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Everything posted by Showpony

  1. Hi, Just wondering if the parents of the fence climbing, fruit stealing child.......have apologized or even taken the time to talk to you about this incident........it's just I dont think I would have trusted the brother to even tell his parents what happen, seeing he was supposed to be watching the child in the first place.......so whilst the parents will never win a Parent of the Year Award......think it's still important that they do know what happened
  2. Hi, All the Pointers owned by the one exhibitor........but not sure which ones are going yet......if any
  3. Hi, Is it a ground that you could get bogged in the carpark.......trying to decide to either take my 4WD or small ecomonical car, as I'm not taking dogs.
  4. Hi, Any chance of posting the map......I'm going to help some friends but never been to this show...thanks
  5. Hi, Heres my guess......small C shaped piece goes on first, then the small comb, then the large comb......but dont know why the wires have come off and would guess they attached to the C shape piece....?????????
  6. Hi Can you post some pictures.......all clippers are pretty the same
  7. Hi, The biggest suit shop in the world....ebay
  8. Hi, Found this on fb group Dog Show Fashion Police.....classic So long as we all aim to not look like this...we'll be fine...LOL......and if in doubt refer to the Fashion Citation
  9. Hi, I wouldn't worry about the pink blouse behind your boy......so long as the colour looks nice.........have thought about a nice RMW skirt for Sydney Royal and a pair of tassel loafers for shoes......my only reason for saying this is I once had an oversea judge stay with me after our breed show, this was 20 years ago, she was highly insulted that none of the women handlers dressed up ie wore a skirt.....though at the time everyone was 'dressed up' in nice tailored trouser suits........but this was not what the judge was use to seeing, and thought we were all too casual.......I started wearing skirt suits from then on, especially for American judges....LOL Hair.....long hair not pinned back can look a bit messy....but depends on the hair....some hair stays in place while some hair takes a life of it own during a run around the ring......once again think of the compete picture. Short skirt.....loved the "hows your boys" comment someone made with regard to bending over.......and have had my 'photo taken' several times from outside the ring by short skirted exhibitors bending over, g strings are not good in this case....have experienced that as well...LOL......short skirts also pose promblems when crouching or kneeling behind your dog if you dont keep your knees together....a Sharon Stone Fatal Attraction moment.....LOL
  10. Hi, This was a piece of advice given to me 30 years ago........regardless of the show ie venue or size.......always present your dog and yourself as if you are at a Royal (ie clean, neat, siutable colour etc and as best you can within your budget)........this is not for the benefit of the judge you are showing to.......but for the others looking on at ringside who have more time to take in the complete picture and for photographs that my be taken by friends and onlookers......the only exemption was pouring rain.......then gum boot up and wet weather gear
  11. Hi, It is far better to prevent heartwaorm...than to have your dog get heartworm and then be treated for it.........I had a dog diagnosed with heartworm at the time it first hit Syndey some 30 years ago, I know the treatment is easier now.......but this is a very unpleasant thing to have........prevention is far better, and as someone else has said...talk to your vet.
  12. Im pretty sure it was 797.....but get a second confirmation
  13. 1. Pointer 2. Pointer 3. Pointer 4. Hungarian Vizsla 5. Whippet
  14. Hi, For Pointers I buy my calendar from www.ledgands.co.uk . All proceeds go towards Pointer Rescue in England , there are lots of photographs and each months features the photos and story of one of the many rescues, which unfortunately happens to this lovely breed
  15. Ripley (Pointer) and Phoenix (Terrier)
  16. Hi, Have you thought of a green .......would look lovely behind the red and white, not so sure about the blue merle....though this could depend on the tone. Also a caramel/gold or even a burnt orange......
  17. Hi, I went to a handling seminar and what was recommended there was a flat linked check chain, reason being is they release easier, quicker and with a very slight hand movement. It took me alot of google searching to find them........they come in different gauges and lengths but from what I can see only in silver........and they work as the pro handler said, they are excellent.
  18. Hi, If you go during the week in the middle of the day, you are likely to meet a Pointer exhibitor who takes about 9 dogs to swim........it's ok the join in with this gang....the dogs and the owner are great.
  19. the jury's out on these.... perhaps save your money ;) Hi, A friend uses the bird netting that goes over the top of fruittrees which can be bought from Bunnings, around her chicken run.......though she has it laying loosely on the ground and has caught 3 snakes this year in it. Her neighbour has an orchard and this is what he does to keep snakes out.
  20. Did you see and hear this yourself, and if so, did you tell the committee or the show rep? Hi, Saw a similiar thing at Sydney Royal this year.........one of the judges was just standing around all by themselves watching ring 1......when an exhibitor came up, there was a big happy hello from both parties, a kiss and then a fairly long converstaion. My intial thought was this should not be allowed to happen and where was the steward or a committee member. As an aside, the horse judges appointed at Sydney Royal are escorted by security the minute they arrive at the front gate till the time they leave via the front gate, so no exhibitor can get anywhere near them.....I think sometimes Judges dont do themselves any favours and leave themselve wide open to be called corrupt.
  21. Hi, Most of the reasons stated expense, accountability of judges, unfriendly exhibitors, travel time etc would affect some people, giving them a reason not to show or not show as often........I think the number of shows held in NSW spreads the base of exhibitors thinly eg last weekend there were cluster shows at Berrima, Newcastle, and Forbes........I have seen weekends where 24 shows are held and all are within a 3 hour driving distance of each other. Someone mentioned judge accountability and refresher training for all judges, what a good idea.........this happens with horses and Dressage. Judges training is another area.......the last 2 years I have been involved with the judges training program, taking dogs in.......one of the lectures given by a breed specialist and All Breeds judge was just plain incorrect and this person backed their statements by saying.....this use to be in the standard but was taken out......this was WRONG and had never been in any standard. Another example coming from the judges training scheme.....is training judges have to attend shows then write a breed critiques, then have the critiques read and signed off by a Judge........but what was seen on the weekend was a trainee having blank critique sheets signed off, so they would write the critiques later. The whole point of this excerise is the mentoring, educating, correction and discussion with an experienced judge, which in this case wouldn't happen.....once again where's the judge accountability.
  22. There is no such thing as Neuter in Group, there are specific classes that are available. A dog could win Junior Neuter in group and win no points because there was an Open Neuter in the same breed that took out the breed then went on to ON in group. It is the same as classes. The BOB Neuters don't automatically all go up against each other unless the only class offered is 18/A. Maybe if the class was better supported it could justify the CC's arguing for more points to be available. The NT has supported the class prior to the class being given the points recognition. We often have a large percentage of our entries being neuter compared to the numbers quoted in this thread. Hi, Thanks for that info, I was told the BOB Neuters do run off....so been barking up the wrong tree.......LOL.......
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