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Everything posted by Jey

  1. Billinghurst writes extensively on how to achieve a balanced-as-possible diet. And heck there's no guarantee on your dog getting a balanced diet with any other foods. Further who the heck gets a perfectly balanced diet anyway?
  2. Browse the health thread for any topics headed with BARF, or anything that looks useful. There's heaps in there. Others will post more specific advice too.
  3. I'd pop down to your library and borrow one of Billinghurts's books if possible. 'The BARF Diet' is easy to understand, you could read it in one night if you wanted to.
  4. Thanks heaps for the advice Trehilyn. I'll get watering this arvy.
  5. RMC, what kind of sick was your Staffy? Vomiting and pooing? Or anything else? We had a little extra poo this morning, but he seems ok.
  6. That's a great idea for the future. Thank you. I'd rather not risk letting him gobble it all up though.
  7. 'Natural' yoghurt is the unflavoured one. It's a little bit bitter/tart. I'm assuming this, but it's probably a safe guess.
  8. Partner bought some new plants for the yard today. He also purchased some blood and bone. As soon as I saw that he purchased that I knew it was a bad idea, but thought that the dog is pretty good at avoiding what's bad for him. Not this time! He thought it was delicious and hoed right in the minute he was unsupervised in the yard. Fortunately it wasn't for very long. I called the vet and she said that he might have some vomiting and diarrhoea, and to keep an eye on him. He seems fine at the moment. My main issue is that now we have to isolate him from that part of the yard, restricting him to a much smaller section, which I'm sure he will not appreciate. Thus, I am wondering if anyone knows how long it will stay around for. The obvious answer is to collect it all back up, though. Nup, he wants me to leave it. *sigh*
  9. I had a yoghurt question too. I hope the OP doesn't mind if I ask it here: I was reading a thread about feeding and someone mentioned that they buy a tub of yoghurt and that lasts the month. I was wondering if it goes off? I'm assuming not, but can someone let me know what they buy and how long it lasts? Cheers
  10. Bugger about the conditions. Good job though!
  11. For Brisbane, I'd suggest Jane Harper. I haven't met with her yet but she was highly recommened to me. There's a few more in the area - others will suggest. Obedience school may also be an option. Logan All Breeds is quite cheap. Although they do use slip collars, but you don't have to yank so hard that your dog yelps. Different dogs need different levels of correction, that's up to you (the dog owner) to suss out, with assistance.
  12. How much is it for a pack of BARF patties? There's 12 in them?
  13. Awww he's gorgeous. I don't have any advice but lots of ppl here should be able to help. Good on you for seeking out help and undertaking some training. Probably worth following up with regular socialisation or trips to obedience school. Others may expand on that too.
  14. What a wonderful sounding clas/club. It would be great if they were all like that.
  15. This is about all the info there is atm. Rom might be able to answer your questions better. Rom?
  16. Camp Tailwaggers on the Gold Coast. Just give it a quick google and the website should come up.
  17. Jey

    Not Drinking Water

    If it's a difference btw the dog drinking water and not drinking water, and it's the only occasion you pander to the dog, I really don't think it matters.
  18. Jey

    Not Drinking Water

    I was so relieved when I solved the mystery with Rodney. I was really really worried about it. Keep us posted.
  19. There's a thread about this at the moment: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=141372&hl=
  20. Jey

    Not Drinking Water

    I'd try a different vessel. My dog was not drinking water recently. I'd get him to drink out of my hands. Then he would start drinking out of different bowls/containers, but still wouldn't drink out of his bowl. I changed his water bowl and started putting dry food in it. Saw him eating the food one day - his id tags from his collar were banging on the side of the bowl frightening him. Mystery solved. Might not be the problem with your dog but trying a different vessel is a good start.
  21. Thanks. I was also wondering if dogs needed the nutrients from vegies.
  22. That kind of class would be fantastic. I suppose there are not a lot of them around?
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