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Everything posted by sheena

  1. I don't have cats, so it isn't a problem :) We are inland from Coffs Coast. And yes, BC crazy, ticks are awful. It means we can't take the dogs on cross country walks because of the little blighters We also live inland from Coffs Harbour & I apply Advantix fortnightly to my two BC's. I apply it all the way down their spine from the back of their head to the base of their tail. I havn't seen a tick on my guys for at least 12 months. But if they do start getting ticks, I am going to try soaking some of their clothing in Permethrin similar to these Tick Repellant Clothing & put them on when we walk down the paddock in the long grass.
  2. We don't make money, we sell for friends and family and sell any that we cannot home. You say you sell what you can't find homes for.....I would have thought that with any good breeder finding the "right" home would be paramount. What you are saying is that you sell to anybody who comes up with the money regardless of where they are going. I would bet, that a LOT of your dogs end up in places like "Working Dog Rescue" along with the hundreds of other working dog litters that are bred for one of two pups & the rest are discarded. Do you know the difference between an ANKC Registered breeder, who ticks all the boxes, & a puppy farmer ???
  3. Maybe my guys are getting something out of the roo poo they eat (besides worms)
  4. Cancer Fighting Berry reduces tumours in animals in under 15 days
  5. is clicking with your fingers the same as using one of the training clickers ? from my understanding you click once he does what you're asking such as sit , wait etc .. my question is what happens when you stop using the clicker ? will he still do it or will he wait to hear a clicker since he's associated the noise with the action ? Clicking with your fingers would be no where near as instant as using a proper clicker. You use the clicker to shape the behaviour, then once the behaviour is happening fluently, you introduce a cue word and/or body signal & phase the clicker out. You would only use it again for that behaviour if you wanted to fine tune it. Have a look here at this link Introduction to Clicker Training It's a fun way to train your dog...fun for you & heaps of fun for the dog :)
  6. You have to be careful that you are not using your treats to "lure" in which case he will be more focused on the treat rather than what he did to earn it. Try & "train clean" as much as possible. ie. have your treats out of sight (in your pocket or behind your back) & gradually build focus up by ...he looks up at your eyes..click & treat. Do this a few times, then gradually ask for duration before you click & treat. Remember he has to be looking at your face not at the treat in your hand....you want his focus on YOU. Keep your sessions short. If he is being distracted by a particular thing eg. dogs then you could play a bit of LAT with him. Which is basically counter-conditioning him. EG As soon as he glances towards another dog, click, & he will turn to you for the treat. If you do this enough, he will soon catch on that looking at the dog earns him a click & treat & he will start looking at YOU to tell YOU that there is a dog. If you click & he doesn't turn to you straight away, then you are too close to the distraction & you need to back off. But remember to "Train Clean", he must be focusing on your face not a treat, & keep the sessions short & gradually build up duration. :)
  7. So do you do a three monthly worming as well....with one that does Hydatit Tapeworm
  8. thanks, thats good to know. I will have to look into Interceptor as my biggest problem is trying to remember each month. I write it on the calander, but then I flick to the next month & it all gets lost :laugh: I think that only a month has gone by, then I look back on the calander & it's two months. As I get older, the time seems to be going quicker. Regular worming is easy to remember...I just give it on the first day of each season.
  9. The heartworm treatments kill the microfilaria when they are very small which is not a problem if they are in tiny amounts. However, if the dog has full blown heart worm killing all the worms in one hit would risk causing clogging of the arteries and heart failure. Thanks...I was a bit worried because I let my two go for a couple of months over winter as we don't have mozzies around here. I gave them a tablet about 3 weeks ago & they are still alive :) I was thinking afterwards that maybe I should have got them tested first I don't think there are many of cases of HW around here & we live in a pretty isolated area. It's only when we go into town for training that they might come in contact with mozzies. Even there they are pretty scarce over winter.
