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Everything posted by Cazstaff

  1. Goosebumps.. lots of them.. How wonderful that little Luki gets to stay with you forever You took him from the pound knowing he was sick when most would have passed him by, you fought so hard for his survival and nurtured him back to health, Luki now providing comfort for your family (both 2 legged and 4 ) during such a sad and worrying time is a shining example of Karma k9a. What you put out comes back to you, bless you Luki I thought it was strange that Luki hadn't been scooped up by some lucky family as soon as he hit PetRescue, now its very clear...he had already found his forever family, they just didnt know it quite yet :D Luki was home all the time Big hugs to you Rach :D
  2. Isn't Woof a pretty WolfieX ! add water + dirt + 10 minutes.... Arrgghh! MUD MONSTER! She was so pleased with herself Woof could turn the tiniest bit of dirt & water into mud and loved to get messy. I miss her , she was a rescue foster from Wagga and went to her forever home earlier in the year.
  3. We have a 3 seater and 2 singles in the family room. All usually have a dog or two on them. I'll move the young ones if I want to sit down but if my big boy Rocko or my old girl Tammy are snoozing I'd rather sit on the floor than disturb them This is my son after a late night and early morning...sharing the lounge with Charlotte and Lani, 7 & 9 month old fosters :D . There was a puppy under the blanket at one stage but she hopped down. Thats Rocko's bum just in the pic, he took the doona on the floor.
  4. What a fantastic thread It has all the info I have been looking for. I have a rescue foster whom I think would be a wonderful Pets as Therapy dog. He has something very calm and intuitive about him. I actually put him away now when potential adopting families come to visit other dogs in care because he always steals the peoples attention and affection. I could have rehomed him 5+ times but I feel a responsibility for some reason to follow the Pets as Therapy path with him. I joke and say he should go and live at the Ronald McDonald House but I think he would be just magic for the kids and parents in there. He's the biggest softest hug in the world! Yeah I know.... Im biased Is there an age requirement? Ruger is only 7 months at the moment.
  5. I am so sorry to hear obout your poor little boy, I do hope he pulls through ok. How traumatic for him. I have an almost 2 year old CattleX bitch that I have raised since a puppy and she occasionally turns on one of the other dogs, she even tore my leg open when I stupidly used my knee to block her attack on my 17yo dog. She can be delightful for months and then that terribly fighting sound as she has got another dog. I have to keep her crated when Im not observing. She is also crated right through dinner time or anytime food is around. Its very hard and I do feel for you. Healing vibes to your little Pom.
  6. My daughter has the same game and was telling me it doesnt give you the option to desex. She said oh my dogs have had puppies again but I can't desex them? LIke you are saying KelpieHoundMum weird X's that result in pure breed dogs..... My daughter knows the reality as we foster rescues but for those that dont its not right. What really got my hackles up was the bit that when you dont want your dog anymore you give it to a foster carer In the things you have to do in this game to care for your play dogs there is no vaccinating, worming, desexing ect and this game is backed by the RSPCA???
  7. Happy Birthday Pretty Girl!
  8. The 'big un's' are powering along, 6 months old last week. Charlotte and Ruger haven't been put up for adoption yet. I always planned to keep them till 5-6 months as it was thought their father could be a CAO in which case their rehoming needs would be quite different to the average large Xbreed boof. I hoped I would see some temperament or behavioral differences to confirm it but so far they are just lovely natured big boofa's. Being so big I also wanted to ensure they got the correct diet for a giant breed and delay desexing as long as I could. They are just divine dogs, so lovely to have around. They have continued to grow beautifully at 1.5kg- 2kg per week. Last weigh in at approx 5 1/2mths they were 35kg & 36kg. There is something very special about Ruger, for a 6mth old pup he is eerily in tune with whats going on around him. He is incredible with puppies, will play with them for ages so very gently, he is polite and respectful with new dogs coming in and so well behaved I can take him anywhere. He always draws people in, will sit calmly for a 2yr old to pat him and lie on an old lady's cold feet at football! Made her day lol Since Sunday he has been helping a new foster called Harold who is terrified of people, I cant get near him. Ruger stayed with him outside in the cold, sat about 4 meters away and today Harold is following Ruger around Even into the house ;) Until he see's or hears a person and then he's out again :D but its a good start. I dont want to go all spiritual but I feel Ruger has come to me for a purpose. Whether its just to help me with the fosters and promoting Rescue or maybe to become at Pets as Therapy dog for my local community?? I don't know But boy do I love him and his sister,perfect pooches!
