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Everything posted by sheena

  1. This is so sad & my heart goes out to you & your friend. Reading your post it sounds like the little dog is in the last stages of the liver cancer & if that is the case is probably in a fair bit of distress. If it were my dog, I would do the kindest thing & have it PTS...I wouldn't be trying to draw out it's life by experimenting with different cures, just in case one worked enough to give it a few more months. It's quality of life has gone, very sad, but please do the right thing by the dog.
  2. I can't see the SA one listed there, but there definately is one...maybe they are just recent. Have a skip through the other two recent threads on Black Hawk
  3. Im sure I could but isnt it a large sized kibble? Not sure my iggies would want to eat too much if its too much effort to chew it lol No...it's not large...about the size of a small pea & comes in 20kilo bags for about $90. Contact the distributors & they will send you out a sample. It's really good stuff, you only have to read the threads on this forum to see that. Getting it delivered is the biggest problem. You might be closest to the SA distributor.
  4. I don't suppose you could get some Black Hawk delivered out to Broken Hill
  5. Just an update on my friend's 8 month old rescue pooch who was being terribly carsick (couldn't get down the driveway). I lent my friend a "calming cap" to see if that might work. Her dog now has a bruised retina...no idea how she did it, but she has been using the calming cap to protect the eye from the sun while out toileting etc. The other day she left the cap on while she transported her to the vet &.....you guessed it....dog was not sick. She dribbled a bit, but was not sick. Maybe we have had a break through
  6. More info please I'm also now wondering if it is worth me investing in subscribing... would I actually find time to read them, though It's only $29 per year for 12 issues...& I suppose if you are really interested in something eg. agility, then you always seem to find the time. You don't have to read them all at once as they are stored on your computer. If you cant find time to skip through them, then you're not really that interested in the sport & then, yes, it would be a waste of $29..which could probably buy a half dozen milkshakes of half a case of beer or a whole year's subscription to a fabulous & informative magazine, like Clean Run
  7. This is my second year of getting the Clean Run magazine digitly. Around the 20th of each month you will get an email which gives you the link to click on to download your magazine for viewing while on-line. When you download it there is another link where you can download it so it is permantly on your computer & you don't need to be on-line to read it. You can print out any article you want & you can even access old copies as well (at an extra cost). The average download is about 70mb. You would need to be on some sort of broadband...we are on mobile broadband with a reasonable but not real fast speed. I think it is around $29 per year & it is great value. You can download it to up to 3 computers.
  8. sheena


    My BC gilr changed overnight when she turned 18 months...before that there are times I could have easily given her back & never thought I would survive. So different to all the other BC's we have had. She still has moments of "selective hearing", but I just turn around & yell "I'm going!!" & she is by my side in a flash
  9. I got mine down from Brisbane via Fastway Couriers to Coffs Harbour Fastways Depo for just $14.00 . Not sure if I got a special deal cause my son in law works there, but I don't think so I contacted Fastways & did the paper work from this end with reciever to pay freight.
  10. I really can't understand why you don't just mix a bit of tasty mince in with the kibble. If someone just gave me boring, dry old kibble I wouldn't eat it either. If you really insist that your dog is only going to have dry kibble for it's every main meal, then once you got the dog eating it with the mince, then slowly start to reduce the amount of mince, until he's just eating kibble.
  11. I give my 19 kilo Border Collie 1/2 Cetirizine when needed once a day for her itches mainly due to little ticks. This is the generic form of Zyrtec & is a human antihistamine. Maybe the calendula tea rinse would be good for her, especially if its only in one spot.
  12. My friend, who's dog a wrote about a while ago. re: car sickness, now has a bruised retina. She came home & her dog was obviously in some pain with her eye, so she took her to the vet (chucked on the way, of course) & that's what the vet came up with. The calming cap I lent her to see if it would help with the car sickness, has now come in handy to protect her pup's eye from the sun while she is outside...it has also made her very quite. Got no idea how she did it Anyone had this before & did it have a happy ending ?
