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Everything posted by Heidii
I new a particular dog in the all breeds ring that did ALOT of winning and it too was advertised in all the magazines......however it was never entered under specility judges/shows, even international specility judges as in most cases it would be asked to leave the ring! In the end you cant stop people advertising and you cant stop judges chosing based on professional handlers/dogs they have seen in magazines...all its going to mean in the future is that as the years go by dog shows will fade away
Thanks for your efort in looking but I can't open this link-sorry. I don't think you have enough posts for Off Topic.Just looked and it's sold anyway Ah damn, it sold 10minutes after i posted.
theres one in the marketplace http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=187744
Well there is your answer Elfin, Dont put vets all in one baskets saying 'we' are failing to educated these vets, or how can we educated, based on your one bad experience
I never said ALL... Maybe when some of you are put in positions by vets like I was, then maybe, just maybe you'd understand. OF CORSE there is always exceptions to the rule, and by pointing that out is just stating the obvious! What I went through as a vet nurse and what vets did to people pets was discusting, so much now that I am extremely weary of them and do my homework. I think I am intitled to feel that way based on my EXPERIENCE....AND if I felt NOTHING based on what i have seen you'd call me heartless. There are many vets out there that are stuck in their old ways, getting back to the topic, thats the problem. As poodlefan said, I think educating junior vets on dog related issues would be our best bet.
theres tunneling for FERRETS but not dogs
whilst i do not agree that all vets 'suck' as i believe there are good and bad in every profession Yeh, of corse not ALL, but the majority. I have worked at 4 vets and only 1 was 'to standard' BUT they all care more about money than our pets. I have many, many stories....behind the scenes your pet dont get it, but YOU get charged for it! I have had peoples beloved animals die infront of me because of vets not giving a shit and then I have had to deal with the owners in hysterics while the vet hides in her office! My view is based on my experience, so in the end, vets still suck! You know how they say all/most medical care workers end up becoming "hard", well it's the same in the veterinary industry....they forget the reason they got into it!
Vets SUCK....and I mean SUCK.....did I forget to mention that vets SUUCKKK?!!! No amount of education will educate these so called animal lovers.....all they care about is money! As long as they have dogs with problems, whos owners are happy to pay 1000's to have them fixed then they are as happy as a pig in mud! Just mention the word VET to me and I shudder!
My gosh Flickr is hard to use!! Here is my set, got a few photos already! http://www.flickr.com/photos/23986617@N07/...57623155880596/
Found it really hard not sharing this photo. My new puppy and my older dog are getting along very well....alittle too well..
personally I wouldn't tell him. Also, think about the wording "a dog to show" implies that is the primary reason for getting it (to a no-showing person). Why not just say that you're looking for a dog and am waiting for the right one? *sigh* megan, if only it was that easy....... the right one is at the pound
Yes i have the most stoooopist people here!! The other day I got " guess what i got a new puppy!!!" when i ask what breed "they say, oh she is purebred she is a Labrodoodle, BUT dont worry, i got her cos she is allergy free" ...i wanted to jump out the window and NO i didnt bother repling to his stupidity!
CDL is my nickname with OH and my mates! They actually will correspond about me in texts as dog girl - ie "we're running a little late as CDL has found a stray, we'll be there after a quick pound stop". Or "Dog girl is saying mean things to the people looking at puppies in pet stores, I'm scared!". LOVE IT!
Lildogsrule, I too was told i was cruel transporting dogs in crates in the back of the car!!! I quickly changed their mind about that when I told them my friend had her dog loose in the back of her station wagon when she had an accident...the dog didn’t survive! It’s purely for THEIR SAFETY!
!!So why tell them what you do Im sorry but if your colleagues dont appreciate what you & your dog does then dont tell them. They have there opinion you have yours & just agree to disagree & keep your achievements private or with those that understand. They asked showdog! ....AND i had to take time off work for the royal melbourne show. I dont actively say anything now.
Doesn't that just give you the sh*ts ??!! Somehow we are failing to promote good, ethical registered breeders over the byb's and puppy farms - the message is still not getting out fifi your right, its not getting out! After a "pitball" attack on the news a while ago now, my boss went around telling everyone that pitballs are the most dangerous breed because they get lock jaw...he said even when they are dead you cant get them off!....I pulled him aside and told him it wasnt true etc but he wouldnt have a bar of it, he said he had seen it with his own eyes when his neighbours cat got attacked by a pitball..he said he even saw the dog 'shift its jaw into lock'........i thought...."you have got to be shitting me" As poodlefan said, sometimes its just not worth it!
Yeh thats right fifi, they all seam to be animal rights extremists/rspca supporters etc yet get this, this one girl is against showing because she thinks docking/cropping/bracing ears etc is extremely cruel and thinks people who show lock their dogs up in kennels and the dogs never even get a hug or a pat, yet then tells me "oh my brother brought a beautiful lab x golden puppy....but dont worry, he got her from a proper breeder"
Well thanks poodlefan, that’s made me feel worse!! I only have one person who always asks me if I had a show but my boss is accommodating because he knows I’m passionate about it but he has told me he doesn’t agree with it....and says that dogs belong in the backyard, not made to do ‘circus acts’. Have you pointed out to your boss how boring life in a backyard can be? Sure have, that was my first response! I said it was cruel keeping a dog in the backyard with no stimulation....I have to say it in the nicest way though which is hard and doesnt get my point across in the way i really want it too
haha so true Scarlet I have one guy here who LOVES dogs and when I told him about getting a new pup to show and I had been having trouble finding one suitable he told me I was being shallow and it should be whats inside the dog that counts!! ...hmm maybe I just work with mean people
Well thanks poodlefan, that’s made me feel worse!! I only have one person who always asks me if I had a show but my boss is accommodating because he knows I’m passionate about it but he has told me he doesn’t agree with it....and says that dogs belong in the backyard, not made to do ‘circus acts’.
I want to know if every gets the same comments as me when it come to their pets if they show, do dog sports, breed etc I have come to find that the majority of people (That aren’t dog people) think that if you show dogs that you are a cruel and shallow person. I have been told that dog showing is in the same category as Hitler and his ‘perfect race’. When my dog has done well in agility and I have spoken to work colleagues about it, they don’t agree with making my dog do something he ‘doesn’t want to do’. Even if I tell them that my dog LOVES doing agility they still say that it’s the same as animals in a circus!! I hate these opinions, it really upsets me that people think I don’t love my dogs because I do competitions with them. That is the reason why I do competitions BECAUSE I love dogs and being able to go out and enjoy the day with them at a dog show and win ribbons together is a fantastic feeling!.... but people just don’t understand ...I know I shouldn’t let it bother me but being a passionate animal lover it really does! Does anyone else have this problem?
ignore me, i found it..for anyone who wants to know its: http://www.agilitytrials.info/ANKCAgilityT...tiEntryForm.xls
On the VCA website their is a performance entry form but with no agility on it . Anyone know which one I can use?