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Everything posted by Shmurps

  1. Over heard a conversation about multigenerational labradoodles. One lady was telling the other lady how she had one Thought I'd ask here for an explanation.
  2. Another friend's dog has had cancer surgery on his face and jaw. The dog has recovered so well but developed a hot spot on his snout. It is taking sometime to heal do you think Manuka Honey would help?
  3. Thank you. I notice he was at a couple of clinics.
  4. Can anyone recommend a Dermatologist Vet for an elderly lady who's dog has allergies please?
  5. Some pet stores do buy on consignment from breeders. If they didn't sell they went back, then who knows :D I did hear about a pet store who did get pups from a registered show dog person from time to time.
  6. I thought it was a supply and demand problem They have excellent customer service so if you email them they will get back to you within 24 hours. They will also tell you which store has stock. There seems to be more EP available in NSW than Vic.
  7. Hi dogmad, Any chance of reading your article on do's and don'ts in dog parks?
  8. Rabbits are intelligent. They need a fair amount of space to move around. Good quality hay as their main source of food such as meadow hay, then a good supply of greens and fruit everyday, if you wouldn't eat it then you shouldn't feed it to them, then good quality pallets. If they are not fed the right diet they can get sludge in the gut and crystals in their bladder. They don't tolerate heat well at all nor the cold. They are hard work to keep that's why rescue groups are full up with rabbits. Don't have a problem with it as long as they have all their needs met and not kept in small hutches or cages.
  9. Same same for pookinuk. Although It took 10 days for mine to arrive due to being out of stock and a little slow to reply to my emails they sent out 3 smaller bags which added up to more. Eagle Pack should be making it's way back to stores soon. Will be arriving in dribs and drabs but there are 6 containers on their way.
  10. Why not add Part 4? How NOT to DUMP a dog at the pound when you are sick of it? That it is a DOG for LIFE. I would have thought that would come under responsible pet ownership. Nope. You are way off the mark. Dumping of dogs at pounds is about getting OUT of being a responsible owner. Going to the pound to get rid of the dog is the time when the "ownership" bit finishes and finally being rid of the problem dog is on the horizon; those who have this in mind see the dumping of the dog at the pound as another process altogether. The problem dog is no longer theirs and the problem dog becomes somebody else's problem. They are finished with playing the responsible owner. In their eyes the pound is there specifically to take unwanted dogs to - why else would it be there? It is a place to solve problems. They walk in with the problem, and walk out without the problem. Society has put this convenient place there for them, and they don't have to give the dog the needle and see it die. They dont have to bury the dog either. They are not asked to stay and watch. They dont have to bury the dead dog either. Perhaps if they were told that they had to stay and watch their dog die, they may think twice about getting another dog. Harsh? You bet. But it is only by toughening up as a society that we can get the message across that is not OK to get rid of a dog that you made a commitment to keeping. Puppy farm hysteria is a smokescreen that hides the real reasons why so many dogs are dumped and PTS. Anyone who is serious about the problem and not looking for donations for their animal libber cause can see that. Souff Well, under the pound, shelter system. These are just ideas. It's good to get people discussing all points.
  11. Why not add Part 4? How NOT to DUMP a dog at the pound when you are sick of it? That it is a DOG for LIFE. I would have thought that would come under responsible pet ownership.
  12. The 19th Sept is Puppy Farm Awareness day .For Victorians, the ALV is holding one at: The Steps of Parliament. 12pm-2pm
  13. Been thinking and maybe a 3 part doco. Responsible pet ownership, How to source a pup- Inc puppy farms,pet shops and ethical breeders, Pound, shelter, rescue.
  14. Great idea. There will be a few DOLers that I'm sure will give some great advice and ideas. I agree with teaming up with ALV and maybe Deathrow Pets. ALV have a doco available on DVD. An Australian Filmmaker William Wolfenden, who created The Puppy Mill, is currently approaching Australian broadcasters to get this valuable documentary aired. It's on their website under Prisoners for Profit. Good luck.
  15. Thanks, that's what I was thinking.
  16. Rescue pup has demodex mites around eyes and muzzle and also has ear mites are the two connected? Pup is being treated and has gone into foster care.
  17. And that's it. Our parents are in nursing homes. Our other family members have dogs and wouldn't ask them anyway. Moo is DA so she can't live with other dogs. So it's a problem should anything happen to both of us. I hope I'm not jinxing us
  18. Moo came to us to teach me patience. Being a shelter dog she came with issues and still has some. Zac came to us because Moo chose him When I'm driving home from the shelter I get butterflies in my gut because I can't wait to see them.
  19. Had a conversation today that's given me the worries. If something should happen to you who would look after your dog/dogs? We still haven't done our will yet Yes I know. We don't have children and I know where the money would go. I know that our grey will be ok being a GAP dog but now I will have to think where Moo will go
  20. Has anyone tried Balance Original Dick Van Patten. Went to a store and because EP is a bit slow they had this food in to replace EP until stock arrives.
  21. My brother in law works for customs and a couple of years ago he was telling me they were in need of people to work with customs dogs. Working with dogs and a government job I work as a casual on weekends and volunteer at 2 shelters during the week. It's physically and mentally hard work, but I enjoy it.
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