  13. Have you tried mixing a bit of nice mince meat in with his dry...most dogs couldn't resist that. Also have you been reading the threads to Black Hawk. If you ask them they will send you a sample which you can try to see if he likes it. My BC used to be hard to feed when she was a pup if I just gave her dry biscuits. I used to cook her up a mix of mince, vegetables & rice & mix that through her dry & she would lick the bowl. Second time around, I don't think I would bother with the cooking...but it was fun Also, as with small kids, don't put a whole heap down in front of him, just a small meal, even make a game out of it, & scatter it, or get him to chase the bits of kibble.
  14. Proban or Advantix or both together if you want to make doubly sure...plus twice daily searching. Proban is the best if he might be swimming but has to be given every 48 hourly. If you're only going for a few days & not swimming, then one of the better tick collars like Killtik (spelling???) would be sufficient together with twice daily searching.
  15. You are totally correct here dog0267 re the imported foods having to say EXACTLY where the ingredients are sourced from, not so for Australian products unfortunately. Don't you just hate that with our Human food...always says on the can/package "from local & imported ingredients"....I for one, would love to know where my food comes from ...what bit is local & what bit is imported & from where
  16. Have you seen this new head harness called the Canny Collar www.cannyco.com.au which controls from behind the head & doesn't ride up into the eyes. There's a review in the latest Dogs NSW Mag written by a Canadian Animal Chiropracter. I am not a fan of head collars but, I quote "This collar is unique in that it actually teaches the dog to walk quietly by the handler. It does so gently - the "reins" control the dog from behind the head, not from under the chin, so it doesn't pull the dogs head sideways, & the soft nose strap can't ride up into the dogs eyes"
  17. I paid about $25 including postage from The Vetshed for the Gentle Leader Easy Walker for my 19 kilo border collie & it worked like a charm....I think from memory you do have to do it up fairly firmly with only a couple of fingers in it. I don't need to use it any more unless I am taking her into a very exciting situation, but I find it works great. I talked my sister, who has bad sholders, into getting one for her little foxy x poodle who would only weigh about 8 kilos & she said it's great.
  18. Just received my 20kg bag of Black Hawk & read the list of ingredients & it answers my question....I can do away with the supplements
  19. Hi Sherel, I just recived my very generous sample in the mail...thankyou. I also picked up my 20 kg bag from Julana as well. While I was in Petstock yesterday buying some toys for my mums cat, I found a perfect airtight container to hold the 20 kg bag, especially made for this type of thing. Needless to say my dog wont leave me alone...she knows whats in the bag
  20. I have just googled it & got onto this website about BARF http://www.barfworld.com/html/barf_diet/ba..._specific.shtml Among the vegies it mentions as being important to the dogs diet it list brocolli, spinach, carrot & cayenne pepper & garlic. It also mentions that pork is OK for dogs. The Dogs NSW also mentions in this article not to feed your dogs pork or pork products, it says (regarding pork) "most dogs cannot tolerate fat derived from pig products....ingestion can lead to pancreatitis which can be fatal" Pity they couldn't put up some evidence to cover their claim. Articles like this, just add to my confusion as to what I can & can't feed my dog...it's a wonder any dog has ever survived in my household. ETA another site I found lists beetroot & carrot made into a soup & given daily to help with some major liver problems of dogs.
  21. They are talking about rhubarb stems (the part we eat) as being poisonous. The leaves are poisonous to everything except the caterpillars that feed on them. I feel the article by Dogs NSW was a little bit inconclusive...omitting some foods & including new ones.
  22. It listed them as human foods , so obviously they meant the part of the rhubarb that we eat. Funny they didn't mention cabbage, brocolli & garlic.
  23. You know dogs that chew dry food Mine have had Black Hawk recently and they definitely don't do any chewing (they also get RMB). No arguments with the quality of the food Gave her the BH sample for dinner last night with the usual meat mixed in....she likes a "silver service" type meal...one that she can eat slowly & enjoy every mouthful. She kept going back to the empty dish just in case she'd missed a bit.
  24. The December issue of Dogs NSW magazine has an article on nutrition & diet. It lists 8 human foods NOT to feed your dog. They are Onion, avocado, grapes, chocolate, rhubarb, mushrooms, beetroot & spinach. While I have always known about the first 4, that is the first I have seen rhubarb, mushrooms, beetroot & spinach added to the list. I often feed silverbeet to my dog Unfortunately they don't explain why.
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