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Everything posted by Sam&Saki

  1. Bwahahahaha love the stylish hat Frodo has there!
  2. Awwwww so cute, they look to be having so much fun!!! Wish I could bring my doggy over for a run in the snow!
  3. Cute! & jealous of the size of your yard and that your grass isn't dead!
  4. Sam&Saki

    Bad Dog

    If you yelled "no" or "bad dog" at my dog, she wouldn't react either I find a stern "Uhhh" works much better than yelling / using words they don't know. But really, it is a matter of redirecting. If your dog is stealing things, is she bored? Acting up? Fix this and there'll be no problem. If it's not that, have you taught "off"? (As in, don't touch that, leave that alone.) She may not know what's she's doing is wrong. Make it clear to hear that the cabinet is "off", everything on the cabinet is "off" and reward her for staying away. If you catch her in the act, say "Uhhh!" in a sharp, low tone (don't shout) and either use "off" or "down" and then reward her
  5. I have bells hanging down from the inside door handle, Saki rings them to go outside I taught her by ringing them myself and then sticking her outside a few times. She caught on pretty instantly x
  6. I would like to order one red and white polka dot DRY MOUTH (no drooling) newfie please! Must be able to say "I ruv roo!" on command. 6am Christmas day delivery. Thanks!
  7. bolded bits are actually laws, not beliefs Laws are based on beliefs. Belief is murder is wrong. Law makes murder illegal. Are you really trying to argue that DOLers believe dogs should be allowed to roam, fight, hunt where ever and when ever they like? & only don't do that because of the law? The way we keep dogs is unnatural, and incorporates all sorts of beliefs we put on to our dogs, so those accusations don't really hold water. What should matter is what is BEST for your dog. Is not allowing your dog to roam best for your dog? Absolutely. Is putting your dog on vegetarian diet best for your dog? Very unlikely. There is a lot of fascinating, good healthy discussion in this thread There is also a heap of replies that are just reactionary "tell them they're crazy / anthropomorphic / not normal!" Fact is, telling them that won't help convince them not to put the dog on a vegie diet, which was my point, and appropriate to the discussion. Why is everyone else allowed to disagree and share differing opinions, but you want me to leave the thread, Gareth?
  8. Nawww so cute! Agreed with the above 2 'favourites', and also the 3rd photo in the first post. Are you going to use them for Christmas cards or something? x
  9. Catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. If someone is considering feeding their dog a vegie diet, explain to them that feeding their dog commercial dog food does not contribute the kill rate. This is far more effective than getting on your high horse and making ridiculous accusations of craziness, selfishness, anthropomorphism or anything else. We ALL force our beliefs onto our dogs, by desexing them, not allowing them to roam, not allowing them to fight / breed / hunt / live naturally. Vegetarians just don't want to cause any animals to die. If you attack them for this they will not listen to you. If you explain to them that dogs can eat meat that is offcuts from an animal already slaughtered for other reasons, and therefore not causing any additional deaths, they may listen to you. Or you can always argue the point that their responsibility to their dog is greater than their responsibility to other animals, who are not in their direct care, although this is an argument that can only be made by someone who actually considers the ethics involved, rather than discounting ethics in order to feel superior. Clearly there are a number of people in this thread who would prefer to insult others than actually persuade others to do what's best for their dog.
  10. Huski, maybe you could search the threads from the many times previously this topic has come up, print out all the info on how and why that kind of diet is bad for a dog, and hand it over to her :D Although if she doesn't have a dog now and isn't planning on getting one soon perhaps just encourage her towards pet rabbits?
  11. If there is conclusive proof that the dog will do well on the diet they are feeding them, then it's fine. I don't think there is any for vegie diets for dogs though. I'm not sure what studies have shown about the high end vegetarian dry dog food, but AFAIK I think it's only for dogs who have to avoid meat for medical reasons. In this situation I would encourage this woman not to own any pet that is a carnivore, as those "not meat" products are largely tofu and soy and are no good for dogs at all. However in general I'd encourage vegetarians to feed their dogs meat by pointing out that dog food is off-cuts secondary to human meat production, so in essence no additional animals have died to feed your pet.
  12. Oh that spray in temporary hair dye stuff? Didn't think of that. Wonder if it's safe for dogs?
  13. Hahahah no! Not going to bleach Saki Would love to give her more pink polka dots though - if there were an easier way than the extensive chewing gum drama
  14. My doggy prefers fish to any other food in the world :D Sardines, tuna, the oilier and smellier the better Common with Spitz dogs, and good for their coat too ;) x
  15. May I ask what it means when people say that Malamutes "aren't a one-man dog"? They don't particularly strongly with their owners? Or...?
  16. Yay finally beach weather again! As soon as I've not so much got so much damn work, we'll be back down there Shylar's lightning bolts coming out of her ears crack me up every time I look at a photo of her
  17. Saki's pink splotch There is not a bit of chewy left in her fur, absolutely none at all, her fur is actually dyed fluro pink there now Perhaps I should add some more, and she could be a pink polka dot doggy for a while
  18. OMG! That is so very cool! I can't believe it's so cheap!? I want one! Two in fact! *wonders if the poor artist will get flooded with DOLers*
  19. Ahaha adorable What a great idea. Love to see it 'studio shot' style too! x
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