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Got Spots

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Everything posted by Got Spots

  1. Try Chunkers - can be found in the dog roll aisle - have checked the ingredients thoroughly myself - no grains or preservatives Main things to look for are fillers ie grains or preservatives which are in most pet mince My 2 whippies love chunkers They are little meat balls that you can grab and make into smaller treat size pieces I buy a bag then separate it into snap lock bags and freeze it to make it last longer The whippies love it Another great treat idea is Happy Paws made by a DOL'er - dried meat with no preservatives - excellent product She has an ad in the thing above
  2. That is just the forum - you get lots of opinions then you work out what is best for you I have tried quite a few items with varying success: This link has quite a lot of good info - http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...&hl=harness Also quite opinionated - I quite like the harmony harness - with the lead you can hook it onto her collar and her harness and when she pulls you can redirect her back to your side. I found it worked quite nicely for my 8kg steam train of a whippet - in the above link I have a list of stuff I have tried ( beware I collect things ) - I also really like the Pack leader collar - its a collar with a bit that goes over the nose I found if she pulled then I would slip it over her nose for extra control until she settled, then slip it off - one other suggestion - a clicker - play the look at that game - she looks at something, you then click and treat. But first you have to charge the clicker by just clicking and treating if she is not already clicker trained. You can also click and treat her for being attentive to you - PM me if i haven't explained this well People in the forum are just trying to do what is right - but ultimately it is your choice, just gather the info
  3. My whippet does this - was always curious what it was thankyou - she looks just like the Iggie
  4. Big thumbs up for the raw diet my little whippet can clear a room. I have learnt don't give her sardines or look out - nasty little critter. You accuse her and she gives you the "who me" angel eyes. Have a look at the Raw/natural Chitchat - very good thread - I have finally converted and its heaps less work than I thought and kind of fun too. "Give your dog a bone" by Dr Billinghurst is well worth a read too, has some good ideas in there
  5. YEAH you got a new collar for Scout , we need pics !!!!!!
  6. Big Hugs to you I was devastated when I saw the show and have only just found this segment I really feel for you. I had a similar experience when I rescued a Whippet, I found out later through being a real sticky beak that she was intended as a puppy farm bitch but she ate the chooks - clever dog. he he She is gorgeous and i know she will be spoilt and looked after As for vaccinations you may be better off redoing them b/c how will you know if it was actually her vaccinated
  7. Hi My 3yo whippet Lucy has started to become a bit aggressive on lead usually when other dogs interact with the younger dog Bella. I have noted this a couple of times - Bella was actually interacting with an Iggie (shock horror), however when Lucy noticed she lunged fangs bared, thankfully the Iggie was tough and it didn't phase him at all Just yesterday she did it again with a sweet greyhound we met on walk who Bella was actually sniffing (yeah), Lucy started lunging growling and bareing teeth. My partner (GRRRR) let her near the greyhound and she went for her. I am more strict on the dog than OH however when I instruct him to make her sit or face way he just can't seem to do it,so its up to me. He then removed Lucy from the situaation which I felt was completely wrong b/c she should behave. If I have the lead I usually make her sit or drop calmly either facing the dog a decent distance away or facing the other direction. Am I doing the right thing If we are just out walking there is no hint of aggression, walking past dogs in yards or on leashes just with my other whippet if she interacts. BTW - Big win on the nervous whippet Bella's front - had a professional trainer out the other day, she thankfully put on the fully performance shaking etc. So he got the full effect. It took a while but we have progress and we have a plan for the future. Yeah He uses Cesar Millan techniques - and explained himself very well, I enjoyed the session immensely, he really did get it' Also the new Cesar book is out - Puppy training - so far very very interesting, he buys 4 puppies from different locations including breeders, rescues etc. Haven't got that much further only bought it yesterday. But probably his best book yet in regards to actual training and raising a puppy He condems puppy mills and pet shops with a passion.
