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Everything posted by sheena

  1. Check this out...this woman is 92 years old & still winning ....hope the link comes out :) The link works, but I couldn't embed it ....
  2. With the go around something, I have the same verbal cue for both clockwise & anti-clockwise, but my body cues are different. If I want my dog to go clockwise, then I will have him on my left & my cue is "go round" together with left arm & left leg extended & vice versa for anti-clockwise. Just have to make sure you keep the pressure on with the body cues till the dog is committed to the turn, or he will stop short & come back. Start off close to the pole & gradually add distance, making sure you use the body cues even when up close.
  3. Thanks :) So I can see that BAT would be more suitable for a dog that is frightened of something, more so than a dog that wants to actively engage with something
  4. This is a quote from this months CleanRun Mag: If you want to have a low cal treat that is easy to store & carry, make flavoured Cheerios. Take two cups of Cheerios of similar, add to that half a hot dog cut into tiny pieces. Put the lot in a plastic bag & shake to distribute. Leave it in the fridge overnight & by morning you will have lots of tiny hot dog flavoured Cheerios (they shrink for some reason) Apparantly dogs love them, but I havn't tried it myself...sounds interesting. Uncle Tobies make Cheerios. :)
  5. I use "whoops" as a NRM as it is very hard to say it with an angry voice & is an upbeat & happy sound that simply lets the dog know, that's not what I wanted & could we please try again. I am going through this at the moment with my new beginners class at agility. I don't want them using 'no' or 'ah ah' as they are harsh words & are really something that you might use when you want your dog to 'leave it' or 'come away' & we certainly don't want our dogs to think that when they make a mistake with the weaves (for eg) that we want them to 'leave it' or 'that is bad'...if you get my gist :)
  6. Can someone please explain to me what the difference is between LAT & BAT I know what LAT is but not familiar with the other.
  7. If you could PM me your email address, then you are welcome to the student notes that I have done up for my Foundation Agility Class. For the first couple of months I was very good putting notes together for them, but have been a bit slack lately, what with holidays, trials & wet weather. You are welcome to copy any ideas off my website. I originally put the website together, to help those wanting to start out in agility & it has grown. :) When I first started I got no help from anyone & certainly no encouragement to start trialing
  8. This is the water bucket LG mentioned .Crate water bucket I also use mine in the soft crates by positioning the handle where the two zipper ends meet & securing the zipper & the bucket handle with a dog clip or similar.
  9. OMG I can't believe it...I just DOLenabled myself & bought two of the pouches :laugh:
  10. OK...well I guess it depends on whether they have a shelter under the house that is warm & cosy. I guess Lab puppies are a bit bigger than BC's.
  11. I just bought this & I am dying to try it out...seems like such a good idea belt/lead clicker & these look just as good or even better, but they didn't have them when I made my purchase Treat pouch with built in clickers I am really tempted to buy one anyway to add to my collection :laugh: Also...not sure if this is any help to you, but I wrote an article & put it into PDF format for those wanting to use a clicker...go to this link Introduction to Clicker Training & scroll down to the PDF file.
  12. I've only just read through this post & probably adding my comments is just p#ss##ing into the wind, especially seeing that the OP seems to have left this thread & started a new one I agree with everyone else....move the Crate into your bedroom & if it is a wire crate, all the better, then you can stick your fingers through the wires to let pup know you are there. I would also just like to ask, what sort of "crate training" you did with him to get him used to being in his crate?? His crate has to become his den, his little safe haven, his cave..so make all his experiences in it good ones. One other thing that is bothering me is the fact the breeder raised her pups under the house....is this normal for a good breeder Both my pups were raised in the house with their breeder until they went to their new homes & although this probably seems like "overkill", under the house seems a bit cold & impersonal
  13. Yes, yes & yes :) Take him right back to loading the clicker, hide your treats behind your back & don't point the clicker at him like a remote control. Small sessions to start with & finish with a party before he gets frustrated
  14. Are you training a recall using an E collar
  15. We blew in her face the first couple of times, that always makes her flap her ears. Then the girlchild followed her around for 4 days yelling 'head' and throwing food every time she did it unrequested/unprompted. Then tonight she said 'bear, do head!' And she did! If bear doesn't do it I just blow into the air (me standing, her sitting about a metre away) and that seems to be an effective cue. At my in laws yesterday she kept tickling their cat's ears and screaming 'head!' every time the poor beastie tried to shake her fingers off. It was quite funny. She's actually rather good at this training thing :D Is the low 5 standing between your legs how they start to teach standing on your feet for dancing? Has anyone ever taught sneezing on command? Apparently that's the funniest thing EVER :laugh: actually that may be how we got onto the head shaking, the kid blowing on her hoping she'd sneeze. She also really wants to teach bear to hop (after a brief but hysterical 'I want a bunny' argument that ended when I said we'd teach the dog to hop instead) but bear has all the balancing ability of a drunk with hypothermia and a wooden leg, so I'm not sure if that would be possible. Thanks all for the ideas. Any tips on how to train them would be great. Maybe we should start a dog tricks challenge! We have a thread for that :) What trick Are you Training
  16. If she already knows how to back up, teach her to back up a wall :)
  17. Apart from pet food, I always thought that horse meat was used in some continental meats, salamis etc
  18. Ebabler :mad I just spent $100 Hehehe and this is only around the $50 - $60 mark I think ???? Yeah...well I had to add to it, didn't I I thought the training skirt would be a good one for when I am instructing class, as I can stick all sorts of things in it, including my phone. Then I saw that clicker that attaches to the lead or your belt, so you are never without it....then I saw the 10 meter long lines that I need to re-teach my girl recalls with distractions :laugh:
  19. She got over a hundred responses & was thrilled. Will see if I can get the results from her as I agree, it would be interesting, especially to see if it was swayed by DOL's opinions :)
  20. Thanks everyone for taking part in this Edited...cause it is now closed
  21. Ebabler :mad I just spent $100
  22. What a great idea...I would join in if I lived closer..sounds great :)
  23. My BC girl never dug holes, that I can remember, but she was a terrible chewer. My four year old boy has always been a hole digger, but now he only digs them to sleep in. Needless to say my garden looks like the craters on the moon. :laugh: I found that if I put the dog poo in a hole that was in the wrong place, he was more likely to avoid digging there.
  24. This weeks one is Snooker Excellent Level but I am going to take away the hoop for the Novice group
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