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Everything posted by sheena

  1. The table was always a place where novice dogs stuffed up along with weaves & contacts...so taking the table out & increasing the number of Q's required will probably almost equal out. I know with my own dogs...we seemed to take ages to get out of novice with only one fault all the time. I quite liked the table as a discipline for novice dogs. I didn't like seeing it in Masters or Games though....too much of a variable with the judges count. Taking the weaves out of Open Jumping will make getting JDO easier, though the SCT will probably be less.
  2. You could try playing the Look At That Game to counter-condition him to the doorbell & visitors. I have done up some class notes on it, if you would like to PM me your email address, then I can email them off to you along with some notes on getting started with clicker training :)
  3. Table has gone. See Saw is getting bigger. More Q's needed for Novice and Excellent titles. They were the big ticket items for me. Others seem to be concerned about the games being judged as one height class, but meh.....I won't be having to worry about that for a little bit. ;) It seems that the number of Q's required for titles in the Games will remain as is. It has just changed for agility & jumping. New Agility Rules New Games Rules
  4. Definately make a yard for her. For our Border Collies we just used dog wire & we have a hot wire (electric fence) wire running around the top. They have never tried to get out. You can also run a wire around the bottom about 6" from the ground if she is a digger.
  5. No problem with Black Hawk here. My dogs have been on it for years. If it is a yeast infection, they could try feeding cooked pumpkin skins, several times a week for a while
  6. Sorry....but another one...this time a little slower :laugh:
  7. An adult would be better than nothing...maybe the child with a parent
  8. No problem. I was just thinking if you are going to play LAT with him, maybe if you started off with an older child...one you could give instruction to. Start with the child being very calm and as your training progresses & you are having success, you gradually introduce more animation/noise in the child. Keep your sessions short, & always end on a happy note/party & with your dog being successful. If at any time you click & he doesn't immediately turn back to you, then you know you are asking too much & you need to go back a step to where he was being successful :)
  9. Beef Liver Treats used to give my BC girl instant scoots when she was that age Even just a small amount.
  10. Yes...definately, especially if you work with a clicker. I have just done up instructions for this for some of the dogs & handlers in my agility classes....I can send these to you, if you PM me an email address. One day I will get around to putting it on my website, but that wont be today :)
  11. My guys love hide & seek...we play it in the house. Get him to stay, or if he is still not up to that being so young, get someone to hold him while you go & hide, then call his name & when he does find you, party, party & lots of praise & treats or a game of tug....most BC's love a game of tug, but watch your fingers :laugh:
  12. OMG...where to start ???? For starters I would get into clicker training & teach all sorts of tricks. How to get started Introduction to Clicker Training. My guys go nuts for it :)
  13. Yes I agree we should keep separate heights for the reasons you mention. I am a bit sad to see the table go. I thought it was a good discipline for Novice, but I don't like seeing it pop up in Masters or Games. It was one of those things that kept dogs in Novice a bit longer, but with having to get 5 Q's now for your Novice Title that will probably compensate for the removal of the table. The see saw change is probably better, as it will be easier to go from ANKC to AADA comp FHRP & others, this is a free world so if you don't want to discuss the changes until they are released, then come back in two weeks time. It's a bit like being told that we can't discuss Government Policy till they are officially released. If you don't want to be in this thread, then you don't have to be. !!
  14. So you are all telling me that discussing the proposed changes to the rules should not be discussed at all. They are being discussed at our club meeting this Tuesday...I thought some people may have an opinion on them. I realise that nothing can be done about it, but where does that stop them being debated or discussed Sorry for wasting all your time...I shall go out in the rain & train my dogs till their paws drop off...or better still, I will go into Off Topic & join in the discussion on more "important" topics like what I am having for dinner
  15. I hope you are right but apparantly leaked documents say that it is true Agility Nationals Facebook
  16. Going great here with my two Very happy with it.
  17. I thought I would start a thread for discussion on the proposed rule changes for ANKC Agility. From what I can gather, the table is going, the wee-saw is being replaced with something in between what we have now & the full height. Games are no longer going to be judged in different height categories but will be simply 1st, 2nd & 3rd place like it is with Opens. Rumor has it that judges will no longer be setting a Standard Course Time (SCT) & in its place each state will have its own set of standard dogs. One for each dog height. These dogs will be chosen by a national panel of judges and housed at each canine control headquarters. These changes are going to be coming in January 2016.
  18. I am not sure if a doberman is structured right for agility...ie...risk of injury from repetitive jumping & clamoring through tunnels etc. Have you thought of Rally - O ??? And as someone else mentioned, Dancing & Heelwork to Music.
  19. We don't start training with obstacles until the dogs are at least twelve months old, for agility & then it is only with very low jumps. Tunnels & puppy humps are OK. They have to be 18 months old before they can compete. But there are heaps of things you can do with your pup from day one that will prepare him for agility. When he gets a bit older, you can work on focus, stays, recalls (very important in agility), teach him tricks like spins, weaves between your legs, leave-it, back-end awareness, running between the uprights of jumps...the list goes on & on :) Just remember with a puppy, to keep all your training sessions really short...like a couple of minutes at a time. Finish while he is wanting more, not when he starts to get bored & distracted.
  20. I have a fair bit of training gear because I do instructing at the club. I just store mine in a square laundry basket the same as THIS
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