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Everything posted by sheena

  1. I too would like to know the scientific reasons for all that too :)
  2. We had a pair of guinea fowl once & the noise they constantly made, drove me so crazy that I packed my bags & left home. I refused to come back until hubby found a new home for them far away from me. The male was also aggressive to the dogs, from memory. What worries me about "snake proofing" the yard, is that IF a snake did find a way in, then he would be a very aggressive sitting duck while trying to find his way out with two dogs on his tail. Also if a snake managed to get his head through then got stuck...it would be goodbye doggie
  3. Could it be irritation from tiny grass ticks. Sometimes they are so small you can hardly see them & even after they have gone, the irritation last. My girl is doing a bit of this lately & it always seems to coincide with when the tiny grass ticks are at their worst. Advantix doesn't seem to repel them at all & I need a magnifying glass to see them.
  4. I would estimate that about 95% of dog owners would not be aware of the dangers of grass seeds, unless they experience it themselves or hear about it from someone else who had the experience with their dog. So.....no....not everyone knows :)
  5. The last BC we had, had a seed puncture his paw & travel right up to his shoulder
  6. Completely not true. All my borders have been very sensitive to how I feel. Which is why I have stopped competing as it freaks me out too much and upsets the dogs. No way could I even go out and train them if I was in a bad mood. If I am in the house and upset and they are outside, they know and will start scratching at the dog and whining. Can not hide anything from them! Yes....this...times 2
  7. There has been a few discussions on this...here is one My link
  8. Someone in our area has just bred a litter. When I first met the guy he told me all about his two CC's. The bitch, he said had a lovely temperament, but his male was extremely agressive with both people & other animals & was an escape artist to boot. Next I see him advertising a litter of puppies in the shop window....go figure it takes all types
  9. All the shelties I have met at agility trials have been very vocal :laugh:
  10. I have never taken much notice of the postage costs as I get a few boxes of stuff at a time (wholesale) & have an account with Fastway. If you lived closer to Coffs Harbour, I could get you some next time I order stuff. Just out of interest what was the postage rate ?? For a one kilo parcel, over $17 Edited to add, just checked again (same items) $15.29 I guess that's pretty normal for anything that has to come over the border ETA I just put in 3 kilos in the shipping estimate & it came up the same rate.( 15.29)..so they must be sending by courier. I you got together with someone else in your area you might find that the shipping rate stays the same for up to 20 kilos of stuff.
  11. I have never taken much notice of the postage costs as I get a few boxes of stuff at a time (wholesale) & have an account with Fastway. If you lived closer to Coffs Harbour, I could get you some next time I order stuff. Just out of interest what was the postage rate ??
  12. BC's, Koolies & Kelpies :) If I ever wanted something other than a BC :laugh: (as if) I would get a smaller breed kelpie like the Callicoma ones. Mandy's kelpies excel at everything including the show ring. :)
  13. Are you saying that you are not allowed to use the equipment or not allowed to join an agility class where they are taught how to use the equipment. You can usually only use equipment at a club if you are in class & are being supervised by an instructor.
  14. I won some of the trotters once...I think they may have been split in two. I didn't like the idea that they were fatty (pork) & also weight bearing bones, so I threw them out. For dry chews, I give my guys dried kangaroo ribs & dried fish skin, both of which I buy from Loyalty Pet Treats. Neither of them are long lasting though as the whole lot are consumed.
  15. They have a lot of fish products...my guys have them all
  16. I bought a kilo & I think they cost me about $42 plus GST & I have already used some, but I would say probably about 80 chews per kilo ranging in size from 6 to 12 inches. How long do they take to gobble down ????....depends on who is eating it :laugh: My girl takes about 5 to 10 minutes & the young bloke likes to suck on his, chewing off little pieces, so his lasts for a whole lot longer.
  17. I just got my guys a packet of Fish Twist Chews from Loyalty Pet Treats. They are about 8 to 10 inches long made purely of dried twisted fish skins. 100% Australian, of course. My guys love them, so just thought I would share :D Fish Twist Chews This is what they say about them ....quote " Chewy twists of fish skins that will guarantee to makeyour pets salivate. A chewy denture cleaner, with benefits. Loyalty Pet Treats exclusive Nutriesealâ„¢ process gives you a flavoursome chewy pet treat with all the health benefits the ocean can provide. Tasty and healthy, the complete treat"
  18. Are those Gummi toys available in Australia ???
  19. Usually when reviews are done on a product, they are individual reviews by users & depending on whether the company deletes the unfavourable ones, which you can always tell, it can be a good place to start. But I can't see just one person doing reviews on a product they havn't even tried themselves, being a full reflection on that product..whether it is post hole shovels or dog feed. And as many have said over & over again..what some dogs do really well on, others don't My dogs do great on Black Hawk (always have), but lose weight on TOTW.
  20. There is already a thread on this food, so not sure why you would want to start a new one http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/259846-new-food-release/
  21. That's a bit of a ridiculous comparison, seeing that Ivory Coat also make shampoos etc & have probably been around for years. Their FB following does not necessarily mean that their food is any better than BH. I think from a previous post on this that IC works out at about $10 a kilo...so it would have to be pretty dam good to get me to stray from BH :)
  22. Don't know much about Lab's coats, but I would never get my BC's coats clipped unless it was a medical emergency like a tick attack. It will ruin a double coated dog's coat & leaves them susceptible to allergies
  23. Make sure he can't see your treats or clicker....hide them in a pocket or behind your back. Don't have treats at the ready in your hand. As soon as his bum hits the floor..click, but hold off on the treat for half a second & then get another treat to him (no click) while he remains still, then another etc increasing the time between treats. As soon as he gets up, the game is over & no more treats, till YOU are ready to play again. It's the timing of the click that's important...it doesn't matter if the treat comes a second or two later. You have to be careful that you don't get into the habit of clicking & treating at almost exactly the same time. :) It will come...he's a bouncy boy & it doesn't happen overnight, & keep your sessions very short, quitting while you are ahead & on a good note.
  24. Just curious....are you working with a clicker ??????????
  25. You would be better off posting your question in the "Health" forum :)
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