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Everything posted by Heidii

  1. At Jordi and I's first ever agility trial on the w/e we managed to get only 1 Refusal and 2 Faults!! in ELEM Agility .....He did all this contact work like a pro...except for the up contact on the DW cos he was just soo eager, LOL! I was soo proud of my baby, he did so well. We have only been officially training for 3 months with WAAG agility in QLD. I dont know what we ended up placing as I didnt stay for presentations, however there were over 20 people entered in my class After people telling us not to enter and saying we would just embarrass ourselves, we decided to enter anyway and am very happy we did! It was a GREAT experience for both of us and I learnt alot from the day, and Jordi had sooo much fun! So many people thought is was great seeing a glamerous rough collie go around the course!! I will upload photos as soon as my friend gets around to sending them to me. Now for more agility trials......
  2. They are sooooooooooooo beautiful Amanda!!! :rolleyes: ...its going to be soooo hard to choose....you know im looking for an aussie pup right. :wink: Doesnt look like your going to have trouble selling them at all....maybe we should start bidding, put them on ebay even, LOL, JOKES!!
  3. I dont think this is an issue. Why should you only trial if your dog has been training for a certain amount of time or is up to a certain standard? He can go around a course and thats all the matters. Is he ready to trial???....well is he ready to train? A trial for me will simply be a training day, in a different environment with a pen and paper. Im not looking for ribbons at the moment, im needing the experience in the ring and that in my opinion is alot more important. Trialing should simply be looked at as just another normal traning day for you and your dog. Because to ask your dog to do more than he is prepared for will over face him. How will I be asking him to do more than he is prepared for? The Trialing course is the SAME as the training one with my dog club part from the obstacles being in the different order! We arnt do anything different. We are training as if it was a trial...but without the pen and paper!
  4. I dont think this is an issue. Why should you only trial if your dog has been training for a certain amount of time or is up to a certain standard? He can go around a course and thats all the matters. Is he ready to trial???....well is he ready to train? A trial for me will simply be a training day, in a different environment with a pen and paper. Im not looking for ribbons at the moment, im needing the experience in the ring and that in my opinion is alot more important. Trialing should simply be looked at as just another normal traning day for you and your dog.
  5. LOL, well he has been training since he was like 5 years old and has been an instructor for the german shepherd dog cub...he thinks he knows alot more than me and tells me the dog needs rules. I've tried it the nice way now do it the harder way he thinks. He is a positive trainer but thinks there has to be some sort punishent in the 'getting mad at him' sense when he just wont listen.... i know this has worked in the past but its a risk
  6. I am training my dog in agility at the moment and have had a problem this week with him stoping and sniffing the ground continully while trying to train (he is entire). I havnt been correcting this behavour and now its getting worse. All i have been doing is calling him over to me and telling him to go over the jump again etc. My partner thinks i need to correct him alot more, as in scruff him and get mad at him. I dont know what to do, im affraid that if I correct him to much he might shy away from me (as he has done in the past) but im worried if i let him get away with it too much then he will continue to test me. When he was a pup (7 months old) I got really mad at him once after I told him to get into his 'encloure' and he ran the opposite direction. Well I'll let you now, When i give him that command these days HE RUNS SOOOO FAST that he runs into things to get into his enclosure cos he still remembers that day when he was younger - never to test me with that. Is this something I just have to take a risk with?
  7. So gorgeous Amanda! I love the blue merles :p
  8. there are all different ways of doing it, so does that mean you have to choice only 1 way and stick with it?
  9. I dont have a choice when Im part of an agility club Ask if they accept titres. Quite a few do. Whats Titres ??
  10. I dont have a choice when Im part of an agility club
  11. I just rang a vet close to me and they quotes $85 for a vaccintion. Tell me if im wrong but thats seems kinda expensive?!?! Is there anywhere that you can buy the vaccinations and do it yourself?
  12. ive started doing these and the derrett box one and I feel so unco. Not as easy as it looks but i guess it just takes practise.
  13. woohoo see you there!!...Im guessing by your avatar you have a cocker spaniel?
  14. smisch - Heidii, have you entered the ADCQ comp on the 16th and 17th of May? We'll see you there on the Saturday if you have. (flyball on Sunday). Yep I'll be there .....i'm nervous already!!!
  15. Thanks for the advice Kavik and Tassie. My agility instructors think he will have no trouble in the elementary class and even the starters class in both jumping and agilty. I wanted to enter sooner as a "practise" trial as I have a comp coming up end of may that I want to be 100% ready for and think entering elementary will get me prepared on what im in for etc and what needs improvement. I dont expect him to be 100%...im going to be looking at it as a normal training day.....just in more formal surrounds. The only thing i have left to do more training on is the A-frame and since I dont have one of these at home its alittle hard.
  16. Thanks for the link Laffi Im a bit confused - This clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf8AWQVol00...re=channel_page Title 'Elementary Agility' has weave poles ?!?!
  17. Whats the difference between Elementary and Starters? I have never been in a comp before so should I go in elementary instead of starters? Anyone got any course diagrams from previous comps?
  18. I have never heard of this place, can I have some info or web lins please ? Thanks J INTERNATIONAL DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING SCHOOL Benowa State School Benowa Rd Benowa, 4217 Australia Ph: 0419 661 183 I got the details from this thread: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...&hl=agility
  19. Im starting this saturday ......gonna be hard getting up so early though!!!!
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