  10. You're welcome :) Kelly is one of our top homegrown trainers. At our trial this last weekend, she just about cleaned up our prize tables with her dogs success's. She & her dogs are truly amazing Plus she is such a nice person....always a smile & time to help out with any problems :)
  11. Going Off Topic here a bit....but I have often wondered why you need to have a test for heartworm before you start giving preventatives. Is is because the preventatives wont be effective or do they actually cause your dog harm
  12. OMG Take it easy...we are finished now :)
  13. Finally, Bindi & I have managed our Masters Agility title But it has been a long battle & I think she has worn out my wick Thinking very seriously of retiring her I am getting too loud on course & it is not a good look & I hate myself afterwards to the point of tears. She was on a role yesterday & I had her working nicely with me & about to run an absolutely beautiful course & my OH just suddenly turned up to watch. The result was not pretty & I withdrew her off the course after just a few obstacles. I apologised later to the judge when he wasn't busy, but it was all too much for me & I really considered giving up on agility there & then This weekend's trial was the last for us this season & what a one to go out on I had some fabulous runs with my guys & even Little Miss Slowcoach (AKA Bindi) had a ball & came 8th in Open Agility to give her, her ADO3 Title. Wildchild (AKA Cricket) was so much fun to run & yesterday got his Novice Agility Title with 32 seconds to spare. And just to show that it wasn't a fluke, he got an extra AD Q today with first place & 30 seconds to spare. :)
  14. Hi Sheena, Thanks for the info. Was there feedback in the online course? What skill level do you require prior to get the most out of it? I've emailed DWDQ about manuals, is your a basic one? Skill level was from raw beginners to putting on a performance. It is all "Clicker" based training. The manual is just as I described. I think it cost me about $25 & I happened to come to get it by chance. :)
  15. I did this online course with Michelle Poulloit through the Karen Pryor Academy which I really enjoyed. I also got hold of a great workshop manual Dances With Dogs Training Manual March 2014 Gay Westmore Dances With Dogs Queensland. I havn't done much over the last few months as I have been kept busy with agility, but hope to get back into it over Summer.
  16. I had two of these for sale a while back on the Marketplace. I still have them as I didn't get around to relisting them. I bought them from Clean Run for my two border collies for boating but never used them, other than trying them on. I still have them if you are interested...I think I was asking $70 each including postage. They are sized 20 to 40 Kg Oooh thank you! I was looking for that but it must of been deleted. How do they fit your BCs? Do you have any photos? They fit them really good as they are very adjustable. Sadly I never took a photo of them with them on. I bought them when we started going boating, but OH says they are not necessary because the dogs are such good swimmers. Instead I just hold on to them when the boat is moving & when it is stopped, they havn't tried to jump overboard. The Hurtas have a handle on the back so you can lift your dog out of the water & the adjustable chest strap is buoyant to keep their head up out of the water. My two dogs are 18 kilos & 22-23 kilos & there is plenty of room for adjustment.
  17. I posted this in the General Section a while back, but didn't get much response Insect Repellent Clothing for Dogs by Wild Dogz. It's done with the same stuff (Permethrin) that you soak your clothes in if you are going into badly mozie infested areas & lasts for about 40 washes. It is also supposed to kill & repel ticks. I am not sure how effective it is, but I just did my OH's clothing with it as he is doing the Kokoda Treck. He will tell me if it kept the mozzies away when I see him next. I used Debugger which you get from the camping stores & I am thinking of doing the dogs vest/harness in it when the tick season gets bad. ETA...its the same stuff the horse rugs are treated with.
  18. You definately have to get one Ordinary soccer balls last about 5 minutes with my Cricket, not that it stops the fun....just means we play soccer with a deflated ball He has tried hard to get into the chuck it kick it, & it doesn't even have a bite mark in it. It's even more fun because when he drops it it rolls away eratically, driving him mad :laugh:
  19. I had two of these for sale a while back on the Marketplace. I still have them as I didn't get around to relisting them. I bought them from Clean Run for my two border collies for boating but never used them, other than trying them on. I still have them if you are interested...I think I was asking $70 each including postage. They are sized 20 to 40 Kg
  20. Another one here for the K9 crates Why don't you do a bit of crate training with your big dog before the events...set it up at home & get him used to sleeping in it.etc. What I do with my two at trials (they both have their own K(crate) ...I face the crates away from the activity & when I take one dog out to work, I scatter a small hand full of kibble in the other crate through the top zipper, & by the time they find & eat the kibble they have forgotten that the other dog is missing :) Magic !!
  21. Actually, that's sort of what I thought he was....a GSD crossed with a Corgi...lucky for me I asked her what his breed was first :laugh:
  22. This one I met today certainly was a barker :laugh:
  23. I met one of these today...he was only six months old & a delightful little boy. I looked up the Breed Sub Forums, but couldn't find them listed. So what can you tell me about them ??? Or point me in the right direction ????
  24. Sorry, I can't recommend any cheap ones. My only experience with cheap ones, which I have won, not bought, they have fallen to bits after a couple of years, if that. But I have two K9 Crates, the oldest of which is 6 years old & it is still going strong Plus they are made in Australia :) If you are just after a cheapie, then just remember "that poor man pays twice" .
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