  8. I have 2 gortex jackets The older one has gone skiing in blizzards and kept me dry + warm b/c of protecting me from windchill, it has zips in the arm pits that you can open and allow extra ventilation but not get wet. This jacket has also done the overland track in Tasmania twice and other numerous wet bush walks in Tassie. Love it, wouldnt be without it Mountain Designs gortex - unlined If you want I can get the specific design Second coat I got earlier this year, bit lighter than the one above but awesomely waterproof I have been in the Outdoor industry for over 12 years - looking into the best gear GORTEX is the way to go - unlined, and you can add layers under the jacket for warmth if needed but you don't sweat in it Kathmandu during sales or on the sales racks you can pick up the second coat i describe for about $200 and it covers your bum so the water doesn't run down there, very important The hood tucks away and has a nice warm neck thing and a peak on the hat, to stop the rain running down your face PM me if you require further info on the coats or on Gortex in general, or what brands are the best value etc Hope I haven't waffled too much
  9. If anyone is interested in a very new bag that I have to give away let me know, i live on the sunshine coast it is the 5kg bag Have switched to BARF because of the allergy issues and one little 8kg whippet is never going to get through it I think it is the Puppy one 1-2 yrs
  10. It is posted in the dark depths somewhere I have tried this before and the dogs did well on it, unfortunately one of my dogs has allergy issues and i can't give her the grains. However, i raised my pup on it and she loves it and did very well If you decide this is for you I have a bag to give away approx 2kg - has been opened for about 2 weeks only I would use it up but it would take years with only one small dog, I bought it before the ugly allergy issues surfaced Thumbs up from here One thing I would suggest feeding less than the recommended amount it seems excessive Also beware it grows the most terrific mould after 2 days when mixed with water for use, the dry stuff is fine
  11. Thought it would improve their behaviour as they aren't getting all that "junk" food, also improve their sense of wellbeing b/c they are digesting their food better, giving them more zest for life therefore more eager to work It is the best thing I have ever done for my dogs
  12. Mine go crazy for it - especially on food they don't particularly like Have switched to more of a BARF model - sort of Makes awesome treats - they will really work for it
  13. Another good Aussie site www.callicoma.com.au Sheeps ears and other selection plus collars leads and heaps more
  14. Awwww he is sooo cute with his fishies I got a juicer cheap the other day on ebay - breville juicer plus - its so quiet Tried the dogs with some steamed pumpkin and they loved it - shock horror plus it thinned my fatty down a little - she gets fat at the smell of food Also solved a bit of a constipation issue we had for a couple of days Plus I like it too - yuuummmm Just had another thought - for supplements try this site: www.callicoma.com.au they have a great selection at great prices no affiliation
  15. This is the best website, doesn't have all the brands that are available in Aus but explains their reasoning well http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/ Also found this looked interested - had a quick skim http://www.doberdogs.com/foodcht1.html
  16. Tried my 2 whippies on artemis grain free - they weren't that excited about it BUT they LOVE Ziwipeak - have been using it mainly for training treats but when I havent got much BARF they get that
  17. I have finally given things with raw a little try We had a constipation issue the other day so have started them on pumpkin at night for the last few nights + half a rabbit BARF pattie / or casserole (liver, kidney etc) They love pumpkin - huge surprise for the worlds fussiest dogs, they eat it without me mixing things up The pup now leaves the kibble - Artemis
  18. Saw on my travels through google the other day the demonstration of fitting the black dog halter on a boxer in a boxer forum- looked like it fitted nicely
  19. Thankyou everyone for your suggestions I went back to basics with clicker training last night in the house and worked with both of them separately only on sitting every time I stopped BEAUTIFUL, however getting Bella to sit next to my leg not a foot back is an issue but not the issue I was asking for last night, was only after the sit so I left it. Had wonderful focus from them as well. Love their happy paws treats and Ziwipeak On another note we are going to look at another training group tomorrow instead of our obedience club as I don't really like their techniques, bit rough. This new lady mainly uses clicker training which I am enjoying. She also does Rally O, agility and traditional obedience + flyball. So much fun to be had The hand on the backside does not work on my dogs at all, they just resist it very strongly. Have now sort of resorted to waiting and rewarding them by moving off when they comply
  20. I have just finished reading Control Unleashed - very good book In the book the author describes a game to improve focus - she especially recommends it for nervous dogs. She calls it the "look at that game" Your dog looks at another dog, person, whatever -- you click -- only treat if the dog then looks at you. If the dog doesn't look at you then move away from the source of stimulus, until the dog will look at you for a treat. As you get better at the game you go closer. After a command such as look, or that - to que your dog to look at something. Another take on this game is if you dog is really interested in sniffing or playing - get there attention then send them off to whatever they were doing, call them back and treat and send them back - apparently after a while your dog is more interested in you than other things I thoroughly recommend this book esp if doing agility, I plan to use some of these techniques.
  21. I haven't made any distinction b/w training and walking - when they are walking I do cue other commands ie stand, heel, finish etc
  22. My 2 devious whippets have suddenly decided that sitting at roads while out on walks is soooo yesterday and are flatly refusing to do it. I am at a loss why we always made them sit from day 1. I resorted to taking the clicker and treats today with some improvement but it took some waiting and tempting to get a response. Yet when training they do it beautifully, little buggers. One other question how do i get them to sit next to my leg when I stop while heeling.
  23. oceanaussi what raw rolls do you use??? I am doubting I have enough time to make raw, I can barely have enough time to feed myself. Last week I worked 6 x 13hr shifts - bit stuffed on my days off. Can't wait til the weekend I have 13hr night shifts to look forward to
  24. Very clever puppy - he wants happy paws treats!!!! I have put my allergic whippet on the dr B's patties b/c frosty paws had corn in them and I read in one of my books that corn is associated with allergies. However, she is now a little lethargic and is passing rock like poops, could she be constipated. She usually gets at least a bone a day - chicken wings, lamb ribs, beef ribs, turkey necks, roo bones on top of her dinner. She is 11.5kg at present so she gets one patty. Very unusual for her to finish her dinner after my other dog, and leave bits well that is unheard of
  25. I haven't had a problem with noise in our olympus For the inexperienced the photos have come out quite nicely I even manage to make a short movie of the dogs mucking around and sent it home after editing - wasn't perfect but very funny I found it good value for money and nice and small Perfect for me
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