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Everything posted by Andrea&John

  1. If anyone would like to print and share the petition which was handed out at the rally its HERE
  2. A great article from Underdog Training "why dogs are not dairy cows" http://alburydogrescue.org.au/dogs-are-not-cows.pdf Of course a lot of animals live in appalling conditions. And there are many people trying to help them. Here we are trying to help the dogs. Not supporting bad treatment of any kind of animal (or people for that matter) But if someone is fighting one case it will get us no where when we start "BUT the kids in Africa are dying too.."
  3. thanks guys looking forward to meeting a few more new faces
  4. quote name='Trisven13' date='29th Jul 2010 - 08:13 AM' post='4708085'] What would you like to know? Best bet is to turn up early as it is a big show with a number of rings and to remember that dogs go into the ring in alphabetical order so if you are wanting to talk to breeders of, say, Australian Cattle Dogs they will be more likely to have time to talk to you once they've been in the ring . I will be there on Saturday & Sunday if you want to bring a chair and hang out with us for a bit. oh so that is our chance to see your face again? Sounds great, I'd say we'll take you up on that. I thought the different groups were on different days? I'm mainly after Terriers, AST's in particular. And we want to say hello again to those gorgeous blue Danes which we met last time. I think they were SwaY's? I'll be mainly watching and will make sure I'm out of the way while the breeders are grooming .
  5. Can anyone tell me the schedule, pretty please?
  6. there is a list of what is restricted in which state http://www.doq-test.de/infos/Gefaehrliche%20Hunde.pdf The first list which breeds, the second list what kind of restrictions. Muzzle, on leash, a person can only walk one dog at any time, permit for keeping needed, certain colored collar... Depending on the state it can be very easy, or almost impossible to get the permit to keep them at all or even without permanent leash / muzzle Bavaria is, as usual, much more strict than everyone else. On one website I've read that only 5 SBT's are living in Munich. You need very good reasons if you want to keep a restricted breed there as to why it REALLY has to be that kind of breed.
  7. OK, have sent another mail to a few members. Thanks Erny for your mail, made it a lot easier I'm very grateful for all the work you do. I added a few of my own words but the main thing is to show them that we are still watching and haven't forgotten I suppose..
  8. Sorry for the late update.. We had our meeting with our MP Bill Tilley on Monday and it went pretty well. Apparently they had a lot of objections to the proposed bill. If enough people keep showing interest there is a chance
  9. No, we don't own any dogs that are likely to be mistaken for restricted breeds and our rangers actually seem to be very reasonable people so I'm not overly worried about our dogs at this stage. But that's not the point. If only people worry who are highly likely to be affected directly then we will never get anywhere. I think the laws are wrong and would badly affect people and their pets. And I don't want to end up with a "not for sale" sign on every second pen at the pound.. Great to get some help from the other side of the border Trisven
  10. Erny, just letting you know the GFDs response doesn't appear to be up any more... I had a quick cruise around the site and couldn't see it? Doesn't seem to work for me either And my letter is supposed to appear in the Border Mail. I will certainly post it in here then.
  11. Oooooooooooh, our newspaper said they are gonna publish my letter at some stage next week!!! I hope my words were good enough and I hope they don't edit it too much and hopefully it will be in time.... Not that I'm getting excited or so PLEASE people, at least try. It might work sometimes
  12. From a friends signature on a (sports related) forum - if you fight you might loose, if you don't fight you've lost already.. Maybe no one of the politicians really cares. But IMO it is too important not to try. And I really start to worry about every dog with a big head And all it costs is little time
  13. would be interesting to get an idea about how many people actually objected the laws. We wrote 14 emails and posted 12 letters by mail. It actually seems some of the recipients can be pretty supportive if you get on to the right ones.. in case someone missed it, Erny summed it up nicely http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=196172 ETA "No, they do what they want anyway"
  14. Might be a good idea to organize a protest? As long as the dogs are still free to go for walks without muzzle.. Some of those pictures http://www.sorryagain.com/ would make great flyers, I'm sure the author would allow the use of the pics, if asked.. If there are papers which would report it in a positive way, that is?
  15. Follow up story http://www.bordermail.com.au/news/local/ne...im/1815605.aspx
  16. Oooops thank you very much. That will keep me busy for a while
  17. Please excuse a stupid question from someone who is at a loss with all the abbreviations I like reading the 101 dog breeds but it can be pretty frustrating when I get to the "common hereditary problems" section. I.e. in the Labradors someone was talking about "HD, ODC, PRA, cataracts and EIC" now, I get the HD and cataracts part, but that's it. Might be a big ask, but could someone please provide some information what the heck all that means? Maybe the first one who mentions them in a 101 thread or maybe one extra thread for all common abbreviations?
  18. Thanks MDBA for the award and a GREAT night was good to meet all those lovely people and put faces to the DOL names. And congratulations to all nominees. See you next year.
  19. The absolutely perfect lead we've got is from Underdog (Cosmolo on DOL) I'm sure they can explain what kind of material it is. They are certainly not leather but some kind of plastic/nylon/rubber? I think they use those for policedog training too? They are very tough. You wont be able to stretch them one bit, our girl used to love eating leads and car seatbelts but couldn't get a dint in those. And they feel great in your hand. Doesn't slip, doesn't cut your hands and you have really good grip
  20. If that was directed to me, I never thought you did. Sorry, if my comment came accross like that
  21. I don't think it really matters if it's true or not. Just the same as the "Pit Bull attack" - articles well, it could be. All you can see in the video is a completely relaxed dog around a toddler and his master playing with it's mouth. Media is flooding the papers with attacks of alleged "Pit Bull-Type" dogs so this might be the best answer. Who knows if he really saved the life of the baby, but the video certainly gives the impression, no doubt he would. (me thinks anyway :rolleyes:) People here seem very distrusting regarding positive news about the breeds which are the preferred target of media. But positive news like this one get stuck in (some) peoples minds. And are at least as likely to be true as the bad ones.
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