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Everything posted by sheena

  1. I was searching for something to supplement my older BC with to help with his coat. It gets regular brushing, but he swims everyday & spends a lot of time outside, so his coat is pretty dry & fading. He gets plenty of eggs & sardines etc in his diet, but he wont eat coconut oil. I came across this spot on stuff. Can anyone recommend it? Dermoscent Essential 6 Spot on Skin Care https://www.budgetpetproducts.com.au/new/product/dermoscent-essential-6-spot-on-skin-care-for-large-dogs-20-40kg/2182/
  2. The only requirement for registering your dog on the Associate Register with Dogs NSW is that the dog is desexed
  3. I have heard that if you lay plastic bottle of water around an area it deters dogs from peeing there, but havn't tried it. Maybe you could put up a sign for walkers to read saying something like "don't pee here".
  4. These are really good. They emit an ultrsonic sound that is almost inaudible to humans but to dogs it makes them stop in their tracks. It wont hurt them, just makes them stop & hopefully back off. Unfortunately when you use it in the vicinity of your own dog, she will get an ear full too, but if it stops the other dog then it would be worth it. There are cheaper versions but the Dazer is the best https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/K-II-Dazer-II-Ultrasonic-Dog-Deterrent-Repeller-for-Anti-Bark-Stop-Barking-Dogs/174340925180?hash=item28978766fc:g:nuIAAOSw1K5fZFMb&frcectupt=true
  5. Personally, I wouldn't feed chicken necks to anything other than a small breed dog due to being a choking hazard
  6. Maybe I have missed it, but have you told us what you feed her...what is her normal everyday diet??
  7. Whole Turkey necks are good...I get mine from Woolies
  8. I have had border collies for 30 years & wouldn't even consider any other breed. I started with working bred dogs & the last three have been registered dogs from good breeders. I have found as puppies (ie until about 15 -18 months) they can be very naughty especially in the early months where they literally chew everthing they can get their teeth on, including parts of the house, furniture, electrical cords, toys, beds etc. Then when they reach adolesence all the past training seems to just go out the window & they really test the boundaries. But this is just the way they are & if you know that in advance, then when you get your pup you can be ready to help combat that with things like crates, CPens (which I found great) & gating them off into their own special place in the house when they can't be watched. It takes a border collie just seconds to destroy. They are higly intellegent & love to learn. Five minutes of trick training is as good as a 30 minute walk. They are super affectionate & loyal (or at least mine have been) I love them & THEY have taught ME so much about dogs. Everyone of them is different. If you are prepared to put up with their naughtiness in the early days (it doesn't pay to be too house proud) If you are prepared for them to be part of your family & train them to know the rules & boundaries in a rewarding way & walk him twice a day. Further education as in joining a dog club & doing Obedience Rally or Agility is super Oh, & you will need good fences. If you have done your homework & know what you will be in for, then go for it
  9. The flea or tick has to bite the dog before it (the flea or tick ) dies. It is not a repellant
  10. Thanks hollee, I ended up getting this one but I bought from K9 Pro, the same one. Yes, I looked at those ones Tassie but they wanted $45 postage. I would have preferred one with pull down shutters, but oh well...I have another crate cover I can put over it if I need to. Thanks everyone
  11. They look very similar with the drop down sides. I will make enquiries. I am also looking at the ones that K9 Pro have, though I don't think their ones have drop down flaps on the sides
  12. I found an identical one from Pet Stock....a bit pricey but I don't care...unfortunately they are out of stock too !! https://www.petstock.com.au/product/dog/pet-gear-generation-ii-soft-collapsible-dog-crate/57248
  13. She is not expecting them back in stock till well into next year
  14. Yes those are the ones I have, but she wont have any more in the large for some time. I always thought they were made in Oz too, but apparantly they are made overseas
  15. I have had two K9 Royale soft crates for years & years & they have served me well. However I promised one of mine to a friend for her rescue dog thinking it was a good excuse to buy myself (well my dog really) a new one. I have put my order in, but they have told me they wont have them in stock for a long time as they are made overseas. I always thought they were Australian made, but obviously my mistake. So can anyone recommend another brand that would be just as good? I can't be an Indian Giver & ask for the one back. I need the large size.
  16. Not sure if it is any softer than an antler, but when my guy was younger, I gave him goats' horns, which lasted for a long time. Both my dogs get turkey necks (frozen in summer) & frozen stuffed kongs
  17. Just asking as I might have missed it somewhere, but why are you only considering a small breed dog. There are some lovely medium breed dogs that would be good with children
  18. Keep away from tinned food & depending on the size of the dog, give turkey necks. Or at least that is what I do for my Border Collies
  19. Why don't you go for a pure bred Maltese or Pom? There are a few litters advertised on this site
  20. Hi & welcome to the world of puppies. Why do you not want to use a crate, next to your bed?
  21. That is cheap !!!!! Especially considering he has to have a GA to be able to do it
  22. For training treats, I go through hundreds a day, so I make my own by cutting up Prime 100 rolls into 1cm pieces & dehydrating them for a couple of hours in a dehydrator or a slow oven. Easy to put in the pocket. I mainly use Kangaroo or Wild Boar. The salmon one the dogs like too but are a bit smelly in the pocket. For a larger treat like at bedtime, I give them a bone shaped biscuit made by the Australian Pet Food Company. I also use their kibble for training treats
  23. I agree. I would rather see a good breeder breeding well bred pedigree dogs a bit more often than happens now to cater for those people who just want a dog on Limited Register. ATM if they breed more often than when they are wanting to add to their own family, they get labeled as unethical. More well bred pups available would also bring the price down slightly (perhaps) making them more affordable & more competitive with designer puppy farm dogs (does that make sense?)
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