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  1. Hi All, Im new to the forum, after reading your posts about all ur puppies having regular play dates & how much fun u were all having, it made me want to join not even 5 mins after! We would like to join your monthly meets & look forward to meeting other people who are as loving towards their pets as we are. Our two girls are pure bred maltese girls who luv humans more then they love their own kind, but with the help of your K9 companions, we're hoping to change that alittle! They are a bit spoilt yes, but are not "paris hilton" puppies in any way shape or form. They get plenty of luv and affection but "human" food, dinner scraps and licking plates are completely off limits! Both girls are rather small - Holly is 12 months today! and Chelsea is approx 8/9 months old (she's the baby in every way & if u get to meet her u will understand why!). They have been socialised alittle but living in Sydney its hard to find "nice" play friends that dont want to eat them! Holly has picked up a bad habbit of barking at any and all dogs whether it be in real life or on the TV! But her bark is way worse then her bite! While little Chelsea dog litterally says "ruff" in a small grunt! (haha) We have been to a few dog parks but none were inclosed & I was alittle concerned so kept their leads on. I think its time to get them used to other dogs again, but wasnt sure if your group would be suitable, or more to the point, if the girls would fit in. Are there other small breed dogs that go along to your monthly meets? Although size doesnt really matter as much as the demeanor of the dog and the human! Looking forward to hearing from some of u! Cass, Mick & the girls!!
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