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Everything posted by Heidii

  1. My dog needs to have his first strip and its sending both him and i mental. He has really really long hair and seems to have all this dead hair struck right deep down near his skin. I have been told the way to do it is to layer groom him and to use a comb. This is taking forever, seems to hurt him and is putting blisters on my hands!! Is there any other way to get all this out? What about a stripping knife/rake?
  2. id prefer not to say breed other than a large breed and he is 11 months old. I havnt taken him to the vet yet but think its prob a good idea. His teeth are fine, very healthy looking. He has always been like this but he seems to be getting ALOT worse. He is a show dog, and therefor is hard to bait in the ring cos of this reason. I guess i will just speak to the vet.
  3. I have a young dog that just doesnt eat well. I give him chicken frames and brisket bones and he just sits there and looks at them. I gave him one at like 7am this morning and when i got home after work it was still there. He never used to be like this, he used to eat normally. He is also the same with his dinner. He doesnt skoff his food! Is this normal? my OH thinks its cos he has no other dogs to compete against. Any thoughts on what could be wrong? Maybe he is depressed as he gets left at home alot cos i work full time. I feel like a bad mother
  4. I too can recommend a great pom groomer in Melbourne - Jarrod Tyler
  5. here is a video of me teaching my young dog the weaves. They are still slightely channeled but he is getting alot better! :D
  6. Im justing wanting to know what everyone here uses as commands for agility - Do you have the same command for multiple equipment eg - Tunnel as "Through" and Tyre as "Through" or does each bit of equipment have a different command?
  7. seems that the want for agility equipment is there, its just not as easy to find.
  8. I too just tried to view the videos Vicki posted and i get this message: "This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request. " I have now added you as a friend - please accept lol
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