  9. These are 2 of my fosters, not related yet so very similar ..except for size. Ruger the big boy is 5 mths and Lucy is 3 mths. And yet Rugers sister Charlotte looks like a completely different breed :D Charlotte is the big black and white girl. The JRT pup is 'Stan the man' ;)
  10. Im in Thirroul which is only 15 minutes from Wollongong city center. I could manage a galah short term if it helps. I have 9 dogs here at the moment, is the bird used to dogs? Is it a cage bird or a free house bird?
  11. With Tammy,who will be 18 in October, a wise DOLer suggested I use Protexin in her food to help her to digest/metabolise her food a little better. I feel it helps her enormously. When she first came to me last year she was terribly thin and not interested in eating. Grilled rump steak sliced thinly was all that would tempt her at first. She is now on a kidney diet but I also give her fatty chicken mince,necks and wings, egg yolk and little bits of cheese in moderation. Typical Nana she loves plain butter cake too ;) She is now a good weight and her coat is beautiful for such an elderly girl. She keeps warm sleeping in my bed under the window most of the day. Some mornings she stands beside the bed and barks at me, Im sure she is telling me to get up so she can have my warm patch! :p Yes I oblige
  12. My dogs have 2 washing baskets full of toys, 1 outside and 1 inside. Only a few are true dog toys such as the kongs, wubba, treat ball and teething chew things the rest I have got from St Vinnies or other op shops. I regularly drop by my local op shop to pick up blankets/bedding for my fosters and always check out the kids toy section for my furkids. My lot love new toys and even if they only last a few days it doesnt matter when I've paid 40c for it. My dogs all seem to like thick rope loops and knots. I put 3 or four double knots along the rope and then tie the ends together and 3 or 4 of them can play tug together. Like they do with a teddy bear :p
  13. I have a Charade Hatchback that I find great for the dogs. Dont have to worry about the mess or where I park it and its super cheap to run. I also have my track / fun/cruise car a Nissan 300ZX Twin Turbo that is rarely used for dogs. Its expensive to run and I can't park it anywhere!
  14. Hi, I have bought all my crates(8 of them) from VEBO online. Great service & price and delivered next day to Wollongong.
  15. What a tough time it has been for you and Luki but what a wonderful result ! He is so very gorgeous, what a rewarding save Rach. A HUGE well done
  16. LOL, Im glad Im not the only one who initially read it as GROG silent Auction... :D
  17. I don't think you will have a good time with your friend if she stays with you... you will be on eggshells the whole time and if it was me Id resent having to crate my dog for days so someone can sleep over. And if your friends little girl is scared of your dog and squeeling ect Im fairly sure your 5month old baby will react to that too. I think in this case trying to keep your friend happy will lead to misery. You could have really fun days together and both enjoy the visit if she simply sleeps at a close by motel. You could even escape to the motel occasionally too Im very much of the opinion Love me love my Dogs, this is their home :D
  18. Best to take him to the pound, as hard as that will be...what a cutie! That will give him and his owner the best chance of being reunited. You can always leave your name on him to ensure his safety if an owner doesnt come forward. Caz..
  19. Thats lovely PSM! You have done a wonderful job with him in such a short time. He doesnt even look like the same dog! What a great looking pair of Staffy's you have there.
  20. Vebo Pet supplies hire out all sized crates at reasonable rates. Vebo Pet Supplies Caz
  21. My precious Nana dog Tammy will be turning 18 this year, but no one seems to have told her! She plays with the fosters and still does zoomies! I have only had her about 5 months after she found herself dumped at Canterbury Pound :D She is an absolute delight and I can't imagine life with out her.
  22. Tammy will be turning 18 this year, but no one has told her that! She plays with the fosters and still does zoomies! My dear old man Rocko, the love of my life
  23. Thankyou so much poodlefan and puggy-puggy, I will wait till morning to take him to the vet. He wont let me touch it so cutting it off isnt an option. He seems to have licked it clean and is settled on the lounge. Thanks again ladies, I haven't had this happen before.
  24. My poor big boy got over enthusiastic with his zoomies just now and broke his dew claw The whole toe bit seems to be sticking out...not just the nail. I dont know what to do with it? I think it has finally stopped bleeding. Should I call the vet or can it wait till morning? He wont let me touch it to clean it up at all. Rocko is a 67kg Dane X Mastiff so if he doesnt want me near it he has the last word unfortunately Thats my beautiful big Rocko...he's the love of my life...I hate seing him hurt
  25. Oh she is beautiful! 18 is a remarkable age, testament to how well she has been cared for I completely agree with your comment 'gotta love the oldies', they are so very special. I have a 17yo Kelpie girl who has only been with me 6 months and I had no idea how completely besotted I would become with her. She amazes me everyday and I feel very privileged to have her.. Caz
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