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Everything posted by charlies_mum
Thanks for your help. the neighbour who complained says she only barks when we are not at home. which is true when we are home she rarely barks and if she does once we call her she is quiet. i dont know what would work because we cant be home to throw the chain at the fence etc when she is barking as she only does it when we arent there so would a collar be better? if so where do i get a collar from and do they need to be properly fitted. thanks for your help and feedback im thinking i will have to give bark busters a miss. i love the story about the car being broken into too. bet they wish they had waited to complain to you hahaha
hi thanks for your feedback we are in the illawarra area in nsw if you know of a great trainer we would be very happy
Hi everyone we have two chihuahuas molly who is 1 today and charlie almost 2. molly is the dominant one and lately she has been barking at everything. they both run to the front door barking when someone comes to the door but they are getting worse. they bark at everything that moves in the backyard etc. has anyone had any experience with Bark Busters? we are desperate one neighbour has already complained. i looked on the bark busters website and they claim to be able to fix alot of problems in 3 hours which sounds like a god send to me. Our puppies are on the whole so good they never make a sound unless they are outside or someone comes over. will bark busters be able to help? thanks for reading sorry its a long post.
My Baby Chi Is Being Desexed
charlies_mum replied to charlies_mum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
had she been on heat before then (sorry if thats a stupid question) we just always though six months so she doesnt come on heat as we have a few dogs that are allowed to just roam in our area and i would hate for one of them to jump our 5ft colourbond fence. -
my six month baby chi is being desexed next week. my husband and i have been nervously awaiting this time in her life since we brought her home. she is just so tiny and even though i have full faith in my vets ability i am so worried. how long does it normally take for a female chi to recover? our male chi was desexed last december when he was 6 months old and he was up and about the next day and never even looked at his one stitch!!! i hope she will be the same but she is smaller and its a more complicated operation for her. my breeder is so sweet as she loves molly just as much as we do she is coming down the next day to check on her ( a 3 hour drive) . any advice or similar stories would be appreciated
hi everyone my oldest chi charlie who is 1.5years old loves the sun and on a day like today will lie out in the sun until he is panting (with a gorgeous big smile on his face) then he comes and lies under the pergola on the concrete where it is cooler but i think he has too much coat. (he is a long haired chi) i have spoken to people who say he doesnt need much of a trim as it would not grow back the same but all i care about is his comfort and i dont want him to be too hot this summer (last summer he still had his puppy coat so this wasnt an issue) are there any long haired chis out there that get a haircut in summertime? thanks for your help
our two chihuahuas have a crate harnessed onto the back seat each for travel in the car as they are too small to sit comfortably in the harnesses on the backseat. is it alright to have them both in the same crate?
hi everyone i have two questions today. how do i get photos up to show you charlie and molly and the second question is molly (who is 18 weeks) is still tiny (she was the runt of the litter) we want her to be desexed as soon as she is 6 months old. her older brother charlie was desexed at 5.5 months and at the same age as molly is he was bigger (about .5kg bigger) my vet doesnt specialise in small dogs but we have always been super happy above and beyond what we expect from a vet but because she is so tiny are we better off trying to find a vet that is experienced in tiny dogs to do the desexing? i would prefer my vet to do it as she knows molly and molly loves going to the vets but if it meant she would be safer with someone more experienced then i would go with that option. i should say we were very happy with charlies operation (he only needed one stitch :D ) but i think female desexing is more complicated what do you all think thanks for your help.
