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Everything posted by Shmurps

  1. I wonder if we could get honest feed back from the public via talk back radio for example. Richard Stubbs is a dog lover and has a good following on the ABC radio.
  2. Agreed. Then we will have the Xmas present puppy that no one wants when the holidays are over or when the next holidays come along. Pet shops do have more pups in the window in December.
  3. After purchasing "Give A Dog A Bone" and reading all the benefits which makes perfect sense to me I still worry about giving them bones. Even more so from reading the last topic. It took me sometime to find the right size and type to suit my dogs. Apart from the ground chicken carcass that they get often, the greyhound get wholes carcasses, lamb flaps and the large marrow bone which is mainly for dental. He only has it for an hour and he chews the cartilage bits on the end. He is also a gulper and seems to do fine so he can't have anything smaller. The jack russell mainly has lamb bones, such as the pelvis part and some other part. Not shanks as they seem to splinter. The first time I gave her one I went to check on the bone and was surprised at how sharp the bits were. They were as sharp as pins. The last time she had a chicken wing a small piece put a tiny little hole in the side of her cheek. She was acting all weird so took her straight to the vet. They didn't seem to think it was a blockage, bought her home, still not happy the next day, after another inspection there was a tiny little red dot on the inside of her mouth. On bone days I sit out side, have a cuppa and keep an eye on them. Not confident to leave them alone with a bone.
  4. I have always believed that "pets are for life" however pet shops and a like make it easy for the "consumer" to purchase one. We are such a disposal and busy society.
  5. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but out of curiosity how would you know if the procedure was successful when the dog is put to sleep? Isn't recovery and after care part of it.
  6. There is a horrid shop near us. This woman is a BYB and has a network of breeders. I call them underground breeders. It's one of those places that have terrible signage, windows half covered in newspaper, black boards with this weeks special. She has been reported several times and a few by me. She has had 100's of complaints and cruelty charges against her in the past yet she is still allows to trade. Council and animal welfare have been out there 2 or 3 times ,to my knowledge, and last year I was told they were taking her to court to be closed down. I contacted them a few months later to find out when this was going to court and was told it was no longer going to happen. Last time I went in there, there were over 30 pups all jammed in the display cages. Mainly working breed crosses, SBT crosses and god only know what the others were. The windows were covered in feces, a rabbit in a tiny hutch with no hay a dirty bowl of water and the ammonia stench was toxic. I was trying to take photo's with my phone but they didn't work.
  7. For me I hope I see the day that dogs and cats will be banned from pet stores. This weekend inc Friday night, 9 pups in the arms of people all came from PP. Not saying that these people will not care for these animals, but honestly some will need medical attention sometime in the future. One lady who had purchased Cavalier a pup 6 months ago no longer wants it, it was a spur of the moment purchase. Yes I work in a pet store , no we do not sell pups and kittens, but I see and hear the stories every day I work. I also volunteer at an animal shelter. So I guess I see both ends of the cycle.
  8. Over a period of time , yes. I think there is a percentage of people who would prefer to buy from you guys. There is a stigma out there about pure-breeds and breeders, and that's where I believe education comes in as well. As far as supply and demand goes, that's where mentors come in, again, in wont happen over night.
  9. What about the success the greyhounds have had promoting them as pets. We attend lots of greyhound walks and promo's and the public love them. They are amazed to see them out and about they ask lots of questions and get to see them first hand as pets. People have no idea what breeds are out there. They are presented with what's in the window. And you can't blame first time dog owners. Breeders are not interested in them if they ask the wrong question, maybe if the sent them an info sheet on the breed or something along those lines rather than just deleting their inquiries.
  10. I'm all for the practical experience, I would like to think there were more recovery surgeries done than just PTS surgeries. Greyhounds don't get a lot of respect.
  11. They still get chucked in a black plastic bag and dumped at the tip.
  12. I promote reg, ethical breeders and rescue when I am asked. However I believe that the reg, ethical breeders need to be promoted more. "Meet the pure breeds and Breeders" At a pet store that doesn't sell animals or promos at Town fairs for example. Rescue and breed specific rescues do it all the time. There are so many pure breeds that people don't even know they exist. May be a doco.
  13. Has anyone seen an ad for Friday's Today Tonight about an under cover pet shop assistant? Apparently this woman has been collecting video evidence for three years. Only just caught the tail end of the ad. Guess we will just have to wait and see if it goes to air....
  14. Sorry a bit OT but does anyone know why racing greyhounds are fed bread and weetbix?
  15. Lots of dogs in my area rush to the fence/gate and run a long the fence line. Once one starts they all start. I walk during the day when most are at work or out. I have heard of some terrible stories about dogs getting their noses bitten or faces mauled. Given half a chance mine would stick her nose in a hole if she could. I walk on a short leash when passing.
  16. Our JR developed a fear about 2-3 years ago. Don't know why. We never nurtured her but It got worse over the years. Tried lots of methods. Now experimenting with Troy Behave paste. Vit C is meant to be good for stressed dogs. We've had a couple of small storms that were predicted by the weather man so I gave her some paste before work and that evening she was a little more relaxed.
  17. I only saw the promo and that was enough. Goats running into fences, broken horns, stunned and dragged away by their back legs. Kids were thrown out of the cart in tears. Unacceptable.
  18. I have never heard of this before and was gobsmacked that it has been allowed for so long. I didn't watch the whole story, did anyone else see it?
  19. I was talked into it 4 years ago. My dog had a reaction 10 mins after. She went as stiff as board. She stayed at the vets for obs. Luckily she was ok.
  20. After reading post re constipation I was wondering what is considered healthy/unhealthy? I have changed to BARF, well I would say 80% and the other EP. I bought Dr.B's book "Give a Dog a Bone" and the DVD of the seminar. I do buy the BARF patties, make some up, and RMB. I'm not sure if 50% RMB was too high for mine? Poop was small and very white, I know the small part is good, but would that mean too much calcium? Someone posted a while ago what different colored poop meant. I have tried to find it.
  21. Also looks like racing greyhound tails from rubbing in their pens.
  22. We pay $1 for 2kg of ground chicken carcass and chicken bits, 80 cents for 2 large chicken carcass or 3 small. $1 for 3 lots of lamb flaps/ribs. All from butcher.
  23. I watched Dr.Billinghurst DVD and he said that it was perfectly normal. It has heaps of bacteria which is high in quality protein, B vitamins, enzymes, probiotics and fibre.
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