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Everything posted by sheena

  1. Finally, Bindi & I have managed our Masters Agility title But it has been a long battle & I think she has worn out my wick Thinking very seriously of retiring her I am getting too loud on course & it is not a good look & I hate myself afterwards to the point of tears. She was on a role yesterday & I had her working nicely with me & about to run an absolutely beautiful course & my OH just suddenly turned up to watch. The result was not pretty & I withdrew her off the course after just a few obstacles. I apologised later to the judge when he wasn't busy, but it was all too much for me & I really considered giving up on agility there & then This weekend's trial was the last for us this season & what a one to go out on I had some fabulous runs with my guys & even Little Miss Slowcoach (AKA Bindi) had a ball & came 8th in Open Agility to give her, her ADO3 Title. Wildchild (AKA Cricket) was so much fun to run & yesterday got his Novice Agility Title with 32 seconds to spare. And just to show that it wasn't a fluke, he got an extra AD Q today with first place & 30 seconds to spare. :) Just had our last trial for 2015...Bindi gained her SPDX title & her ADO4 title. She is still struggling with making the time for JDM. Cricket is still a wild child in trials & only got his JDX title, he is sitting on JDO & GDX
  2. I have been using Nexgard for about 10 months now...it is fabulous :)
  3. If you go to that file I mentioned above, I have described the one about the box :) Here is a photo of what happened when my guy got to number 102 :laugh:
  4. I used a "Tick key" - you just slide them in and pull them out :) They are very easy to use and so far has worked perfectly each time. I have always just pulled them out with my fingers...I don't muck around with tools..if I see a tick I just get it down as low as possible & pull it out.
  5. This is right up my ally On my webpage you will find an article I wrote to help with this if you go to this link Introduction to Clicker Training Scroll down to the link to the PDF file Have fun...your dog will love you for it. :)
  6. I just cant get my head around why these products would not be evenly distributed thoughout the tablet. It is not as if each tablet is individually made & then the active stuff squirted into them. It would be all mixed up in a vat or something & then poured into moulds. So if there is a risk that it is not evenly distributed in the tablet then that means that some tablets may have missed out all together, & that definately would not be the case. I always split my tablets or viles....have done for twenty years & never had a problem & everyone else I know that has more than one dog does the same.
  7. They are on Nexgard for ticks & fleas & we don't have many mozzies, so its just the March flies really. Thanks for the suggestions everybody :)
  8. You can get white mulberries :) We also have a pecan tree...very pretty :)
  9. I've just planted some blueberries, but they wont give you shade
  10. Mulberry tree...they give you buckets of fruit, shade, are tough & the dogs love sitting underneath eating the fruit :laugh:
  11. Amazing this was reported in an English newspaper. It is only a few kilometers from where I live, but this is the first I knew about it Two yr Old saved from drowning Hero pet staffy Leala saves her two-year-old owner's life after finding him floating face down in a dam... and racing back to the house to bark frantically at the boy's father Alexander Kenney was unconscious in a dam near Coffs Harbour in NSW Toddler was found by his nine-year-old pet dog Leala a fortnight ago Dog ran to find Alexander's father and he performed CPR for 27 minutes He was airlifted to a Brisbane hospital and placed in an induced coma The two-year-old surprised doctors by making a 'miraculous recovery'
  12. Yep...me too...several times a year :laugh: Loyalty Pet Treats have become part of their daily diet/routine :)
  13. Thanks Mrs RB... I have saved that to try spraying around the pool area & where the dogs like to spend the day. I need something that I can spray on them. We live on a farm, so picking up all the poops is impossible
  14. The downside of not using Advantix, is that now it is biting fly season, my dogs are being annoyed on there walks by march flies. They are on Nexgard for ticks, but that doesn't repel flies like the Advantix used to do What is a safe insect repellant that I can use on them ? Apart from everything else, I imagine they would not like something that stunk too much.
  15. You're welcome :) Julie, from Loyalty Pet Treats is looking for dog clubs that would like to become resellers of her products. A great way of fundraising for your club, if anybody is interested
  16. Beautifully written & so true "a dog, a really good dog, is just love, pure love." Thanks for sharing
  17. The worse thing about my chosen breed is that they don't live forever
  18. I wonder if she ever gets that cranky, so easily with her dogs The dogs look like they are enjoying it..probably saying to each other...thank goodness someone is shutting her up & now we don't need to go for a walk :laugh:
  19. I buy mine by the kilo & put an order in 2 or 3 times a year. That way, not only are they better value but over $180 is postage free :)
  20. This just came up on my Facebook...sorry I couldn't work out how else to share it except via Photoshop
  21. Hmmm...well yes...I guess. Pizzles are just that ....pizzles (boy bits)
  22. Hate to be an enabler :) but Loyalty Pet Treatsare offering a 10 % discount on their products (excluding those already discounted)for on-line orders for one week. To get the discount you need to enter the code LOYALDOGS when ordering. They are 100% Australian, contain no nasties AND do a fantastic job sponsoring a lot of dog clubs...ours included. I just bought a big box full ..pizzles, chewy roo, tripe, minnow & green lipped mussels in the big kilo bags :)
  23. Maybe best if the owners went & had a look at a few & got one fitted. What a great idea .... I might make that suggestion at our club, as we have two cattle dogs that are DA , both belong to the one owner & if she wasn't such a good club member, then they wouldn't be allowed there
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