our puppy preschool was the best!!!! we have chihuahuas and our beautiful puppy molly started at 9 weeks when she weighed only 700gms. the school was run from our vets and the teacher was so good. they all get weighed at the start then she noticed molly was hiding behind our legs so she let her off her lead first then once she was happy sniffing all the other dogs she let them off one at a time. they had a play and then week by week she taught us more commands and we would have fun competitions to see who was the best at each command and she would go through some new info any week. any questions we had she answered and we got so many samples and toys and all round it was a great experience. i have heard some disaster stories though of puppy school so choose wisely. i hope you and your pup have fun and learn lots
i didnt know that about their coats never growing back the same way. he is such a pretty dog (even though he is very masculine ) i thought he would get too hot in the summer time but i suppose last summer even in the middle of the day he would lie out in the blazing sun on his back with a big grin on his face and refused to come in to the shade even though he was panting thanks for your help everyone
hi everyone. my 14 month old chi will need his first summer haircut next monthish. we are looking for a groomer in the illawarra preferably from wollongong-kiama. does anyone have a reccomendation? i know there are so many out there but we want someone that has been reccomended. also should our 4 month chi have a cut too? they are both long haired and we left charlie last year as the vet said not too until his puppy coat had gone. cheers for any help
hi everyone i have two chis Charlie (13 months desexed male) and 11 week old Molly. they are both being fed science diet charlie has the adult small bites and molly has the puppy small bites. they both happily eat it but i did a search on here a few weeks ago re science diet and one person said they noticed their dogs were growing lankier on the science diet. i have noticed this with molly her legs seem to be growing faster than the rest of her (maybe i am just being paranoid) should i change foods? which is the best for chis? the breeder (who is the same for both of them) was feeding them all homemade stuff but i dont have the time to do that and worried i might mae a mistake with the recipe. i like science diet because they need such a small amount to get all the nutrition they need as they both have such small stomachs. the vet reccomended science diet or royal canin should i switch to that one? they are both a healthy weight by the way. cheers
hi our 10 week old chi molly and her 1 year old chi brother and hubby and i were driving back from their grandparents house on saturday night and molly started crying hysterically from when we first got in the car (which she normally does for about 2 minutes then she is quiet) but she cried for most of the 20 minute trip home and we ignored her as we didnt want her thinking we were giving her attention for crying as this has worked really well and she no longer cries at night. when we got home and i was settling her into her play pen i noticed she had done a poo in her crate!!! i know now that this was why she was crying because she was telling me she wanted the loo... :D i felt terrible. has this now wrecked all the work we had done with her with crate training? will she do it in there all the time now? i soaked the blanket and washed it in the washing machine and hung it in the sun yesterday to get rid of all the smell and cleaned out the crate to eliminate any smell. im feeling very guilty. thanks for reading
thanks so does that just happen all the time now he is an adult? and its definetly not a sign that he may still be fertile is it? when i saw it that was my first thought that maybe they didnt get all his bits and now with a female puppy here who wont be able to get desexed until at least 5 months of age i dont want anything to happen.
hi everyone my chihuahua charlie i noticed this morning after playing with his chihuahua sister has a small amount of white dischagre which looks like a thick fluid on the tip of his penis. he is desexed so i dont think it is because he is excited. do you think it could be that he is just really happy or is it an infection? we have puppy preschool tonight at his vets for the female chi so i will ask the vet nurse as well cheers
im no expert but charlie our chiahuahua starting lifting his leg around the 6 month old mark but he has only done it about 5 times. i think because he is so short he tends to only do it when we are out walking and he smells something interesting on a tree where a bigger dog has gone so he tries to get it up higher. other than that though he still squats. looks very dignified
our 12 month chi is similar. he loves chewing on one of my old flanelette pajama tops. it is only one top though and he only chews one specific corner it doesnt matter if it has been washed he always goes for the same corner and pulls it up on to my husbands or my lap on the lounge while we are watching tv at night time and curls up with it and chews it with his eyes half closed very weird but so cute. we call it his pacifier because if he is running around going nuts as soon as he sees me bring the pajama top out of his cuboard he stops straight away and sits waiting for me to give it to him we let him do this because he doesnt want to chew anything else apart from his toys. i hope other people with more knowledge than i can help you. good luck and i hope she stops soon
hi there i do the same thing that noodlenut does with our new chi puppy she has her hard plastic crate inside her playpen. our 12 month old chi had the same he now has a soft crate which is huge for when he goes to bed but still has his hard crate for the car. i find that the hard crates for us work well as i can secure both pups in the back seat of the car inside their crates however it is probably easier for me to do this as they are only little dogs. i think whatever you decide as it was mentioned before make sure its big enough for when they are an adult that way it is familiar to them. good luck
hi everyone molly our new chi is starting to settle in and she is playing well with our 12month old male chi. my question is he sometimes when they are playing picks her up by her fur and drags her about 1-2 metres. this doesnt seem to bother her as she doesnt cry or do anything to stop him. (she is very bossy so when he does something she doesnt like she fights back it sounds really funny ) is this ok for him to do this or is it actually hurting her? he is such a sweetie and is very gentle with her so i don thtink he is doing it to hurt her i think he just treats her like she is one of his toys. thanks for your help
Should Food Be Avaliable All The Time?
