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Everything posted by sheena

  1. The ones I got on-line were lovely big ones that were full of marrow stuff & I think it was this that went smelly. The first lot they had were smaller & harder & hardly smelt at all. They lasted for many months until they got too small & I tossed them
  2. The last lot of antlers I had, smelt when they got chewed & wet, so I tried cow hooves & they were worse. I was wanting something they could chew inside, but both were too smelly once they were slobbered on.
  3. Lucky I don't give a rats arse about the council then isn't it. Keep on topic people. I don't want to know anything about councils. I want to know how you have got hot water outside. I don't give a R's A about council either Jules, but if I wanted hot water outside I would just get OH to run me a pipe & put a tap in. Boronia's idea looks good, expecially as it has a temperature control, but could work out the same to get someone who knows a bit about plumbing just to run a pipe from your existing HW to an outside wall. I don't think it is rocket science stuff & probably a case of beer would pay for it :laugh:
  4. I believe some councils wont allow you to have a hot water outlet on the outside of your house.....a safety issue.
  5. What did they set you back if you dont mind me asking? Are they good quality? Sounds interesting...I wish I was a subscriber! You don't need to be a subscriber, you can download the whole magazine digitally for $5.00 from this link Clean Run July 2013
  6. What did CCCQld say about it (follow on from other thread)
  7. Have you checked his paw for any sign of tenderness especially dislocated toe or pulled toe nail
  8. My dogs LOVE their food, but I have never given in to feeding more & now they don't expect it. They just lick their bowls all from one end of the room to the other, then go & check out the other's bowl, then want to play & do tricks. They get a set amount each day & if the turkey neck for breakfast is a large one, or they have been having lots of training treats & little exercise (as if :laugh: ), I cut back on their dinner at night. I also like to keep a check on their weight by putting them on the vets scales often.
  9. What you are teaching sounds a bit like my hip hop. I put her in a sit position facing me then raise my right leg, she raises her left paw, then I do my left leg, & she raises her right paw...a bit like marking time & I call it hip for her left leg & hop for her right leg, if you get what I mean. End result hopefully is that we can mark time till I stop. I would get, hip, hop, hip, then she would get up & start doing something different, but I have finally got it extended now to a couple of rounds. I started treating at random, sometimes after the first hip, then maybe after the second then back to first, then third etc, so she never knew when the treat was coming...does that make sense.
  10. Some bull breeds are restricted in Vic...I just wasn't sure if Mastiffs came under the same banner :) But as MUP suggests, you get one that is papered in case you ever have to prove he's not one of the restricted BB's
  11. I can't help as I know nothing about Mastiffs. The only one I know is a real sweetie, but I don't think I could put up with all that slobber :laugh: Are they a breed that is not restricted in Vic??
  12. Great work Kavik. I must get a video of my girl with her back-up work. Huski, that sounds like hard work, is it very difficult to teach ?
  13. Would love to see a video :) Hankdog Huski...is that like scent discrimination for tracking
  14. Bindi is going well with her reversing between my legs...probably too well, as she anticipates & reverses so fast, she almost trips me over if I am not ready for her. :laugh: She's getting good on the "hip hop" too. How's everyone else's tricks going. :)
  15. I can't really add any comments to the actual product, but for some reason, I find the Name a little off putting. I don't consider my dogs to be "mutts" & therefore deserve a little better :)
  16. I agree PME. That many times I have had a good run ruined by some inconsiderate thing that someone is doing with their dog outside the ring, including but not limited to, tying their yapping toy poodle up to one of the rings star pickets & people throwing balls to their dogs behind the rings & generally letting their dogs run loose behind the rings chasing balls. But, it's only a problem for those who's dogs are distracted by those things (not all dogs are), such as mine, so if I want to enjoy the game of agility, then I have to proof my dog against those distractions. By working with things such as LAT I have come a long way. We are not 100% proofed & never will be, but half the fun is in the training after all If I had waited till my dog was perfect & I was a perfect handler then we would never have got into agility & at my age, every day counts. It's a pity more clubs don't hold mock trials, that way your dog can get a feel for trialing, & you can reward & train in the ring. Our club holds them every month :)
  17. Fantastic Sheena! Please pass on my congratulations to the owner for LISTENING to you AND working on the issues at hand SPD...she did cop some flack from others who saw her using the method, & tried to tell her that clicking & rewarding the dog for looking AWAY from you was all wrong, wrong, wrong. But when I used LAT on my dog I also copped heaps of almost abuse from others who "knew better", so I had warned her that it might happen. She is over the moon with the results & so am I.
  18. Just thought you might be interested in an update on this dogs problem :) Three weeks ago, I introduced the owner to the LAT game & lent her my "Controlled Unleashed" book. She came to our mock trial last night & it is a different dog. With all the runs she did, the dog didn't even look at me, let alone rush & bark...I was the mock judge. In the jumping, she ran a few steps towards the mock judge, then turned around & ran back to her owner. Her owner was so happy, she came up & gave me a big hug in the middle of the course :laugh: That has never happened to me before, but it was such a lovely feeling to think that I may have been able to help someone :)
  19. I don't really know what you're getting at. Gillespie doesn't appear to have an agenda and scrutinises the quality of research that has been published in journals. He doesn't claim to know everything, and in some of his explanations he points out that not enough is known about certain aspects of nutrition. Just because I live in Tasmania does not mean I live out in the bush... Cooking... preparing... same thing! Either way it takes more time than I already don't have. I may not cook for myself, but I do eat reasonably healthily. Just in regards to Gillespie, have you ever looked at what Dieticians say about his work? I don't know what job you do, but I spend a fair amount of time reading scientific articles. Part of why scientists do research is to build a 'body of knowledge' about a particular phenomenon. Each piece of research fits into this body of knowledge, and there will be variation and sometimes contradictions. That's why it's important to look at the body of knowledge developed from many research reports, and understand how their methods and findings fit into what's known about the phenomenon. Picking a few research reports here and there and interpreting them to suit your argument is not a good way to develop a body of knowledge; yet that is what Gillespie did. Is he the same Gillespie that writes the stupid quick-fix human diet books? If so, I wouldn't take much he said on canine nutrition seriously. Thanks guys for backing me up. I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but everything, no matter what the subject, seems to be backed by so-called "scientific research". Go by what your dogs & past dogs have done well on, because "scientific research" says that stressing too much about these things gives you cancer
  20. My guys get turkey necks every day, plenty of meat on the ones I buy & they are so good for cleaning their teeth
  21. Thanks for that explanation. But where does that leave products like VAN which is already fermenting when you feed it to them Or for a naturally wild dog who eats the fermenting contents of a preys stomach
  22. The idea that kibble & fresh meat might digest at different rates & the meat therefor starts to ferment, is an interesting one, but can someone please explain to me, what the problem is if the meat starts to ferment. Especially seeing that VANs in made up and allowed to ferment before feeding it to the dog. If the kibble is wetted down first, does this help even up the digestion rates??
  23. I was just finding it for you...but looks like you have found it :) For anyone else who can't find their FB page go to Black Hawk Pet Care & on the RHS there should be a link to FB...at least it shows up on my screen :)
  24. Hmmmmmm....there is LOTS of "scientific research" out there. What about the "scientific research" that goes into making a top quality dog food. Scientific Research is a bit like every book you pick up...always titled "worlds best seller". Still don't understand why you don't just collect the road kills down there....they are in abundance & as someone has already said..you don't cook RAW. You are so concerned with your dogs diet, yet you don't cook or yourself..
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