freezing concrete floors inside a shed. "It hasn't been cleaned for some time as most pen floors were covered in faeces and a lot of dogs did not have water. "We found four dogs chained up to kennels outside the sheds and to get to these dogs was extremely difficult as there was no gate or path leading to them. "They are tiny dogs with heavy, thick chains. "They were hidden behind the shed and we are at a loss as to how the owner would access these dogs in order to feed and water them." Ms Tranter alerted the RSPCA and Golden Plains Shire to the dogs' plight, urging them to inspect the property. The next day the authorities visited the farm and RSPCA inspectors have told the owner to fix conditions to give her dogs clean, dry, safe pens in which to live. "We do have some concerns about the welfare of the dogs and inspectors are working with the owner to rectify that situation," RSPCA inspector manager Greg Boland told the Geelong Advertiser. "She told inspectors she is only breeding one litter of pups per year, and on the evidence that's about right." In an email to Ms Tranter, one RSPCA inspector confirmed the property was "maintained in a poor hygienic condition" but all dogs had water despite being kept in conditions that were "far from ideal". "We will closely monitor the property and we intend to visit again next week," he advised Ms Tranter. "We will also periodically check in the coming months." Golden Plains Shire media officer Felicity Bolitho confirmed the visit to the property on Tuesday but said rangers were not worried about the animals. "The visit found all dogs on the property are registered with council and conditions are fine," she said. "There was no evidence to suggest that the property was a breeding/puppy farm." The property is just one of four to come to the attention of authorities in the region in the past four months. In February, Beremboke puppy farmers Les and Melinda Paxton were forced to close their dog breeding business down after the Geelong Advertiser revealed the horror conditions on their property north of Anakie. Weeks later, City of Greater Geelong and RSPCA inspectors were called to investigate an alleged puppy farm at Anakie on a property owned by Robert Adamo. Those investigations continue. And later this month, Moorabool Shire Council will decide whether to issue a building permit to a Melbourne puppy farm who wants to expand his business to keep more than 100 breeding bitches at a Ballan property. Attempts to contact the Meredith breeder last night failed.
  13. The campaign was launched at the MPW. On the post card the first paragraph reads. Puppy factories are the suppliers of the cute puppy that you see in the pet shop window. You may not realise, but there is a horrible story behind the glass.
  14. I think here may have something of use. I can't knit but you may be able to adjust a pattern to size. There is a pattern for a whippet. http://www.theaussieknittingco.com.au/product/book209
  15. Our dogs went through a similar problem about 5 years ago. Turned out to be we had our ducted heating up too high. We now have it set at 15. Scratching stopped. I don't itch as much.
  16. I know. I recorded it so I could fast forward it.
  17. On Hey Hey it's Saturday tonight at 7.30 ch 9, there will be some Pet Rescue dogs featuring on the show.
  18. Yes it is a sausage thing and it comes in a dry as well. I have never heard of it before. Maybe she is just feeding the roll.
  19. Does anyone know anything about Tucker Time please? A friend has her dog on it and is not doing well on it. I have given her some suggestions. The dog has been vet checked and bloods taken.
  20. Yest I met for the first time a petite basset griffon vendeen. Great dog. Would you recommend these as a family pet? I am trying to put together a list of breeds for customers to research. I am trying to guide them away from pet shops.
  21. Allergy weeds. Inch plant Moses in cradle Purple heart Scurvy weed Turtle vine Wandering dew Zebrina Couple of other plants (to be aware of) Azaleas and rhododendrons Clematis Daphne Privet
  22. Well I hope the RSPCA's campaign that was launched at the MPW Vic to close down puppy farms down works. Pet shops that sell puppies do not do the right thing. The stories I have heard over the last few years makes me sick. There is a woman in our area that has been farming puppies for more than 13 years and supplying shops. The more I have spoken to people about her the more the stories get worse. At one time she had over 100 complaints and still nothing done. :D
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