charlies_mum replied to charlies_mum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
just thought i would give you a quick update charlie is now eating everything in sight as soon as we put it down the reason being he now has a baby sister so feeels the need to eat as much as he can as fast as he can he is even starting to eat some of her treats when we go to give them to her!!! (she has a bowl of food avaliable all the time in her playpen that he cant reach so we can make sure she is getting enough) i wish we had got her sooner as we cant believe how much his appetite has improved with a little healthy competition -
we took molly to the vet yesterday for a puppy checkup and the vet said we will have to wait and see how big she gets as she is only 600g now so the vet doesnt want to do her earlier than 6 months if she is so small so we will have to wait and see. the vet doesnt think it is a cause for too much concern as charlie is desexed but she understands why we dont want to run the risk of her ever having babies. thanks all for your help and comments
we tried tough love with molly last night and we kept her active and up for most of the afternoon with just a small quiet time/ nap. she was putting herself to bed by the time we were ready for bed as she was that tired. we set her up in the laundry in her play pen with some water and a training pad and her crate with an audiobook playing so she had some noise then we closed the door and she cried for about 1 minute. we didnt hear her again until 330am when she cried hysterically for 1-2 hours. we ignored her and she put herself back to sleep breakthrough we were so happy and she only started crying this morning when i was letting her older brother outside to go to the toilet at 7am. so we have made progress!!!! hopefully she continues to improve and we will keep going with the tough love even though it could break my heart at least we all good a decent nights sleep thanks all for your advice :D
thanks for that so it wont do her any long term damage to cry for hours on end? i have left her at home for 3 hours this morning so hopefully she can cry the whole time if she wants and she may realise it gets her nothing? we tried putting her in to the male chis bed and he is such a sweet heart he just moved over and let her snuggle. this kept her happy for a few hours last night but then sh cried again. we will put her in the laundry tongit with out the heating on and see how she goes. she had a big sleep from about 5-9pm last night should we try keeping her up then so she is buggered and wants to sleep? thanks again
hi everyone we picked up our female chi on saturday afternoon and she is such a little princess. HOWEVER then the night time came or should i say 1130pm and boy for a tiny dog she has a massive set of lungs she howled and cried until we went in to the ensuite to her. we picked her up (her tail was wagging) and then she fell back to sleep in our arms back in her play pen (in her crate) for 4 hours then cried again all night until we brought her in to my husbands side of the bed where she happily slept in her crate for 2 hours. then crying again. we tried tough love during the day when she went for a sleep and ignored her (which ripped my heart out) and she cried non stop for 45mins. as soon as we went to get her her tail is wagging again. yesterday afternoon though she ahppily slept silently in her crate for about 7 hours with a playtime out in the backyard in the middle and last night was much of the same crying non stop. we are very sleep deprived!!! she has a hot water bottle and more toys and blankets than she knows what to do with and the ducted heating is on so she isnt cold. i know puppies are going to cry our 12 month old male chi cried 4 times over 2 nights but settled very quickly. my question is did we just get lucky with our male chi and what she is doing is normal? if yes when will she start to settle? is this a female dog thing and will she always be a bit more whingy and sooky? by the way there is nothing medically wrong with her and like i said apart from the crying she is an absolute darling. please help us
to answer the other questions: all male dogs will be able to smell her scent from the season a mile away. your male desexed dog will go crazy trying to get to her. i don't know if he will be confused they generally go on instinct alone. PLUS, experienced this myself as have many other breeders in chihuahuas, they sometimes go on "silent" which means that you can't tell they are actually in season, they don't swell they dont' bleed they don't do anything and next thing you know they've mated the male. OMG!!!! well and truely convinced me. knowing our luck she will be one of those "silent" ones and we will end up with half great dane pups or something!! (has heart attack thinking of prospect.) do chis come on heat earlier than 5 months? becuase we will book her in on her 5th month birthday. i will talk to the vet when she goes in for her first checkup next saturday i cant wait to meet the little cutey who is already giving me grief